Article by Shailja Kapur
I would like to share the workplace experience with divine Reiki symbols- Power symbol and Halu®.
Many of us have some occasions when the higher bosses in the workplace ask you to perform a task which you are not necessarily obliged to perform but still you cannot say ‘No’ within certain parameters. As soon as you refuse that particular task you might get entered into their bad books if ego steps in at that moment.
You may not want the person or your boss to approach you and ask you to perform the task which you were not comfortable and happy about. To say no to the boss will only invite more difficulties in the workplace as the ego steps in from higher authorities. The same situation arose for an individual who was guided to ask for Reiki help.
Here’s how I addressed this situation
I invoke Reiki in my mind and called and invited the guides with love and compassion to cover the person in the Divine Love & Light! I intended to repel the boss to approach the individual to perform that task which the person was not comfortable with and it was not the compulsory part of the job profile anyway.

Image by geralt
I was intuitively guided to draw the Power symbol in the air on all the sides of the individual surrounding and revolving around. And then I was guided to draw divine Halu® in the air on all the sides surrounding the person and revolving around. I intently drew with the eyes both the divine Reiki symbols with love and compassion.
The boss approached two of the person’s work colleagues and they couldn’t refuse. The boss looked at the individual with a smile from the distance of where the symbols were drawn and left the place, even without approaching or coming in the aura.
That moment was a real surprise for the individual as they were next to be asked for sure. Surprisingly, one colleague even asked the person how they were not even approached; which was quite unusual. The individual just smiled… But I know in my deepest heart the real reason behind it. Though I felt the Divine presence of higher beings immensely there that time, I wish I would have Divine eyes to see the physical presence of higher dimension energies at that time nearby.
Thanks to Reiki and Thanks to ‘Guru Maa’ for attuning me to Reiki. Infinite thanks and gratitude to Mikao Usui for introducing Reiki to the world.
Thanks to Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller for channeling the divine Halu®, non- traditional Karuna Reiki® symbol.
May Divine Love and Compassion Reside! Let the peace and harmony flow through all of us!
Love & Light!
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
A notice to all who claim that they have Reiki?
How do you know that you have Reiki?
I doubt that you have any idea that you can be tested.
When somebody puts their hands over your Crown, what do they feel?
When somebody tells me that they have Reiki, I ask for their name.
I then use a proxy and connect at a distant over the Crown, why do I do this?.
I will be aware of either of 2 sensations, Heat/Warmth or not being able to enter or entering and going down into the body. If I am aware of the sensations that are associated with Warmth I am aware that the person is holding, retaining, the vibrations of the Attunement and if I am aware of entering into the person then there is no retention.
If there is retention then the person is alive with higher vibrations, in other words they do not need to use any of the Symbols, Words or numbers that were used in the applied sentence, if however if there is no retention then they resort to harmonising with the individual vibrations of Symbols.
Words, Symbols, Numbers have individual vibrations however when written as a sentence all of the individual vibrations are combined.
The confusion starts with not understanding the statements in the Christian Bible, New Testament, 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, Spiritual Gifts. How people have been given Gifts that they are aware of. People claim that Reiki is Spiritual but it is not.
The word Reiki is the wrong word for what happens when sentences are applied to the Chakras and retained. The Chakras are the energy centers of the perishable body and not to the self Spiritual.
The prime reason for Energy work is to clean and balance those Chakras is to provide to the perishable body with clean energy to all of the living systems or better health.
So can you describe what is Reiki, how does it work and the befits that are provided.
Leonard Thomas
Dear Mr. T,
I’m Anna from Reiki Rays team. We appreciate you taking time to comment on one of our articles. Perhaps this article really caught your attention since you’re not a Reiki practitioner.
I could answer each and every question of yours but it’s clear for everyone due to the energy used to express your thoughts that you are not open to receive any constructive answer.
There is room for every vibration and frequency here on Earth so if Reiki Rays doesn’t match your belief system or the journey you have chosen for yourself, I’m sure there are many other great places where you can find support for your New Dawn Project and spiritual perspective.
Reiki is not against any spiritual practice, religion, choice made. Reiki is more than a spiritual system. It is a path of unconditional love and freedom. There are many other paths and all lead to the same source so feel free to choose yours.
Many blessings,
Anna from behalf of Reiki Rays.
Wow, “mr. t”… Coming to a Reiki site (that both promotes and supports Reiki in all it’s manifestations!), by purposely quashing it, in order to draw others into your brand of energetic “healing”, i.e. “The New Dawn” (<offered on your site!) is frankly reprehensible~! Especially after reviewing your site, finding absolutely no basis for your “opinion” about, and/or concerning “Reiki”! Are you having a difficult time finding students/ victims? I’m not surprised! Especially with your intent to come to this site (and possibly others~!) criticizing something you have absolutely no basis for your limited view, hoping someone will be insecure enough to buy and/or come into your (and your lineage’s) brand of energetic “healing”~! Frankly, your ignorance is obvious and unwelcome! Energy “healing” no matter the form utilized, is intended to guide others towards; improvement, re-membrance, remission, transformations, etc. for things that seem beyond the “norm” we all grew up with and learned~! Unlike the form you utilize, Reiki embodies “All”; dimensions, levels, timelines, the; seen, unseen, known and unknown, in every aspect and part of our lives.… Ultimately, a consistent Union with the “Divine” (<or whatever name for this aspect that encompasses all religions and spiritual modalities!) manifests for “All”… Those that are awake, know we are “not” separate… Your need to separate, shows how far you still need to travel in your journey towards awakening! Ultimately, all roads lead to the same destination… It’s just a matter of free will… Everyone gets to choose their path… Each deciphers whether they confine themselves in someone else’s dirty limited litter-box, or venture to unknown destinations leading to innovative discoveries, inspiring others to expand their possibilities too! For consideration: Mark 10:15 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Namaste…
Hi EL,
I’m Anna from Reiki Rays team. Thanks for supporting our Reiki community and our dear friend, Shailja.
Many blessings!
Thank you Shailja for sharing your truly; heartfelt, inspiring and loving experience… May all your expressions bring and ignite numerous inspirations! Namaste…
Hi Leonard,
nobody is forcing to believe or practice reiki and it is not against any religions or belief systems. At the present time it is very hard to find such a wonderful energy healing modality that accepts,love,heal everybody regardless of their religions or beliefs.
please try to understand properly about something before criticizing it. you can go to any reiki master, take attunement in reiki and you will get answers for all questions. it is not possible explain reiki by words but you have to experience it.
however you have to seek answers with an open mind for getting it.
“It’s always possible to wake someone from sleep, but no amount of noise will wake someone who is pretending to be asleep.”
May divine light bless you and all living beings in the universe
thank you!
thank you shailaja for the great article because i have an angry boss 🙂
I love this site, but i don`t approve this article.
Why? Because you can`t do it to a person if that person didn`t asked you to do it.
You can do this to yourself, but you can`t do this to another human been. Is the law of free will.
I know he wanted to help his coworker, but he can’t do this without asking him. Is wrong. If you want to help others: in their relationships, health, house, protection, work etc. you need to ask them for permission