Article by Mireille Hammal
More often people ask me why do I keep posting and talking about forgiveness and gratitude. It is because through gratitude and forgiveness I got the chance to return to who I am and to expand in my own light.
My journey with forgiveness and gratitude started 7 years ago, two years before getting attuned with Reiki. It was like a preparation for what was waiting for me to start my journey of healing. Every time I was receiving a Reiki session, I used to have a certain blockage on my Heart and Throat chakras. I used to feel sad wondering all the time why those two chakras were always blocked and I am a loving person who communicates very well mainly that I was working in the Media field back then. Isn’t it enough to have them functioning right in total balance?
The answers of the healers were always the same: you need to forgive, to let go and to accept loving yourself.
At that time, I was not ready to dig deeply and as usual I was totally convinced that I have completed my forgiveness but I was aware that I was not loving myself completely. Actually, It was not the perfect timing for me to understand things so deeply. I was accepting and I kept postponing. In other terms, I was resisting because I was not ready. Letting go is challenging and to me back then, staying in my comfort zone was way better than sitting with my inner self and my repressed emotions.
I was not taught how to do this anyways. I used to read lots of books about emotions and healing, I used to do many therapy sessions, to attend lots of seminars and workshops yet something was missing. Taking responsibility of my own life was missing. It was easier for me to give my power away and to just complain and blame.
Then the divine timing for my inner work rang the bell. When the universe decided to offer me a job opportunity in a new country where I will be living alone and on my own, it has a plan for me in store. And I trusted from the 1st second I agreed on taking the job that there is something deeper than the job itself awaiting for me. I felt something is unfolding but I did not know how to describe it at that time. I just went with the flow.

Image by Celia Kathy Berk
When the universe prepares an agenda for us, it is indeed one of the most perfect agendas ever. All tiny details are taken into consideration. It is the perfect description for perfectionism. The universe is indeed a professional organizer. How can we doubt that with all the organizing way the cosmos and nature work and perform all around us.
Only when I had the chance to live alone and therefore to have lots of free time doing nothing at night, I started digging deeply. Those digging nights were full of revelations. It is there where I started to understand the reasons behind my struggles, it is there that I chose to forgive, it is there where I started to count my blessings, to appreciate my life and to cultivate a daily habit of gratitude.
Yeah, right it took me 33 years. At the age of 33, I started to authentically forgive. I forgave many people and most important I forgave myself. I forgave to set myself free, to let go of the need to remain in prison with a past that I was never accepting. I chose to be in the here and now and to understand the learning in every situation I went through in every stage of my life and I am still learning till this moment.
Only when I started to forgive, things started to shift in my life. I started to meet new people connecting me to other new people who added a lot to my life through their expertise in the healing field and this is where I started to appreciate the blessings I was showered with. Being aware of those blessings was the big “Eureka” of my life. This is were I noticed the importance of appreciation and the Power of gratitude.
Back to the agenda of the universe, all this was scheduled to be in this perfect way and timing so I can meet my Reiki teacher and do several sessions and consultations inviting me to dig deeper and to release more and more. Dig and release… Dig and release… Like the daily routine of a farmer preparing his garden to plant new seeds… Plough and release old unhealthy stuff not needed for the growth of the plants and the vegetables. The farmer prepares a clean and clear soil fertile enough to receive new seeds and conceive a new season. It became like a ritual in my life until I became ready to learn Reiki and to do the whole shift in my career and all areas of my life.
Forgiveness has never stopped, it kept on going in my life, so I could heal deeper and deeper.
Gratitude will never stop, it is my daily motto since 2013 and not by coincidence at all, 2013 was the year I met the love of my life and the father of our precious daughter.
The universe has worked perfectly to prepare me for a big shift. 2 years of intensive work through forgiveness, letting go and gratitude paved the way for a wonderful 2015 where I got married, I quit my job, I became a Reiki Master, I returned to my country, I got pregnant and I started offering Reiki healing sessions and facilitating empowering workshops. Only when we choose to let go and to let God, things unfold so magically beautifully.
Till today, among all the topics I give talks about, I am still giving workshops and talks about forgiveness, letting go and gratitude. To be honest, I never get bored of talking about those topics. I don’t feel I am repeating myself because in every talk, I discover something new about myself through the stories of people who attend the talks. I enjoy sharing the 2 magical revealed secrets behind the shift in my journey.
#gratitudeattitude became my daily hashtag and circle of forgiveness my passionate purpose to invite people looking within and choosing to take their power back and letting go of the chains impeding their growth and improvement in life, the chains obstructing the energy from flowing freely and healthily in their body and all areas of their life.
Reiki found me in 2010 to initiate me and to help me remembering who I am. Forgiveness and gratitude found me later on to complete the purpose of Reiki and to help me returning to who I am.
Today, I cannot separate Reiki from forgiveness and gratitude. They all complete each other. They are all interlinked. Reiki is the healing love that motivates us to forgive and to be grateful to the grace of life itself. Reiki paves the way for forgiveness by helping us releasing the old wounds, the old traumas and all what was is serving us anymore. After Reiki, we start shifting and messages start coming to us so magically reminding us of our self worth and of the importance of forgiving to stay aligned with our precious worthiness.
By choosing to go into this direction step by step and at ease, we can’t but be grateful to the wonderful awakening journey that helped us opening our eyes to the truth and to the real reality of love.
When I choose to keep posting about forgiveness and gratitude, it is because this is how I learned, this is how things started in my healing journey, when books, posts, articles and movies about forgiveness and gratitude started to pop up in front of me like a massive shower from a universe who wanted me to look within and to start living from within.
Letting go and forgiveness are still a part of my daily life, once a layer is released and new one shows up inviting me to dig there and to take my time to understand what’s going on in this specific area, what do I need to heal this time?
And for this, I am so grateful.
It doesn’t matter where you are right now in your personal journey, it doesn’t matter if you are ready for forgiveness or not, just take all the time you need to start looking within, discerning the signs and noticing the messages sent to you. You will know when you are ready. The universe agenda is never mistaken. We do not all awaken and choose to heal in the exact same way, but we do this for the same common reason to truly take our power away and to accept becoming the master of our own life with the divine guidance of the Creator who wants us to be the best version of ourselves. He wants us to remember the soul contract we did with him prior our physical incarnation so we can be able to return to who we are. We are love and we are light.
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Mireille Hammal Kassir is a Reiki Master, Practitioner, Teacher, and Writer. Her career path is about Healing, Coaching and Empowering. Believing that life is meant to be beautiful, abundant and rewarding in all areas, she facilitates empowering workshops for moms, parents, men, women, and children providing them tools to start believing in themselves as creative beings able to shine, to create and to achieve whatever they wish to accomplish in their life journey. The variety of the workshops she give helps people of all ages re-mapping their life and creating a new belief trusting that it’s never too late to follow their dreams, to bring their talents to light, to change, to release and let go of what does not serve their body and their soul anymore.
Mireille can be reached via her e-mail address and can be followed on her Blog at, on Facebook at Mireille Hammal and on Instagram at Mireille_Hammall.
Thank you very much!.. I accidentally noticed this article. Actually few days back i went through so much emotional highs and that time I realized I forgot to love myself and I never never forgave myself. Need to work on so many things myself first. Thank you for this wonderful article.
Thank you so much for your beautiful feedback. Everything happens for a reason and at the perfect timing. I am glad this was a beautiful reminder for you.
Much love 💜