Article by Ananya Sen
Many of us believe we have guides who are unseen, unheard, unspoken beings but we feel their presence. These guides back us up when we are down, comfort us when we are sad and can even cheer us for our victories! They are our spirit guides. These guides are assigned to us before our birth, selected by us at the soul plane and they are there to help and guide us as we walk our life path.
So, who are these guides? How many types of guides are there and how do we contact them?
1. Universal guides
They may be ascended masters or archangels who communicate with us and guide us. These beings are universal guides since they probably are guiding many of us at the same time. They are of such high vibration that they can be available at different places at the same time.
2. Personal guides
These guides are of a higher vibration and we have known them in one or many of our earthly lives. They have ascended long ago and are now assigned to help members of their soul family. I have a sweet personal guide named “Zino Athens” and my Reiki page on face book is by that name!
3. Family guides
These are usually deceased relatives who silently communicate with you after passing away. They are walk in guides as they do not linger for long. But they share a strong affinity with you. It can be a deceased relative or parent who guides you after their death.
It is important to know that guides do not have names. We may choose any name for them which resonates with their form and nature. For instance, when I had first seen my guide I had asked him who are you, where are you from. He said he is from Greece, Athens. So, I asked him what is your name? He said ‘you can call me Zino’. I told him I prefer calling him Athens. He nodded saying ‘as you wish.’ Hence his name came to be Zino Athens. Names are a tangible earthly requirement and whatever sounds nice to us, we can name them that.
How do they communicate with us?
Spirit guides communicate through intuition or gut feelings. Sometimes they may scream a warning inside our head. That’s when we know we are on the wrong path.
They will gently guide you, but will jump in to help you only when you ask for their help. They are usually in touch with all your soul family members, ascended masters and archangels and hence can take your requests to them.
Guides communicate with us through signs and synchronicities. Recurring messages are a sign of your immediate action or attention. Sometimes, guides send people into our lives to give us a message or warning or just a word of comfort. I was working very hard for a project and it all collapsed around me. My grief was so much that I was in shock for many days. I was getting repetitive messages and signs which I ignored deliberately saying ‘go away I don’t trust you!’ So my guides arranged for some people, random strangers who wrote to me and said we are praying for you and your success and you will get their shortly. They had received my email id from my sister and started praying for me!
So, you see they never really leave us. The best way to know your spirit guide’s name is to concentrate on the following sentence and keep repeating it in your mind for three minutes.
“I want to know the name of my spirit guide.” Keep staring at space and repeat this sentence for three minutes. You will hear some name or sound that may or may not make sense. Write it down, cause that will be their name! Ask them to reveal themselves to you and just bond with them! It’s fun to know your guide. Try it!

Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
Wow, Ananya, great article. I wanted to know my spirit guide and followed your lesson in the article. I had such a wonderful experience and truly met , felt and bonded with my spirit guide. Her name is Ashka. Her name came to me so clearly and almost immediately. I spent a few minutes bonding with her. I asked her to hug me and my palms became incredibly hot. I am a Reiki Master and am accostomed to my palms becoming hot but this was much more intense and different. Thank you for the article.
good job!!
I have many guides, I so resonate with the names idea, I asked my main guide, an ascended master, his name and he said I go by many names but you may call me James, so I do. I also have spirit animals, a she wolf and a condor. I met mine through meditation, and every time I meditate now I feel pressure in my hands where they are holding mine, such a great comfort. Thank you for your beautiful article 🙂 love and light x
Thanks Annanya, I like your articles and started reading them one bye one. Keep sharing 🙂
I have been reading your page for a month now and enjoy it tremendously. I am a Reiki Master/practitioner and use other Energy Treatment, thank you for your wonderful lessons and experiences that you share. Nameste x
Mam very nice article i am impressed respected mam pls give me an appointment I want to meet you thanks namaste
Love ure posts read each one everyday and always try your tips n exersizes they lift me up some days, thank you,
Hi ananya. I want to get in touch with u in bangalore. Can u plss tell me how. M in urgent need of help.