Being a Crystal Child and a natural empath, I can feel and sense the emotions and pain of others as my own. This has been the case with me since I was a child but it is only in the recent years that I have consciously understood and recognized this gift. It may not always sound and feel like a gift – but it truly is. How can one heal others if one doesn’t feel the pain themselves? How can you know how to help someone if you don’t know how they feel? I have learned and practice many healing modalities since, however, my primary connect is with Reiki, Angels, and Crystals.
My first encounter with Reiki was as a child. My grandmother would keep extremely unwell and our neighbor would come over to channel Reiki energy to her. This would improve her health remarkably for some time. As a 7 years old, I was enamored by how my neighbor’s cupped hands, being placed on my grandmother, would magically transform and improve her health considerably. It was then, that I decided, that I too will learn Reiki and I will help people heal as well.
Life went on, I finished schooling but Reiki was always at the back of my mind. I still wanted to learn. Then one day out of the blue, I found my first Reiki teacher through my aunt. We learnt from her and I began practicing and that is when I began to truly understand my empath abilities. I could feel the insides of my body change depending on who I passed healing to. I would become like a mirror that reflected the energy spots that needed healing in my healees – humans and animals alike. I would feel uplifted passing healing to nature and Mother Earth. Nature and animal healing is one of my favorite healing sessions even today!
Having had a relatively unconventional childhood, I surprisingly somehow always got what was best for me. Things just had a way of falling into place – whether it was expensive schooling or some other things that in the “realistic” sense of the world would seem out of bounds for non-believers. I was always taken care of, magically. I would think to myself that I’m probably lucky. Little did I know that my “Luck” was Reiki and my Angels looking out for me preparing me to reach this point in my life.

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Today, when I look back, I feel humbled and blessed that the universe, Reiki, and my angels have helped me walk this path with all the ups and downs and have made me come out of these unscathed. I feel grateful that they continue to teach, guide, bless and protect me and my family, tirelessly. I feel blessed that they have filled my life with people who love me no matter what.
The reason I came out with my story, was because I felt strongly guided to share with everyone, that when you choose to walk a path from the bottom of your heart and with unwavering faith, in the most innocent and pure form, your Angels strive to make it happen for you. Just like me, you too will be protected and well looked after if you just call upon them and ask for help! Just stand by your convictions and continue to be the unique gift that you are! By being your authentic self alone will you be able to unfold what the universe and Angels have in store for you. Just allow the Magic to truly unfold!
Article by Sneha Khanna
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Sneha Khanna
Sneha Khanna is a Growth Catalyst and Angel Medium who fuses her passion for energy work and mindfulness with practical ways of living. She truly believes that we are all superheroes – it is just a matter of discovering your superpowers and talents and effectively using them.
You can drop her an email at for Intuitive Soul Therapy (Online), several Individual and Group Workshops (Online). You can also follow her page on and Instagram @sneha_soulbalance for uplifting and positive content.
Yes sneha I fully agree with you that we are lucky in the reiki energy field as healers and teachers or just practicing reiki. My journey started 21 yrs ago as a reiki grandmaster in Mumbai and continues till to date. I have enjoyed every bit of this loving energy as a clinical psychologist and counsellor.
There are so many synchronizes or what people call coincidences that I call miracles of this divine caring energy.
You are absolutely right! So glad you could resonate with my experience! Lots of love and light!