Article by Tracey Matthews
This is a subject close to my heart and kept it private for almost ten years, one of the reasons for this, was for the first couple of years I had no idea who this special person was, all I knew is that when I was in their company I felt happy, could be myself, I was alive in a way I’d never experienced before but when they weren’t in my life, it was like being plunged into a pitch black room thumbing for the light.
This person appeared in my life at the time before I learned the life-changing technique of Reiki, connecting with Universal life force energy. In the last few years especially since professionally giving Akashic Record Readings, I had confirmed to myself that my real-life experiences with this person were not a figment of my imagination! This subject for others during Readings was also met with a profound recognition which completely validated their own experience.
Maybe you’re reading this article and you’re not sure or you have a sense you may have met yours, so let’s take a brief look at what is meant by Twin Flame.
Twin Flame
Most of us are familiar with Soul Mates, being our perfect match, our spiritual family, like being cut from the same fabric and someone we can grow with, so how is the Twin Flame different?
Twin Flame also known as Twin Soul, are like mirrors to us, with distinctive patterns associated, being magnetically drawn to this person but equally periodically pulling away from each other. It’s during these separation times you can feel like your world has fallen apart. These times can be excruciating, painful and confusing because this person means so much to you, like your friend, teacher, nurturer or lover. It’s popularised as being solely romantic, however, this connection is not primarily based on romantic feelings as this connection can also be with your best friend, family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, same-sex, lovers or platonic relationships.
The Twin Flame connection can lead you to a beautiful place of inner authority, having clarity on your soul purpose, experiencing peace together, surrender, deep love, letting go but simultaneously bringing you together in a new way. This connection can also be difficult, bringing up issues that are deeply hurtful.
It’s worth mentioning that each person’s experience is uniquely their own and there’s no right or wrongs, whatever phase you’re in with this deep connection, it will all play out in a unique and special way in your life.
Understanding this connection allows you to ‘make sense of where you are in your human experience’, adding clarity and consciousness to the mirror your Twin Soul is holding up to you. This will catalyst you to into rapid spiritual awareness of who you are, exposing the shadow self, which will flag up your deepest fears and simultaneously, your desires.
So here are some ways to help you distinguish who they are:
1. They feel very familiar to you
At some level, this person will be very familiar to you, either you’ve seen them before but don’t know where or you notice this person resonates at a deep level. You may have instant recognition of their face. The more you get to know this person you have synchronicity, for example, same experiences, similar timeline. This familiarity enables you to be completely yourself in their company and they don’t try to change you.
2. You have a deep Soul connection
This connection feels different from your other close friends, you may even have dreams prior to meeting them. They will just show up and you will instantly be drawn to them, being aware straight away they are special to you, with an instant soul connection. Although you may not be aware what that means, you will know this or feel it at some level.
3. You have a need for this person
Once you connect with this person, you will have a need to be with them, a co-dependency may develop, you may experience difficulty and issues with distance, not being able to be physically together or you stick like glue to each other which may become so intense one of you pull away for no apparent reason. This person may seem to blow hot and cold or one of you doesn’t seem to acknowledge this as a soul connection the way you do.
4. You experience spiritual growth /awakening
This person will show you both night and day, exquisite happiness and intense darkness, expose the shadow self which will push you to ‘work on yourself’. This will trigger your self-awareness, consciousness and spiritual growth at a soul level. as this union is driving you to towards your higher purpose.
So how can you move forward with this Twin soul connection in your life?
Your Soul
One of the difficult dynamics of this connection is coping during difficult times and separations periods. It’s is easy to become overwhelmed, disheartened even resentful. However, during separations periods it gives us the opportunity to really draw strength from our spirit team. Your Angel cares for you, ask for help! Your Spirit Guides are supporting you every step of the with what you’ve chosen to experience with your twin soul in this lifetime.
Acknowledging this soul connection releases the ego so you can comprehend the true nature of this connection and reclaim your true authentic soul self, who is able to stand in your own inner authority as you step into your Divine power!
I dedicate this to my Twin Soul
‘My Friend’
“Thank you for accompanying me in this lifetime, as I found my way home.”
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Tracey Matthews is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Reiki Practitioner, Soul Realignment Practitioner. Tracey helps people to connect in both aspects of healing and soul awareness living their full potential. She is teaching Usui Tradition of Natural Healing – level 1/ level 2/ Level 3a/ Level 3b, Soul Realignment – Soul Profile/ Life Situation/ Life lesson/ Relationship/ Spirit Guide Profile sessions.
Tracey can be contacted by email at or through her website
This article will always be special to me. Thank you for sharing.