Also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, ‘mula’ meaning ‘root’ and ‘dhara’ meaning ‘support’, it governs a person’s relationship with both the basic needs pertaining to physical as well as psychological factors like food, water, shelter, trust, acceptance, comfort, family values, personality, etc.
This is our grounding and survival energy and thus we can ground our energies to earth with the help of this chakra. Grounding is very important as it keeps one centered, stable and clears negative energy and helps us keep our Root chakra balanced.
As a practitioner, we all have to cleanse our chakras on a regular basis. And I am no different. I keep improvising my cleansing techniques as doing it on a regular basis; I have to make sure that I don’t become stagnant in my approach. This will not only lead to boredom but will eventually lead to losing interest in the whole process. So here I present a technique which has given me immense peace and fantastic results.
Root Chakra Meditation:
- Sit in a relaxed and comfortable position in a clean place in Gnyan mudra.
- Gnyan mudra is touching the tip of your thumb and the index finger.
- You can also start instrumental music relating to Root chakra from Youtube if it doesn’t disturb you.
- You can also light a red colour candle (if available with you) with or without aroma.
- Take three deep breathes and start with looking at the Root chakra symbol if available for few minutes and then slowly close your eyes and calm yourself taking in deep breathes till you feel you are ready to start with your meditation.
Image by yogakalyanii
- Start with imagining a beautiful shade of ruby red colour at the Root chakra and chant the beej mantra “Lum” for a few minutes.
- You can start with chanting “Lum” at a higher pitch with prolonged “M” and slowly and steadily slowly down the pitch. Let the sound absorb in your system.
- Then as you breathe in and out deeply ask the inner light of your holy spirit to cleanse and dissolve all the darkness from your Root chakra by saying “I allow the Light to dissolve away all fears, worries and concerns relating to money, security and safety.”
- Start saying the affirmations (listed below the technique) that you feel resonates the most and repeat them as many times as you can depending on the time. The more you say your affirmations, the quicker the result.
- Then imagine as if your Root chakra is perfectly balanced and that all your concerns have been healed.
- Take a deep breath and state “I know that I am perfectly protected in all ways, and that all of my needs are met any provided at every moment.”
- Be in the meditative state for some more time till you feel fully calm and composed and ready to open your eyes.
- Open your eyes slowly with a smile on your face.
- I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure.
- I am anchored and connected to Mother Earth.
- Life loves me and I love being here.
- I claim my energetic footprint.
- My needs are always met.
- I claim a healthy body.
- I claim abundance.
- Money flows to me.
- I love my body.
- My present and my future are financially secure.
All articles of this insightful series are here:
- Root Chakra Meditation
- Sacral Chakra Meditation
- Heart Chakra Meditation
- Throat Chakra Meditation
- Third Eye Chakra Meditation
- Crown Chakra Meditation
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at or by phone at 9820852076.
Very good article
Thnx neelam