Article by Reiki Nurse
Reiki is an omnipotent and wondrous energy that continues to grant its blessings on us long after the initial activation during a Reiki session. I’ve loved and respected its energy from the first time I learned about it, and my Soul resonated with Reiki initially because I believe I’ve always been connected with its powerful energy.
That said, I’ve used Reiki to help me heal my Life from its inception. I used the HSZSN along with SHK and CKR to activate my Chakras and energy system, whilst meditating on my childhood and my past traumas. With the assistance of Reiki, I’ve healed wounds that I never even knew I had in the first place: from past incarnations and ancestral timelines. Reiki is the most powerful Universal Force available and has been a catalyst in helping me re-discover my True Self and my Soul Purpose.
In raising our vibrations, we also need to raise and expand our Consciousness. Reiki continues to be the anchor that keeps me grounded and assists me on a daily basis to expand my awareness and grow my Consciousness. If you’ve been struggling with this process of Awakening or Ascension (moving from 3D to 5D consciousness) the following information may help.
In identifying a few of the stages of consciousness that we may keep ourselves stuck in, Reiki is the unifying and healing factor that will help transcend these obstacles:
- Stage I: Victim Consciousness ~ The person who is stuck in this stage of unconsciousness is stuck in the belief that things happen to you, that you have no control over what happens in your own Life. Heal this stage by affirming that only you can make things happen. Use a combination of CKR and HSZSN/SHK or any of the symbols that resonate with you to help heal this stage and move past it. We are all 100% responsible for the way we handle what happens in Life situations … own it!
- Stage II: Manifesting Consciousness ~ The belief that you have control over what happens and that you are co-creator (with Source) of your Life as it unfolds. Let go of control & yield to Source and claim your undeniable space in the Universe! Use CKR or any combination of Reiki symbols to transcend this level.
- Stage III: Channeling Consciousness ~ The belief that everything that happens is a direct result of what you manifest ~ you are simply a conduit for Love, Abundance, Life in this material realm. There is no separation between you and any other sentient being, no walls, no borders, no separation. You are One with Life, with the Creator, and with all that is. (Everything happens through you!) Affirm this level of Being with any of the Reiki symbols.
- Stage IV: Being Consciousness ~ You find yourself having lots of ‘ah-ha’ moments consistently and can remain Present more often than not. You’re on the way to mastering Presence & you completely comprehend ‘Being’. Being has become your way of Life for you. You are understanding ‘Being’ rather than ‘doing’. Use any combination of higher Reiki symbols to affirm you are in the Present moment at all times.
This is a simplified version but it is Universal ~ Humanity is in the process of Awakening. Our Mother is Awakening and shedding her skin, and we are here to be a conduit and an assistant to Mother Earth, as well as to our own awakening and all of our brothers and sisters.
Let go & allow it to happen … Surrender!
Peace, Love & Blessings ~
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Kat is a Registered Nurse, who is also certified in Usui Rhoyo Reiki and Holy Fire® II Reiki at the Master Teacher level. She is also certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Kat has always been connected to Spirit, and is currently studying under a world-renowned spiritual teacher & psychic medium. Recently, she trademarked her name to conduct her business “The EnergyVoyant Nurse™”.
Kat was born in New England, U.S.A., and currently resides in Florida. Connect with her through Facebook at, visit her website at, or read her blog at
Just letting you know, “3” of the sites you offer in your profile, “don’t” work~! Please correct and/or fix them, so those interested in your information and work, may connect and/or find you! Thank you and Namaste…
Dear EL:
If they don’t work, I must speak with the admins of this site. Thank you for letting me know!
Love & Light!
Reiki Nurse (Kathi)
Hi very very nice article you shared. Thank you.
Dear Mahadev MC
Thank you so much!
Blessings Love & Light to you and yours
Kathi xo