Article by Ashwini Chubé
My Journey and Laryngitis
The last few months were a little stressful for me. There were primarily 2 reasons. First being I was severely affected by laryngitis or infection of the throat. And second being since I am a speaker, trainer teacher, and coach most of my daily work activities comprise of talking and thus using my vocal cords which was making the situation worse.
I tried everything from Reiki to access bars and violet flame to angelic healing. I also tried allopathy or mainstream medicine, homeopathy, and Ayurveda but all in vain. Most doctors told me to take complete voice rest as I had what they call teachers nodules. I was deeply frustrated and that made the situation worse. The day I felt better and thought my voice came back – something used to happen again and I used to go back to the sore throat loop and my voice quality was getting worse.
I also looked at Louis Hay’s You can heal your life and realized Laryngitis is nothing but fear of speaking up and fear of facing the authorities. It also means feeling no one is listening to you.
On self-exploration, I realized there was no fear – at least on the conscious level. So what was it that I was facing?
It took me time to realize I was not listening to my own inner voice and wasn’t being kind to myself. The spiritual journey is all about removing all false layers of you until you reach the true core of yourself. And being advised a complete voice rest by my doctors – I learned so much more in my 5 days of throat rest than my entire 30+ years of life. When in silence I felt like a meditation. The initial few hours were difficult but later I started enjoying my silence and not communicating with anyone. My phone calls reduced and I stopped even taking any appointments for clients.
All these years -being a coach I was ever available to my clients for their emotional issues. More than that I was also 24*7 available to friends who needed a shoulder to cry on, free advice or someone to vent out, and a listening ear. Being a natural-born empath and a professional coach I was being extremely kind to them but the glitch was I was extremely unkind to me. All these inabilities to say NO to others made me understand that I was not listening to my inner voice which was pleading to be heard.

Image by Pezibear
Slowly and gradually on the path of Self-love, my throat chakra started healing, and as I further connected to my spirit team a lot of revelations were made. My spirit team also connected me to information about my higher throat chakra which I’ll explain in this article.
Reiki has already opened up new avenues and pathways, to heal the root cause, of diseases and with the knowledge given by my beloved Reiki Master as well as that given and channeled by me from all the masters, ascended masters, angels, and my spirit team – here are some insights on the throat chakra and higher throat chakra.
Throat Chakra facts and checklist
- The throat chakra is the 5th Chakra in our energy system and lies right at the Centre of the throat.
- The chakra is named Vishuddha or Vishuddhi which means “pure place” in Sanskrit. The chakra is also called Kanthapadma which means the lotus of the throat. It has a circle with a flower of 16 petals and hence is also termed as Shodash dala
- The throat chakra is at the location of vocal cords and has to do with our outward communication. In addition to it, it is also a chakra of inward communication as well as self-talk. All the things which constitute our inner voice are also energetically linked to this chakra
- The chakra has to do with the element of ether what we call Akasha or spirit.
- The chakra is beautiful turquoise blue in color. The blue is the color of expression, infinity, and inspiration
- The beej mantra or seed chant of this chakra is “ ham” (pronounced as HUMMM)
- Body parts governing this chakra:
This chakra physically covers the following parts of the physical body
• Ear, Nose, and Throat
• Vocal cords
• Neck
• Thyroid glands
• Jaw and Teeth
• Thyroid, parathyroid, lymphatic system - Deities and Angels energetically governing this chakra
• Hindu Goddess Saraswati is said to govern this chakra. Often singers have been said to be blessed with Saraswati presence in the Throat Chakra
• Archangel Michael is said to be governing this chakra. He is a very powerful Archangel who can help you speak your truth, stand up for yourself and also stop negative fearful self-talk.
Throat Chakra imbalance
Chakra imbalance or block results in a very big or a very small chakra
• An Enlarged throat chakra: It is often noticed some people are gregarious and some are simply domineering. When someone speaks excessively loud or too much the chakra could be too big
• Depleted or small chakra: On the other hand, people talking softly or ones not able to express themselves have a small throat chakra
How you Identify imbalance in chakras and what are the symptoms
Physical Symptoms
• Sore throat
• Issues with teeth
• Hypothyroid or Hyperthyroid
• Neck pain and upper back issues
• Laryngitis
Mental and emotional issues
• Trouble expressing yourself
• Shame
• Fear of speaking truth
• Issues with public speaking
• Stammering
Ways to heal the Throat chakra
- Blue therapy: Use the turquoise blue color. It helps to soothe your tensions. We would highly recommend wearing blue shirts for interviews or meetings where you could be nervous and have to speak
- Deep breathing helps a lot. You can add mantras or chants. You could say these chants loudly . “hum” chanting can help
- Saltwater gargles: This is an excellent technique to remove the blocks from chakra. We often tell clients to take a saltwater bath before giving them a Reiki healing. Salt helps to remove the negativity and the toxic energies
- Write: We often tell clients to help express the unexpressed, write a journal. It helps to remove the issues from the mind
- Singing and Music could help It opens you to a big universal musical vibration of joy and happiness. Who cares how you sing as long as you sing from your heart
- Reiki: Reiki or any other form of energy healing can help: Of course Reiki helps. Try using Sei Hei Ki symbol extensively on Throat Chakra to soothe any issue that you may be facing
- Crystals: Using crystals as Kyanite or Lapis Lazuli can help. Lapis Lazuli is one crystal that gives you extra courage to speak. Hold one in your pocket or wear it as a pendant
- Element of Sky: Spend time near the sea or below an open sky. You can carry a diary or paper and a pen. Write down those thoughts which you can’t speak or express
- Yoga Asanas: Never underestimate the power of Yoga. Try asanas or poses like cobra pose, one of my favorites… Excellent pose to stretch the neck… Cobra pose can be used for most chakras. The lion pose with tongue sticking out could help too
- Silence: Finally the best and most golden way to heal your throat is silence. I explained about my journey with silence – silence can open various gateways in your life as Silence is also a golden communication. In my days of silence, I opened myself up to the divine knowledge of what we call the higher throat chakra

The Throat Chakra Symbol
Higher Throat Chakra
The higher throat chakra is nothing but the ascended aspect of your throat chakra. As your throat chakra opens further and raises your vibrations you start connecting on your higher journey of what we call ascension.
Location and color
The higher throat chakra lies between the occipital lobe and the base of the skull, i.e the rear portion of the throat and neck. Its colors are turquoise and when activated gold.
Activation of the chakra
The Higher Throat chakra is dormant until the time you are living in the third dimension or what we call the 3D illusion of the world. Once you start ascending and moving to the 5th dimension this chakra will emerge.
You start communicating with the beings of higher consciousness i.e; angels, masters, and all the light beings who are on your path of ascension. Your conversation with universal consciousness is reflected in this higher throat chakra.
This Chakra is also about your telepathic communication to the world. How many times it happens that you think of a friend and the same friend calls you up or you bump into them. Communication is not just about actual face-to-face or electronic communication. Telepathic communication takes place when you access the wisdom of the higher throat chakra.
The higher throat chakra is it is about self-expression in universal Consciousness. When you express your spiritual gifts and share them with the world this chakra starts opening. If you are a spiritual teacher- you would be having an activated higher throat chakra.
How to tap into the energy of this chakra
Archangel Michael can help you to connect to the chakra and its energy. Connect with him in the meditation and ask for clarity. Often you even meet with the right spiritual teachers who’ll help you access the higher wisdom and express yourself better.
Connecting to Unicorns is another way to open this chakra. Let your divine team guide you. For more please refer to my article on Unicorns and Reiki.
Thank you for reading and loads of love and Reiki blessings from me and my spirit guides and divine team – ARG
Loads love
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: or at Her Facebook page is:
Thank you for sharing your journey… I especially like the realization you came to, while healing! Five other things that could be added to the “help list” concerning the throat (if you are vegan disregard the chicken soup and honey!)… “Throat Coat Tea” (look at the contents to be sure Slippery Elm is added)… Planetary Herbals “Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup” (usually used for coughs (which is excellent to use if you want to sleep through the night!), but is also excellent for sore throats… Gargle and allow the syrup to trickle down, coating the throat)… Also, honey is a great anti; bacterial and viral remedy, and chicken soup with garlic and ginger added… May your inner voice continue to bring a wondrous chorus, helping and inspiring both everyone and especially yourself! Blessings and Namaste…
thank you dear EL for your amazing tips<3 and I love the chicken soup too will try for sure
much love and blessings to you xx
Indeed , a wonderful journey & a beautiful share . Many could be benefited from your very honest expressions
Thank you thank you thank you for sharing such an informative article 🙏🙏🙏