Article by Charisma Phatak
Greetings everyone.
Here, I was guided to share the 9 Energy Healing Steps, for effective and successful healing sessions.
I have encountered people who after practicing Reiki faced problems like carrying clients’ energies on their own energy fields, or they are attacked by psychic vampires that it actually demotivated them to follow healing practices. I want to tell all of you, the purpose of a Healer is defeated when you stop Healing. We, healers, have a greater purpose to spread Divine Love, Light, joys and uplift humanity.
Understand, even when a doctor performs a surgery, he has to follow a systematic procedure, he directly can’t cut the skin and operate. There is a procedure – investigations, diagnosis, pre-operative preparations and post-operative procedures too. If he doesn’t follow, the operation is going to be a sheer failure, and then a doctor too would stop practicing.
Please follow all 9 steps for effective, successful healing sessions. Every point’s importance has been mentioned below:
- Grounding – By visualizing, all roots coming out from both your feet and getting deeply anchored to the core of Mother Earth. If you miss grounding – the foundation of receiving and giving energies would be weak. Try to understand this from an example – A tree vs Rose shrubs. A tree is so perfectly, strongly grounded, that it can survive any storms or weather changes which otherwise not possible for a rose plant.
Image by Zoltan Tasi
- Centering – Via deep abdominal breathing, which tunes your soul, mind, and body thereby making intentions stronger.
- Intentions – Are commands which dictate the purpose of healing. Stating clear and precise intention directs the healing energies. For Eg – I am giving healing Energies for curing my headaches.
- Invocation – Invoking higher Divine beings will help, guide and protect you in the entire healing process, ensuring that healing is a success.
- Healing – For healing the desired issue through Reiki symbols meditations, visualizations or Reiki Hands, Chi Ball, or proxy.
- Shielding and Cord cutting – By visualizing being inside a pyramid or a ball of Divine Light. This will not allow energies to escape or leak as well as keep negative energies at Bay. Cord cutting should be done every time after sending healings to others like loved ones, patients or clients because during energy healing work transfer of energies takes place through etheric cords, and so there is a higher probability of carrying others’ negative energies.
- Affirmations – It involves positive statements as if desires have been manifested. We usually say “All my desires have been manifested for the highest and greatest good of all.” The last line highest and greatest good of all means surrendering to Divine with faith.
- Gratitude – Strengthens the channels for receiving Divine Love, Light, healings, and blessings. Express gratitude to everyone whomever you have invoked including Mother Earth.
- Drink a Glass of water in the end – This helps in even distribution of energies plus aids in grounding.
Important Notes:
- The Healing Meditative Pose – Here unlike soul search meditative pose – crossed legs (that enables to tap in the energies within us leading to soul search), the healing pose calls for a relaxed body with no crossing of arms and legs, because while doing healing sessions, we are tapping in the energies of the cosmos to heal ourselves, and if legs, arms or hands crossed or not opened, then whatever negativities surfaced during the healing and cleansing sessions will not be grounded properly. Hence, don’t cross legs, arms, hands during healing sessions.
- Make Healing a Daily Routine – Once you become a healer, your energy channels are widely opened, hence it’s very important to heal yourself daily to cleanse your energy channels. Make it a routine, just like we brush our teeth daily. And you know what would happen to our dental condition when we skip brushing our teeth even for a day too.
Loads of Love & Light
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Charisma Phatak is an engineering graduate and a MBA from nationally acclaimed institutions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, with a long standing Reiki experience of 13 years. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, Wagle Reiki, Celtic Reiki, DNA Reiki, Magnified Healing, Imara Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, and Divine Light Ascension (DLA).
She, along with her sister Jhilmil Bhalwar is the co-owner of “Supreme Reiki Centre” at Pune, India. Her life with Reiki has been like unlocking the door to unlimited happiness!! Find Charisma at
A good article for recalling the principle of healing. TQ
Loved this article Charishma Ma’am. Well explained and precise. Thank you.