Article by Maria Mison
I guess you can channel Reiki now, or maybe even dabbled into angel energy or something. Maybe you have excellent access to guides, or a knack of speaking to the higher selves of clients, or channeling special avatars or enlightened beings.
That’s well and great. I don’t doubt you for a second, I do that too.
One time I channeled Seraph so hard, it was like my whole body/room was on fire and literally it was one of the most overwhelming-beyond-this realm thing that has happened in my life. I get it. I completely understand why we do it.
But do you know what your own energy tastes like anymore? The shape of you without the crystals, the prayers, the protections from beyond?? Just you. You, the wholeness and perfection of-
Just You.
Like really sit with that. Close all the portals on the top of your head. Don’t welcome anything new and just keep clearing your space. Remove the junk from your personal space energy. What’s left?
Is it familiar to you? Your organic imprint?

Image by Soorelis
You see, channeling is a lot like having a lot of super expensive turbo-charged vacuum cleaners in your house. It sucks a lot of crap out. It’s good at clearing our psycho-emotional debris. But if you put 500 vacuum cleaners in a 20 square meter room. How much free space do you really have anyway? Do you really thank and wish the energies away after a session? Do you seriously pack them in the metaphorical closet or are you using it alongside you 24/7? Using it like a crutch or decoration around your space instead of seeing your room/your presence as it is. Seeing you as you are.
It can be an escape mechanism okay? I’m not discouraging you from this very wonderful act of a gorgeous vacuum cleaner of a divine being available at your fingertips. Reiki, and most energy healing, is phenomenal I KNOW. I KNOW.
But please, I beg you. I literally, am kind of waving my hands at you, that these higher beings are working WITH you.
YOU! YOU!!!!!! YOU.
Who is that? What’s the state of that “you” like?? Where’s my being right now?? Ever took note of that? Where you are right now without all the energetic juggling. Where you are, as a personality, as an ego, as a weird experience of consciousness reading something on the internet. How are you really?? Honestly??
Have you discovered the incredible being that is yourself? Have you met yourself?
I’ve heard you’re great. Angels have worked with you, and Reiki.
But I have an idea. How about – for a full week, give it a break. Other than commitments you already made, just pause for a moment. If you ever feel like channeling for a situation, or grabbing at some otherworldly guidance, oracle decks, and whatnot— write those questions down and see if they’re still relevant after a week.
Get in touch with YOU. YOU, what’s your opinion? What’s your organic impulse? Your observations, revelations? What’s the ease and relaxation you can give yourself without outside help?
You’ll notice you have a different signature from the things you channel. Your signature is NOT Reiki. If you’re at a level that you can distinguish spirits and what they “feel” like you should be able to gauge where the heart of your energetic signature is. Sometimes it gathers around your stomach, sometimes your heart. Sit with that, poke around it, get to know it. Get to know it as much as you’ve mastered Reiki for your practice.
Your room. Your space, the shape by which you chose to exist in this incarnation. It’s pretty rad, unique. Like a starburst.
Don’t miss it. There’s nothing like it in the whole universe.
PS. Being able to root in your energy will make you more grounded and balanced as an energy channeler, and must be emphasized. It is the heart of self-awareness.
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Maria Mison
Maria Mison is a shaman and a dreamwalker from the Philippines; Reiki level two, and Seraphim Blueprint level four practitioner.
By day she is as a healing plant and mushroom lad, an urban poverty fighter, and a dancer. Newbie tarot reader, all-around Lover. You can find her in where she blogs about life and likes talking to literally everyone on the interwebs.
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