Article by Cristina Barcenilla
These are some steps to be connected with Angels, to work with them, to speak to them.
Step 1- Make a place in your life to Angels. If you want them into your life you need to make your world similar to theirs (with your thoughts, feelings, environment…) Angels feel comfortable with peace and love thoughts. Talk to them as if you do with your best friend. Listen to them. Be in silence and let their thoughts come to your mind.
Step 2- Make prayers loudly. Your voice is powerful. You can combine affirmations with decrees but always said firmly.
Step 3- Use the name of Divine. It is inside you, use the Divine energy to direct to Angels. Every time you say “I am …” you are saying “Divine in me is …” and you attract to you those thoughts.
Step 4- Offer your prayers and decrees every day. Angels are always ready, and when you do every day, Angels send light through you to help others. They don´t only help you, they help all the mankind. They want to heal the planet.
Step 5- Ask for help, even when you have a relation with them, you need to remember to ask for help when you need. Angels respect your free will, and won´t interfere unless you ask for it.

Image by Marisa04
Step 6- Repeat the decrees and prayers, because they are more effective when you repeat them, as each time you repeat, you are giving more energy, and Angels respond to this light energy.
Step 7- Send your prayers in the right direction. If you need protection, then ask for Protection Angels, if you need to repair a relationship, then ask Love Angels. Each Angel has a different frequency to work in one aspect. You can connect closer to them when you call the Archangel whose Angels are specialized in dealing with what you need from them.
Step 8- Be specific. As more specific will be your request, more specific will be their answer. Meanwhile, you live in harmony with the Universal Divine and focus your energy on helping others, Angels will help you in the little details of your life.
Step 9- Visualize what you want to happen. You can increase the power of your prayers by making a mental image of what you want to happen. You can visualize a bright light surrounding the problem or situation. You can use a pic if necessary.
Step 10- Expect surprises. The capacity that Angels have to answer your request will depend on the karma accumulated, of the good or bad actions from your past lives. Angels rule under the karma laws. When you pray with devotion, they can reduce the effects of karma, but not delete.
Angels listen to all the prayers but to be granted must accomplish three conditions:
- They can´t interfere in the plan that Divine has for your soul or your karma
- They mustn´t be harmful to you or other people
- The moment must be the suitable one.
Love and light
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Cristina Barcenilla is a naturopath and biodecoder in Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona) Spain. She became Reiki Master in 2013. She has a strong connection with Angels and Archangels. Also as she has dedicated all her life to teaching it is for her very easy to connect to people. Cristina is certified in Usui Reiki Master, DLA Master, Angelical Healing Master, DNA Strand Activation, Karmic Reiki, Karuna® Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelical Akashic Registers, Angelical Attunements, AA Gabriel Master Symbols, Dolphin Trilogy Healing, Acureiki, Chakra Flush, Meridian Flush, Aura Flush, Subconscious Flush, Happiness Flush, Shaman Power Reiki ...… Reach Cristina at, on Facebook and her blog:
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