Article by Chanchal Mishra
As you move into new years, new months, new days of your lives you evolve. The whole point of moving on is evolution. Similarly, your spiritual journey has many evolutions and milestones from your very first Reiki attunement to becoming a Reiki master and beyond. On one hand, you are anxious as to what the Reiki attunement could do for you, on the other hand, you don’t know how to choose your master! Infinite dimensions of possibilities are probably enough to make you even more anxious in a good way.
I feel having one master or having many is a guided way of the universe to settle our personal vibrations with the best-suited master. Many of Reiki practitioners find that one master who will satisfy the urge that they experience being new in the dimension of energy healing and at the same time others will feel like moving on as they dive deeper and deeper into the realm of Reiki and this way they might often find that the more masters they are guided towards might be making them more proficient and simply proving to be another feather in the cap.
My Reiki Journey
Here, I share my personal experience of entering the Reiki realm and how I chose my masters as I moved along. This journey has transformed me by each passing day and is sure a guide if you do not know where to go next.
My Reiki journey started due to chronic illnesses of my younger sister and during turbulent times of life. I didn’t really know what to expect but due to lack of enough information I took a chance and followed my intuition. My first Reiki master was a family friend, she helped us come out of the turbulence at that particular time. She was not just skillful but very knowledgeable too. Under her guidance, I learned initial levels of Reiki. And as I moved further, I knew that I am capable of “doing” more than this. I researched a whole lot on energy healing and found that my Master despite her best efforts was restraining from information that I was entitled to as her student.
As time went by my hunger for more information, further techniques and the curiosity about magnum dimensions of Reiki grew bigger. That was the time when I was guided to adjust my sails and navigate towards another direction.
Reiki is meant to empower you as a being of light. It teaches you to take your life in your own hands and navigate towards what serves you best. It entitles you everything that your higher self is receptive to. Even if it means expanding your horizons and choosing different masters to further guide you as you move along the way.
Often on my way, I felt it is wrong to leave one master and move on to another, or I was being “unfaithful” to my master. This thought was enough to confuse me and further send me to remorseful thoughts of leaving behind my first master and moving onto another one, even if the new master gifted new ways of looking at energy healing, that were more doable and I felt welcomed and not restrained.
And as I was going deeper into these thoughts I decided to ask my guardian angels to guide me whether I was on the right path or not. And one fine day my angels decided to send me guidance during one of my meditation sessions. I finally found the answers to these questions of mine. I was guided by my guardian angels that, “I was not wrong by leaving behind the initial master because the life we are meant to live cannot be stagnant. If we want to grow it is ok to move on. Anything that doesn’t serve us has to leave our energy field even if that meant moving on to different masters. Thoughts of betrayal, self-criticism or hate are all lower vibrational energies. With gratitude, it is our rightful act to explore infinite possibilities that Reiki has to offer.” After this meditation session, I never looked back or had remorseful thoughts. I accepted myself as a being of light and believed in the divine love and its messages. I had faith!
Since then I have come a long way, have had few very amazing masters in my Reiki journey. I am definitely not emphasizing that having one Reiki master is wrong in any way. But in my case exploring further has only opened myself to more possibilities. I believe it’s a matter of personal choice or divine guidance that we receive on our path and our interpretation of same judges where we go next.
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Chanchal Mishra
Chanchal Mishra is a Certified Reiki Master and Angel Therapist. She also practices Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Angel card reading, Money Reiki and Karuna ki. Chanchal completed her English Literature Master’s degree from Delhi University. She also completed her Post graduation in Fashion Marketing from California, USA. Chanchal loves to read and write. In her free time, she empowers others and provides guidance to those in need. Reach her at
I’m so touched by this article. And the content and the title are absolutely amazing.
Thanks Aarti ! Gratitude!
Very true. It’s not a matter of unfaithfulness. It’s the fact that we are expanding our horizon to know more. The fact of being open to your previous masters in sharing your experience and learning will help you be in a state of non-guilt mode.
Thanks Vidyaa ! Love & Light to you!
Excellent article! Thank you for sharing your experience(s)… It was mine too! Namaste…
Thanks for reading EL ! Love & Light to you! Namaste.