Article by Deborah Lloyd, Reiki Master
Have you noticed how everything around us seems to be going faster and faster? Have you told yourself it is time to slow down and smell the roses – on a frequent basis? Does it seem like the weeks, months and years are flying by? Do you sometimes feel like getting off this merry-go-round called your life? What is going on here?
Our world is changing – some of it is for the good, and some of it may be causing more harm than good. There is an increasing level of expectations on many jobs; it is becoming more common for employees to check their cellphones and emails during evening and weekend hours. Likewise, we may be spending a fair amount of time on personal text messaging, facebook, instagram and other forms of social media. News networks broadcast 24 hours a day, so we think we need to know the latest events immediately.
What can we do, to slow down our lives?
Certainly, Reiki provides a wealth of wisdom for the modern-day world. By simply stopping our hectic pace, calming ourselves and relaxing within its healing energies, a great deal has already been accomplished. Stress levels go down and have immediate, positive effects on our physical well-being. Our emotional well-being is also enhanced by the quiet time. Spiritually, we create a meditative space in our lives, remembering what is really important.
Sound too simple? It is – and it isn’t! Making a time commitment to daily practice of Reiki can become another task on our “to-do” list, if we are not mindful of what this practice brings to our lives. We need to switch our perspective to one of being, rather than one of doing. When we set aside time for Reiki, we set an intentional priority in our lives, and our energies shift.
A few years ago, the term “paradigm shift” became popular. What it referred to is how corporate management can be viewed, and then practiced, differently. One example is this: Rather than have a top-down management style, one could learn how to manage in a collaborative manner. Perhaps, it is time for each of us to focus on a paradigm shift in our own lives.
Here are some ideas to consider:
- Choose to spend more time with the people you love, and less time on the job.
- Spend at least 15-20 minutes a day in meditation or prayer and/or giving yourself Reiki.
- Learn to say “NO” to activities that are not fulfilling or have a specific purpose in your life.
- Read more and devote less time to social media.
- Take long walks and commune with the natural world.
- Be selective in the movies and television shows you watch.
- Add your own items to this list!
Slowing down will add a new depth of calmness and harmony in your life. Soon, you will notice that you are moving with more purpose and intention. You will notice your breathing is slower and steady, and you feel more at peace, even though you are still living within a fast-paced world. You can get off the merry-go-round and experienced life in a new, harmonious way. Create the kind of life you desire. Let Reiki teach you how to “BE.”
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Deborah Lloyd is a Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master and certified holistic therapy practitioner, providing Distant Reiki sessions and training in Asheville, NC. Deborah is the author of two books, 22 Messages from the Archangels; and, Believe and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons. She is also one of the co-authors of Reiki 101: 101 Answers for Your Reiki Questions. Reach Deborah at and on Facebook at Deb Lloyd Healing.
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