It’s not always the case, but from my personal experience, Reiki attunements can induce very powerful psychic extra-sensory abilities. This is for all those newly attuned to this energy and experiences and doesn’t know what to do with them.
It’s a really tricky discussion.
On one hand, in spiritual disciplines, extrasensory senses – are a gift since you will have a visceral sensation of a universal truth. Everything is connected, everything is one. Your awareness expands to include other people, things, and nature. You will realize things that are beyond your narrow self.
But also, don’t think your special. If anything, some psychic abilities are inherited from past lives, like momentum from past karma, and thinking you’re experience means you’re essentially better than anybody else’s is just a sad, damn ego trip.
Some personal context:
I didn’t grow up thinking this was normal. My best friend grew up exorcisms and tongues of fire and poltergeists while I was in this rational secular science high school. When I had a visceral experience of all this, this blew my mind, my previous paradigms and I had to scramble with how to healthily deal with this. So all my tips here come from my experience of having to panic research and figure this out – now!

Image by RondellMelling
So, here’s some solid action steps that will get you to integrate this properly.
Step 1: Don’t scare yourself. Calm down.
If you’re suddenly absorbing people’s emotions, getting pricks and sensations of auras, feeling things move out of the corner of your eye and you’re overwhelmed – Shield Up!!!!. Imagine yourself in a white safe egg, an aura as wide 3 feet from your physical body, put mirrors around it let no other things enter.
Imagine it being cloaked in divine flames that will transform and effed up energies to things that would empower you. Whatever you hold as divine, sacred, powerful archangel Michael or divine universe sincerely implore and see in your heart and inner eye that they will wrap you in the most powerful protective cloak and bask in their strength.
I tell you this is a blessing, but you have the free will to do this at your own pace.
If constricted spaces with stressed out people freak you out, crowded places drain you – establish your sanctuary. Find a quiet safe place, close the doors and be patient with yourself. Calm yourself visualize the panic draining away from you. And when you are emptied, proceed with the next step.
Step 2: Choose this as a place of empowerment
Honestly, when I first heard/met people with psychic powers I thought – wow you sound like a superhero what the hell are you complaining about? Oh, famous last words. As much as you break open to new dimensions you will both be naked to the pain and suffering in people’s hearts as much as their good. Choose the latter.
Connect to trees, read about sacred spaces, enlightened beings, walk with bare feet. You are open to a wealth of infinite truth love and beauty. The baggage, the demons might sound entertaining, but even high angels cannot touch you without your express permission.
You are a creator, the essence of pure invention – you can decide these things to be not in your experience. Quantum reality dictates that your perception molds your reality. Your demons would come out, but you decide if they would have any power. Be clear about what you want.
Sit inside your power and be aware of the narrative you have for yourself ‘oh poor me, I’m so sensitive the world is cruel.’ Wake up. The skies and the stars in this infinite dance of conscious reality, focus on the changes you want to experience and don’t paint yourself a victim.
Breathe. Are you ready for the next step?
Step 3: Don’t paint yourself as a savior either
This is super mega tricky and I need you to read this as carefully as you possibly can because this is a big lesson for me but also this will free you when you are ready.
Don’t save anybody
Ever heard of karma? The golden rule? Do unto others as they do unto you? If you treat people like they need saving – what does that say about you? That you seem them as weak, helpless, as disempowered, as lost causes and you must do something.
How do you think the universe would treat you in reply? It will send you more lost causes, and hopelessness. This healer savior trope is just going to feed your ego and make you feel important and you will feel exhausted.
This is called the savior-victim-perpetrator triangle and it is self-perpetuating. Just because you’re an empath doesn’t mean you’re a messiah. Please realize that the divine intelligence of the universe brings the perfect situation, experience, and lessons to each and every soul – and if you think you can do better than that, then you are severely mistaken.
Each person is a master creator of their own life experience – and understand that their pain and suffering is beyond wise. I know this is hard to accept at first – but life is a teacher. If you take away other people pain, without their express consent, you are robbing them of their powerful lessons. You will make them dependent. You are not centering in your own power being obsessed with other people’s pain. They are wise, trust them.
Just because you can energetically sense pain or can receive messages, never think for a moment that it’s your responsibility to fix their problems. You are not their savior, you are a witness to their own power. Your primary utmost responsibility is to safeguard your own energy before even thinking of assisting others.
Know that you’re not alone and that you’re accepted for whoever you are and whatever your experiences. Be open to asking for help from your Reiki master and whoever the universe sends.
‘Til next time,
Article by Maria Mison
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Maria Mison
Maria Mison is a shaman and a dreamwalker from the Philippines; Reiki level two, and Seraphim Blueprint level four practitioner.
By day she is as a healing plant and mushroom lad, an urban poverty fighter, and a dancer. Newbie tarot reader, all-around Lover. You can find her in where she blogs about life and likes talking to literally everyone on the interwebs.
Great article! I would add, to ask “Reiki” to help you (not just your “guide” (<teacher!) and/or be in anyway dependent on others)! Reiki (Universal Energy) has it's reasons for everything… Allow all sensations to be "information", rather than getting caught up in them… If the information is really important, it will come back to be addressed! It's learning to decipher and know within, what needs to be addressed and what to leave behind! Similar to knowing the difference between a loose hair landing on your arm, to a mosquito! Blessings on your journey… Thank you for sharing! Namaste…