Article by Nathalie Jaspar
There is a long list of challenges when your start your Reiki teaching journey. In my case, finding my own voice topped the list.
Writing about Reiki practice never came easily to me. Which is ironic, since I’ve worked most of my life as a writer—or maybe that’s the reason why. When you write interviews or advertising copy for a living, having your own voice is not even an option.
At the start of my Reiki journey, this wasn’t a problem. It felt right to share commonly used lists of benefits and definitions.
As the years passed and I started teaching, I felt the growing need to communicate my own experiences and point of view.
Words—which had never failed me in the past—were nowhere to be found.
I would stare at the screen for hours and give up. Instead of journaling, I found myself doodling: hands-on healing positions, breathing meditations I had trouble memorizing, energy centers, etc.
Doodles turned into more elaborate drawings and a deeper understanding of the Reiki techniques. The act of drawing became a meditation in itself. Instead of simple illustrations of what to do, I worked on each sketch from the same loving, peaceful space I offer hands-on healing. My figures became more stylized, losing clothing and hair. The in and outs of energy, simpler and clearer.

Drawings By Nathalie
The funny thing is that the more drew, the easier it became to find the right words to go along the images. By embracing the silent art of drawing I finally was able to find my Reiki voice.
My five tips to turn drawing into a meditation:
- Act from the same energetic space you offer hands-on healing—letting go of expectations and results.
- Don’t give up! My first drawings were disappointing. As I kept drawing and drawing, they improved and started feeling like part of me.
- Get crafty. Gather all the materials you want to play with: different colors of papers, pencils, crayons, paint, even glitter.
- Try drawing after you offered a hands-on healing session or sat in meditation.
- Use cues to inspire you. E.g., What does Reiki look like for me? If this meditation had a shape, what would it be?
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Nathalie Jaspar is a Reiki master with over 15 years of practice. Her mission is to deepen the understanding of Reiki practice in the world. She is a graduate teacher from the International House of Reiki, also trained with the Center for True Health, and the International Center for Reiki. To gain an even deeper understanding of Reiki practice, Nathalie went to Japan to practice Zen Buddhism at the Chokai-san International Zendo. Nathalie is the author of Reiki as a Spiritual Practice: an Illustrated Guide, and the Reiki Healing Handbook. She is the host of the Dive Into Reiki podcast and has been invited to demonstrate Reiki practice at venues such as Soho House, the New York Jet’s Athletic Center, and Fashion Week.
You can reach her via, or
Thanks a lot Jasper. I am doing reiki drawings now-a-days. Was wondering what is it. Again I thank reiki for intimating me that I am on track. Wonderful one.