Article by Naveeta Singh
Mere paas bahut paisa hai (I have lots of money) is my favorite line which I picked up from a Hindi television serial telecast somewhere in the year 2000. I do not remember much about the serial but this line has stayed with me forever. Like the ‘open sesame’ code, it has opened the door of abundance to me when I knew nothing about Reiki.
Whenever I was out with friends or family for lunch or dinner, I would pick up the tab. When they would insist to pay their share of the check/bill, I would say ‘mere paas bahut paisa hai’ and pay the bill. My friends would laugh off whenever I uttered this line, but I always felt truly blessed to have money to pay the checks. I felt secure about money and that more money is coming into my bank account.

Image by Prasanta Sahoo
The universe was a treasure trove of abundance and this line/code unlocked the key to prosperity for me. As time passed by and situations changed, I forgot about my abundance code. I came across situations where I learned to save money. And lost the spirit to shop and splurge. These savings have held me in good stead and provided me immense financial security. But I became a bit miserly. I forgot that money should be in circulation. It is important to earn and also to spend – a balance, an equilibrium which should be maintained.
When I learned money Reiki a year back, I could see these blocks to abundance melt away. I could spend money without guilt or fear. One day I went out for dinner with my mom and sister. When the check arrived, I said ‘mere paas bahut paisa hai’ and picked up the tab. I had said this after a period of three or four years I guess. And everybody laughed. The more money I spent and used this code, the more opportunities I got to earn.
Now whenever I have to pay my bills, I utter my abundance code. And feel happy and blessed to have this ability to earn as well as spend.
Hope you also discover your abundance code and unlock the key to everyday prosperity.
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Naveeta Singh is a former journalist from India, based in Kalyan near Mumbai. She is a Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki practitioner who loves to experiment with Reiki and various healing arts since 2009. She believes that everything and everyone in this world deserves to be happy and can attain this through Reiki. She is also into Magnified Healing, Money Reiki, Abundance Healing, Tiger Reiki, Navgraha Healing, etc. Though she loves to learn various healing modalities it is Reiki where she finds perfect solace.
Ha ha ha wow not bad. This line is from TV soap “hum sab ek hain” girls dad character was very rich and kept saying this throughout!! Great approach. Love
🙂 We never realize affirmations, energy work etc is so simple and as easy as that! Thank you for sharing, inspired to find my abundance finance code.
Got it!!!! i am a multi millionaire!!! thank you for writing