Article by Jaswinder Bhalla
The six chakras are the six subtle sub-centres of psychic energy. All of six centres are positioned in the Sushumna Nadi known as Hridya (central part) along the spine that remains dormant and can be enlivened by the aspirant through the practice of Reiki and yogic techniques with full devotion. Each of the energy centres has a precise shape, colour, and deity, vibration, monosyllabic and natural element. A Nadi is called a lotus which originates from the energy centre also known as its petals.
Today, we focus on Ajna chakra (also called Third Eye Chakra) which has two nerves and the element of nature is Manas. The Ajna chakra is the sixth chakra and being situated within the Sushumna Nadi is positioned at the space between the two eyebrows from where the nose begins in the physical body. The Ajna chakra corresponds to Tapo Loka, the chakra is sharp white and round in form; and Bindu, Nada and Sakti are in Ajna chakra. It radiates two nerves from cavernous plexus and having a characteristic of sound or word.
Ajna chakra (Brow chakra) is a centre for extrasensory perception, will-power, self-control and self-efficacy. All these are controlled by the pituitary gland which acts as a command system for all other endocrine glands hence why pituitary gland is known as the master gland as its secretions directly or indirectly affect the function of the other glands in the endocrine system. A brain chemical such as Dopamine is responsible for intense pleasure; Oxytocin is known as the love hormone; Serotonin is known as a mood enhancer; Endorphin is known as a natural pain killer. All of these brain chemicals make us feel more alive, happy healthier and more enthusiastic. The mental powers can be awakened and to be made sharper even in an unhealthy body through Reiki by making use of Ajna chakra to refine and rouse the mental and intellectual traits.
When the energy around the corresponding chakras in the spine is being stirred or revived it gets stored within the chakra and through controlled action, brings wisdom, intuition and filters the fog of uncertainties to reality. The mental process stops to an impeccable silence and pure state of consciousness arises without any obstacle. Vibration, tingling or feeling of weight when being felt between the eye-brows indicates only that something is being activated in the etheric layer particularly in this area. The etheric body is the layers of prana energy. This chakra is not a physical organ; but, predominantly etheric and astral, in fact. For higher spiritual growth, need to build up the vibration between eye-brows which opens to space of consciousness, to an inner world so that a connection has to be made with astral space.

Image by Couleur
The presiding deity is Paramasiva (Shambhu) and the Goddess is Hakini. The two important Nadis emanate appear as petals of a lotus and subtle vibrations that are created by both the Nadi are symbolised by the Sanskrit letters i.e. ham and ksham, and Om is the Bija mantra of the cavernous plexus. Each chakra has separate Yoga Nadis which encamp around the chakras vibrating with the particular letters. If an aspirant gradually accumulates sufficient prana energy in the Ajna chakra in Rudra Granthi that enhances one’s prana energy that enters the middle Brahma Nadi in the Root chakra which aspirant can easily draw up to the Crown chakra.
Ajna chakra governs the pituitary glands, the skull, eyes, the brain and the nervous system along with five perceptions, while the perceptions govern energy waves that keep bringing the message to the rest of the body. The Ajna chakra opens up to sixth senses such as clairvoyance, telepathy and distant healing and helps to bring aspirant nearer to reality.
The Ajna chakra signifies manifesting intuition, imagination, discernment, wisdom, communication, creativity and truthfulness. When functioning positively, it gives to the aspirant clarity of thought and focus within and enable the aspirant to take the right actions according to different situations, as well as open to further learning and coping mechanism for any emotional issues that may arise within their life.
When the Ajna chakra is imbalance people may suffer from dizziness astigmatism, glaucoma, and arteriosclerosis. A person may find themselves filled with thoughts of anger, revenge and in inflamed situations. One may find himself/herself emotionally congested with feelings of guilt, yearning for true love and inability to speak up better.
Giving Reiki before cleansing aura and with Reiki symbols, Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki and Zonar behind the head on the spine activates sympathetic chains which are paired chains of 21 ganglia which extend from the upper cervical level to sacrum. Reiki symbol Zonar will help you manifest all the virtues of Ajna chakra when drawn on the Ajna chakra results in dawning off occult power of others; further, in spiritual aspects, Zonar makes the energy flow of the spine to spout upon the Crown chakra to connect itself to the infinite universe whilst manifesting in transformation. The aspirant has no contact with the outer world left; and therefore, no externalization of consciousness that can disturb him/her. The benefits received by meditation on Ajna chakra cannot be described in words; this is a commanding chakra and gives commands to other chakras and differentiating it from the other chakras in the body.
- Sit upright.
- The chest, the neck and the head must always be held straight in line.
- Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and breathe in deeply filling the lungs with air from the left nostril.
- Let the current flow down to the root chakras.
- Close the left nostril with the small finger and ring finger of the right hand and then exhale slowly.
- Now inhale through the right nostril keeping the left nostril closed with the small finger and ring finger of the right hand. Let the current flow down to the root chakras and exhale through the left nostril.
- Repeat the same.
- Visualise and feel life enriching affirmation giving Reiki at Ajna chakra along with symbols and mantras.
- The practitioner must concentrate for ten minutes on Ajna chakra with chanting Om to bring all the energy into Ajna chakra and give the same concentration to all the other chakras below for one minute. It is always better to end by concentrating on the Ajna then draw Zonar symbol on the Ajna to dissolve any delusional ego because ego is intact and it cannot turned into divine. The Ajna chakra is the only chakra where ego can be dissolved with concentrated efforts into higher spiritual growth.
- Dai-Ko-Myo signifying Air element and Raku representing Ether element and at this centre five elements are dissolved, and Zonar representing mind disserving into infinite and at this chakra the five elemental energy merging into the mind; and, while Karuna Reiki® opens aspirant to work more closely with all enlightened beings. When the mind gets highly purified and prana energy rises to the Ajna chakra from the Root chakra that manifests beyond space. All that is observed by the mind can be acknowledged easily.
Yoni-Mudra Meditation
One technique that can help you connect and refine your perception and as well as help compose the mind is Yoni-Mudra. Yoni-Mudra is a Yogic hand gesture technique that represents closing the six doors of perception – the eyes (count as 2), nose, mouth and ears (count as 2). Yoni-Mudra enables the practitioner to disconnect with the outer world and connect with inner-world. By allowing all five senses to focus inward, the practitioner can have an experience of the chakras. The core component of the yoni-mudra is to bring all the prana-energy into Ajna chakra.
- Sit with legs crossed in a quiet comfortable place and close your eyes.
- Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in and out naturally and just observe how your breath enters the body and leave the body through the nostrils.
- Place your both hands in front of the face with the elbows pointed outward in the parallel with shoulders.
- Advance meditation – Breathe in through nose slowly and unite Prana-Vayu with Apana-Vayu (doing Jalandhar Bandha and Mula Bandha) in the navel area.
- Do Meditation on the six nerve centre (all six chakras) with Om mantra and if possible do khichari mudra at the same time; as the breath is quieted in the region from the throat to the third eye. A kind of electric current will flow upward in the spine after some time.
- Exhale and bring down the awareness along the spine to the Root chakra.
- Om: For Spiritual growth.
- Om Yam: For wisdom.
- Gayatri Mantra: Sacred chant, embodies the wisdom of the Vedas and leads us toward self-realisation.
- Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ.
- Tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ
- Bhargo devasyadhīmahi
- Dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt.
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Jaswinder Bhalla
Jaswinder is a full time teacher running his own Coaching Institute. He holds Masters degrees in Commerce, Arts(English), Economics. His passion for learning more and more took him to learn other languages like Russian, French, Spanish, and German. When not teaching at his Institute, Jaswinder Bhalla is a Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher. He’s practicing Reiki for more than 14 years. Grand Master in Traditional and Modern Usui Reiki, he’s well versed with Karuna® Reiki, Magnified Reiki, Runic Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and different form of Meditation. Jaswinder offers courses in Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and Meditation as well as distance healing services. Born in the lap of Himalayas – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, he now lives in Punjab, India.
Hi really very informative and applicable one. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this very enlightening article, also easy to apply.
Very nice 👌
Very nice