As Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Master Teachers, there comes a time in our career when our thoughts should turn to how we can give back to our communities. A very powerful act of Reiki healing for your community is to start a Reiki Youth Group, to pass on the teachings of Dr. Usui. As you work with the next generation of healers, you will send a powerful healing force of Reiki forward to help future generations tap into the love and light of Reiki. What an amazing gift to give as a Reiki Practitioner! This gift of healing is needed now more than ever in the current stage of spiritual development that faces humanity.
As we look around it seems that everywhere on Earth, humans are succumbing to the cult of Narcissism and selfishness. You only have to turn on the news to see this “Me first” mentality that is literally destroying the Earth and all the creatures upon it. Think about what the average teenager has to deal with on a day to day basis! Things have changed so very much over the last 20 years with the growth of the internet. Bullying at school and over social media is so easy to do now, and the victims of bullying suffer for the rest of their lives unless their healing is addressed. Forming a Reiki Youth Group is a powerful way that Reiki practitioners and Masters can address this current spiritual crisis point in humanity’s development.
To start a Reiki Youth Group, you will first need to have a Reiki student who fits into the youth age demographic that you are going to address. This student will be your Youth Group Peer Facilitator. It is always wonderful to teach Reiki to the next generation, and some of my most powerful and effective Reiki students are in the youth demographic. These students have the ability to connect with their age group, and you will find that they are not only a wonderful help in organizing and running your Youth Group, but they will blossom spiritually in this new role of teaching and helping others. Because they have had their own Reiki journey, they can share stories of their experiences with the Universal Life Force. It is really a win-win situation for all involved.
Reiki Youth Groups seem to benefit from shorter gatherings over longer periods of time. For example, a Level 1 Reiki Training and Youth Group can be done very effectively over a 6 week period, meeting weekly. Each meeting should be no longer than two hours, so that the group members can learn and interact with each other socially as well. By the end of the six weeks, the members have received their training and attunements, and can finish off with their diplomas on the last day. What a wonderful, life affirming way for our Youth to interact and carry forward the wonderful healing energy of Reiki! This can be done for all levels of Reiki.
As for the fee, I have found that if you charge a reasonable amount that covers your room rental as well as your time as a Reiki Master Teacher, most parents will gladly invest this small amount for their child’s spiritual wellness. Rooms that are suitable for this type of gathering can be found quite easily at your local library, town hall or art gallery. These venues will usually allow you to advertise to their clients by posting on the community message boards.
As your Reiki Youth Group members experience the profound healing energy of Reiki, they will begin to amaze you with their healing abilities and spiritual growth. Because of the beautiful life lessons that we teach in Reiki, a new, deeper type of spirituality is offered to these students, and the rewards of helping them on their spiritual journey will change your life in a way that you never thought possible. As we work to bring the Reiki energy to the next generation, our Reiki practice will be upheld and deepened. As we carry the torch of healing forward in the world and pass on the teachings, our own life experience will profoundly benefit. Please join us in this mission, for the highest good of all concerned, and thank you for being a Reiki Light in the World.
Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see or connect with her on Facebook at
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