Reiki is fundamentally an energy-flow treatment widely accepted as being successful for many human, animal, and plant issues. Suggesting Reiki has significant value in dealing with soul loss may appear to be too God-like for some. As a Reiki Master let me assure you, we do not play God. Do not disregard those who have become healers and what they can do. The first question we need to address is what is the soul?
Unfortunately, there really isn’t agreement among the world’s religions or philosophies about what a soul is. They all seem to agree that without it humans and I might add, animals would not be what they are. Much ado has been made about the cliché a soul has a human body. We are also told soul is the essence that makes us human. Frankly, none of this help. I proffer the following definition: The soul is energy! And for purposes of this article, I ask that you accept my definition. In that, we can be on the same page and more open to discourse.
A client comes to you depressed, lethargic, and lackluster. After an initial interview, you conclude the individual has a soul issue. Frequently, this is incorrectly called a “broken heart.” What can a Reiki healer do for the soul? Admittedly, you are limited in your options. Do not and I repeat, DO NOT fall into the counselor mode. If you are a certified life coach or spiritual counselor then, by all means, call upon those skills as well.
As a Reiki Master, I use my skills to move the energy of my client, to remove energy blockages, and to realign the vibratory levels of the body. Because the client’s well-being is paramount, I may touch the client but only with advanced permission. Even then, the specific parts of the body are named: head, shoulders, abdomen, and feet.
Since I am dealing with energy and energy shifts I also ask the client to hold clear quartz crystals in each hand. Clear Quartz has its own energy and because of this, it is used in many of our modern electronic devices. I may depend on my assessment of the client, place a clear quartz crystal on the forehead while I cup the back of his or her head in both of my hands.
My emphasis with this client will be the head. The reason for that, I believe that is where the soul is and this may cause some debate. This is not to negate heart energy or is value.
In addition to the crystal quartz, I add, with permission, a generous lavender, and rosemary essential oil to both feet. Both herbs are great healers and since our energy is feet bound it is a natural place to add quality essential oils.
While I am doing these procedures, I have solfeggio sounds playing in the background. I use an mp3 file on my computer. These sounds help remove energy blockages and get the vibrational patterns started again in the right direction for the client.
There are things a Reiki practitioner and or Master can do to help heal a soul. That flexibility is one of the beautiful things about Reiki.
Article by Norman W. Wilson, Ph.D.
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Norman W Wilson
Norman W. Wilson has two PhDs. He is a shaman, a Reiki Master, a Crystal Healer, a spiritual counselor, an author of over a dozen books, and hundreds of articles published on the Internet. In his spare time, he operates a podcast called The Chatter Box.
How about defining soul as “the igniting animation (spir-it, same as energy!) that brings life into matter”… It doesn’t matter what form a “soul” (spirit, whatever…) exits, only that it’s current Presence brings animation to the object that it resides in…\ You state, “I use my skills”… From all the research that is available online concerning Reiki (and from “true” guides that teach it!), the most effective method for clients is getting the “ego” (personality, or learned limited self, learned from other limited egos or selves!) “out of the way”, allowing pure Reiki to do it’s job in the manner best for the client (which also helps us)!… It’s not up to us to determine what is best, only allow ourselves to be an open vehicle for energy, so what is best for the client will happen… Too often, a client won’t be fully forthcoming to the depth of what they are feeling and what their true needs really are (usually based on; fear, judgement and possible recrimination!)… For many, a tired soul is one in which all that was presented previously as “truth” in life, isn’t working… Through the process of relaxation in Reiki, it allows an opening from the limitations they once knew (or blockages), providing fresh energy (or field of resonance) movement, so they are open to receive new possibilities not considered before…\ A Reiki practitioner/ “master” (<of techniques, not necessarily of life~!) can't ever heal a soul! That aspect is only possible between the client and the Universal Source that animated their Being to begin with!… As long as we all seek outside, we won't ever find our destination… Why? Because it resides within! Open and Be Reiki… Namaste…
Great ideas! I liked the reminder to focus on their energy instead of trying to coach them.