This is the first article of three article series “How Reiki is accomplished to draw energy from conscious to superconscious state of the mind”. All the true aspirant have sought liberation from matter and strive to acquire the meaning of existence/the higher state of superconsciousness, by employing different methods of spiritual tools. Nowadays a lot of techniques have been modified to gain the supreme state of the mind. The journey from consciousness to superconsciousness requires more patience, stability put into practice, inner-purification and the most of all faith upon themselves. It is possible, step by step to gain control over the mind with constant meditation by using the tool of observation within.
Quantum physics states that nothing, that is observed is unaffected by the observer that statement of science entirely holds an immense and mighty insight and is often described as being a flash of insight. The observation within oneself would lead to freedom from the slavery of matter, thought and emotion. The journey from consciousness to superconsciousness is not so easy task, step by step one would have to put more concentrated efforts to go ahead. Especially if the higher one wants to be on the conscious level the harder the practice is. Prior to this, one must understand the function of the mind and its working.
Consciousness, unconsciousness, and superconsciousness are the three planes of the mind. Consciousness – which is accompanied with the thought and emotion that manifests the ego/‘I’, all the perceived emotion carried forward with the ratio of its perception; moreover, everyone sees a different truth, everyone is creating what they see, so the perception differs from person to person. The unconsciousness mind is somewhat different from the conscious mind as it is beneath conscious mind and stores information to resend to conscious mind when needed, and required, but it is free from any ego just like in the case of superconsciousness. So, conscious mind attributes ego while the other two are free from the ego/‘I’.

Image by SarahRichterArt
All information when collected by the conscious mind is recorded automatically in the unconscious mind firstly becomes our instinct and then becomes second nature and can seem hard to change. If one wants to change the unhealthy bonds/bad habits then one must employ intensive concentration/observation to correct it. Action and reaction simultaneously arise when the mind is influenced by these habits. Over time the gap between the action-reaction diminishes and one’s wisdom will not develop further to cope with the situation. The gap between action and reaction is a fraction of second and this essential time plays an important role in one’s life to focus their energies on mighty deeds. When the mind is completely focused upon the fraction of time and being aware of all the activities that are going on around them, one can provide the real meaning of wisdom which leads to the realm of consciousness. Reiki meditation manifests wisdom, the flow of cosmic energy increases during intense meditation when the aspirant concentrates on the crown chakra which is an ocean of wisdom along with the third eye. But aspirant must purify the lower chakras first cause sense impressions, desires and subtle tendencies of the mind from the physical, astral and causal bodies which do not transform easily. Meditation arises when one stops physical and mental activities; in deep meditation, one has to observe the flow of each and every sensation, its action, and reaction without judgement.
Along with the physical process, there is the psychic process. The mind which comprises four processes such as conscious, perception, sensation and reaction. All of these four components must be purified if one wants to set on a journey from conscious to superconscious by refining all of these through internal purification. Without internal purification, superconscious state of the mind is not possible as it is a link to one’s higher self. True awakening occurs when the lower layers of consciousness and unconscious work together and properly, it is possible if conscious, observation, sensation, and reaction of both layers operated properly. After being refined all of the four components; will have to work on the physical process such as refining five Prana – urja/cosmic energy and Prana -Vayu by using Reiki symbols during their meditation from root chakras to crown chakras by applying appropriate symbols upon the all charkas with a positive affirmation.
External purification is keeping the body pure and all of us aware of this fact, but in the case of internal purification most of us would not be able to elucidate it except showing mere interest in the topic. In fact, internal purity is of greater value than external and external purity is meaningless without internal purity. In the spiritual journey, one must go through internal purification to gain the highest state of existence. Every thought or emotion goes together with a corresponding sensation within the body.
“The mind is everything. What you think you become” – Buddha.
To perceive things better is an observation that unfolds the entire reality of the mind and as brings perfect repose every time, with practice. A sage always looks to the results of an act’s natural instincts and impulses take hold of him. Be observant, they let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like; and transforming their inner-world first and after that outer-world begins to change after all is a reflection of themselves.
This is the first stage in the withdrawal to the consciousness from the exterior physical planes to the inner planes. The deeper you go into the inner plane, the more you enrich yourself with its intricacies and be it so according to your wisdom that would definitely free the mind from agitation.
Article by Jaswinder Bhalla
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Jaswinder Bhalla
Jaswinder is a full time teacher running his own Coaching Institute. He holds Masters degrees in Commerce, Arts(English), Economics. His passion for learning more and more took him to learn other languages like Russian, French, Spanish, and German. When not teaching at his Institute, Jaswinder Bhalla is a Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher. He’s practicing Reiki for more than 14 years. Grand Master in Traditional and Modern Usui Reiki, he’s well versed with Karuna® Reiki, Magnified Reiki, Runic Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and different form of Meditation. Jaswinder offers courses in Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and Meditation as well as distance healing services. Born in the lap of Himalayas – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, he now lives in Punjab, India.
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