Greetings everyone!
This is a discussion close to my heart. It is my identity in my own private world and it is the identity of many of you. Are you a lightworker? If yes, who are you? Lightworkers are people or souls who have volunteered to raise the vibrations of humanity by following or spreading the light. These mature souls have gained enough spiritual wisdom to see the shortcomings and pangs of earthly life. And they know exactly what to do to change this situation.
Lightworkers are in human form. They choose to be born or may even be a walk in. They live their lives as human beings to blend with society and carry out their work silently. Of course they do lead normal ordinary lives. Otherwise, they would keep getting involved in messy political and social situations. They sort of lead double lives or have double identities. They have a personal soul contract to fulfill and a social soul contract to fulfill.
Their personal and social soul contracts are decided before their reincarnation. The personal stuff would include getting married, having babies, working as a hairdresser or consultant, etc. The social contract would include teaching, learning, energy healing, spiritual sermons, etc.
There is a sense of urgency in Lightworkers which they are often unaware of. It’s like some unknown whip that keeps cracking on them to do or know things in a hurry. The unknown is always fascinating to them, and the predictable is often mundane.

Image by bdamon
Where did Lightworkers come from?
Lightworkers reach enlightenment before they reincarnate and therefore in every lifetime they will again and again attain enlightenment. They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They could have lived as saints, nuns, politicians, witches, and even Kings. They have always been Empaths or psychics, serving as a connector between the known and the unknown. They have been staked or persecuted for this for centuries. People hate the unknown!
Types of Lightworkers – Lightworkers can be divided in to three categories.
1. Earth Angels
These souls have been fairies or witches in the ancient and medieval ages and in all probability will choose the same identity in every life. They have an innate sense of environment, the four elemental directions and their all six senses are highly developed. Earth angels choose nursing, healing and teaching as professions.
2. Incarnated Angels
These are reincarnated Ascended Masters or Archangels in human form. For example Mother Mary may come back as an Incarnated Angel and so can Krishna or Buddha. These souls are natural born leaders and teachers. People are drawn to their charm like magnets! Incarnated angels choose spiritual healing/teaching, politics, social work, world peace, etc as their professions.
3. Mystic Stars
These people are natural readers of astrology and astronomy. Anything to do with the cosmos and planets. They make powerful healers, fortune tellers, scientists and astrologers.
I feel it is fun to know if you are a Lightworker of some sort. It gives you clarity on your life path. And who can give you better clarity than Reiki? Connect to Reiki with the distance symbol and ask to get insights, signs to see if you are a Lightworker or not. Besides that for those who have the Master symbol, do meditation on it and ask questions. You will know if you are a Lightworker or not!
Article by Ananya Sen
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
I love your posts, so informative and interesting. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge & positivity
kind regards
thanks !! all the best !
Hello Ms Ananya,
Greeting for the day.
Good to hear about Lightworkers / Masters in brief. I have experienced their presence and work right from the day I was initiated or reborn into Reiki. Now being a Reiki Master I can very well visualize their work and the love they have for everyone and thing around in world.
I am simply moved by the Compassion that they have towards everyone.
For example, when I pray to Reiki for a plant’s wellbeing and growth, I can see how in few days small angles come and paint it with vibrant fresh green color.
I have also experienced Reiki Angels, Guides and Masters guiding all my healings.
Many Lives, Many Masters also gave me a great experience with Lightbeings.
thanks !! all the best !
I enjoyed this article so much that I’ve shared it on my personal and community facebook pages. Thank you for sharing your insight with the world! Please join our effort to educate and unite lightworkers everywhere at or
Be love, be light, be You!
thanks !! all the best !
Thank you very much Ananya Sen for the beautiful in sights. Do you have any compilation of articles written by you. If so please let me know how can one get it….is it a hard copy or soft copy which can be accessed. I am extremely grateful for your contributions.
Love & Light
I’m really intrigued about reiki and light workers. I’ve been told I am one and after reading this I’m certain that I might be a 1 & 2 combined. I’m not too sure what to do with this information… I don’t know how to tap into my abilities without it taking over my personal life.
I have been told I am an Earth Healer , a portal for Star babies and I have just become a Holy Fire Reiki Master. I have always connected to the trees , mountains and all living creatures. I have heard a spider scream.The Star babies I gave reiki through a rainbow bridge to them.These experiences have escalated in the last few years, I have been told that I will be shown the way I need to go as this has been an amazing unexpected journey.
Hello Ananyaji thanks a lot .Time to time u write very beautiful articles which gives us new insight towards reiki n reiki symbol.I am working in a school ment for lesser privilage children.i am very thankful to these kids who have given me opportunity to work for them.i often use reiki symbols when I dont find way to help them n I get success.
I love this! Such a great article. I can so resonant with the whip … like a dull hum in the background. Speaking of that, I had better get off of the computer and get crack’n’ with the heavy lifting of Light.
thanks for all of your information. I am a light worker. I gave birth to a star child who left us in 2009 but I guided him back to the light. Its hard to watch the cruelty and pain inflicted by others but healing is a very rewarding gift- i find inspiration in the words of Marianne Williams-“our greatest fear…” Keep shining and spreading the light xx
Thank you for spreading the word about Light Workers. I do believe, however that there are more than 3 kinds of Light Workers. For myself, I am a Way Shower. I am here to anchor the energy, as more and more humanity awakens to their truth. I have been told by a powerful light worker that I am an Ascended Master, although I live a very quite life…and am not in politics or out there in the public eye. Peace to you.
I would like to contact you by E-mail.
Here is mine :
Thank you,
Have you encoutered this before?- The reluctant lightworker? My sensitivity is so great that I will avoid being in crowds (makes teaching/speaking) difficult and often resist doing the healing work part. I am a lightworker, born, instead of walkin. I am a natural healer, aiming to raise the vibration of every person/situation I encounter (by being the light). I have worked in healthcare for 30 years, and have been studying astrology east and west, tarot, pendulum, crystals and manifestation for most of my life. A Reiki Karuna level practitioner, Not sure what kind of lightworker I am- maybe a little of all 🙂
Ananya… Thank you for the above info…. Can you throw some light on cosmic healers please?
Thanks. 🙂
I am a wise one. I have had to many lives to count and have been incarnated for eons. I lived in Atlantis and was a part of the Salem witch trials. I have been Shamans , medicine women, high priestess’s, and oracles. I am born with the gift of healing in every life and that is my strongest talent. I love being a Lightworker although I have endured much suffering in my many lives. I love the angelic realm and have a longing to return home but I know that I am needed now here on earth. I feel so blessed to have light workers and a spiritual family on earth. My daughter is a Crystal Child and is so powerful and such a blessing. I get to teach her and watch her talents grow and develope. She is going to be an amazing medium and giver of guidance to humanity. I am thankful that I can show her the way to happiness and enlightenment. I love all of you and send you love and light. Please never give up on your missions and remember u are never alone you have a spiritual family here on earth and all you must do is reach out to us and you will receive u unconditional love and acceptance.
I have known your soul before…Atlantis and Salem…and before them…but not sure where…I know I am a lightworker,energy healer,and I think combination of Earth Angel and Star Traveler…
I had a tingling in my hands while reading your comment…which meant truths and familiarity w/you…I love being able to heal people,animals and nature…and I think places…stronger everyday …through Theraputic Touch…
Thank you for your lightwork…
Love and light and blessings
I’m only 22 but I’ve unlocked so much about my being and my true identity in only a matter of days. My earliest memory to date was a vision of me as a young girl in a wool cape, I was being rained on and people were chasing me with weapons. I had a protector and he begged them to spare my life. To save me from the wrath of the people chasing me, he sacrificed his own life. I recall seeing large mountains and huts and no one had electricity. I don’t know how far back that was but I’m pretty sure it was from centuries ago.
I also recall a vision before the birth of my current body. I was in an endlessly white area. I was scared and confused. I saw hints of purple and blue lights. A human-like figure emitting bright red light was walking toward me and grabbed me by the arm. I felt the grip of the being’s arm and it brought me comfort. Suddenly, a bright white light blinded me. As my vision came back, I saw a man who looked like a doctor looking over at me and smiling. Soon after a beautiful woman with curly hair walked up next to him and smiled at me as well. It was the day of my birth. I described what the nursery room looked like to my mother and what the doctor looked like and all her answers were parallel to my vision. According to an article I found this morning, the red light I saw was actually Uriel. I didn’t know him then but once I googled him, I knew we had a connection. The first photo I saw of him brought about a feeling of familiarity to me, like I saw a photo of a friend I haven’t seen in years. My beliefs and Uriel’s beliefs are quite parallel and my powers are similar to his own.
I don’t know what to make of all of this. But I’m glad that I’ve patched a couple of things together after years of being so lost within myself.
Your connection with uriel makes you a perfect conduit for him to channel his gifts through you to assist others in mote it be
What do you think musicians who are into healing and changing the world to a more peaceful and loving place are ? <3
Music was giving to us to assist us in healing or body n soul of any living creature on the planet instruments are the tool we naturally used
am i a lightworker? how to find it out
Lovely Ananya.cthx for sharing
Beautifully explained and I loved this article. ..
Spirit tells us that we can all be Light workers. We are aspects of God, the children of God, spiritual angelic beings. Our soul resides in our heart, the heart-mind, the God within. If we raise our vibration sufficiently through the relaxation of meditation, we can visualise the pearly white Light, the Light of Creation, God Light, which carries Love, Harmony, Peace and HEALING energy. It is all we need to sustain us in Spirit and the rest of creation. This planet is unique in that we, millions of years ago, tried to use our collective consciousness to speed up ‘thought creation’ in the mistaken belief that it would please God. The failed experiment only succeeded in changing the vibration of the Earth plane, losing our connection with the Light and over time solidifying matter. When we meditate and channel light with INTENT, THE POWER OF OUR THOUGHTS, what we send out will ALWAYS come back to us. Reiki, Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi, Buddhism etc. practitioners all heal with the Light, Zen, Chi. Very soon after starting daily meditation two years ago I very quickly discovered that I had cleared up my own angina and severe osteoarthritis in my knees. I have been totally free from any aches or pains of any kind since that time despite a very active physical daily routine. My point is that we are all capable of doing it at this level. However the practitioners who become very accomplished can take it to a higher level, as Reiki nurses, practitioners, are proving in an increasing number of hospitals around the world. My information is word for word dictated chapters from Spirit through filmed Trance Mediumship in England. Incredible factual knowledge distributed by volunteers with all income going back into reprints and advertising. Love and Light to all.
Hello there fellow Lightworkwrs,
Please can someone point me in the direction of where I can find the free lightworker meditation that was linked in with the Let Be the Light ebook. It’s the most energising meditation I’ve every experienced and recently lost it from my phone because of an absent minded moment where by I forgot to back up my music as I had to send my phone away for repairs. I’ve been looking everywhere to no avail. Thanking you so very much in advance, love and light to you all xxx
Great post, it resonated strongly with me. Made me feel more at home in my own skin and own life. Thank you.
Be well
Interesting view on lightworkers. I read from Cameron Day why he no longer wants to be a lightworker. It brought an interesting perspective to me. What do you think?
Jonathanbro… Thank you for the link… I offer another from the same source (part 2) for those who are interested: