Couple of months ago, I did Reiki Automatic Writing (RAW) with one of our Ascended Master Goddess Kwan Yin who gave me astonishing guidance about the benefits of healing Mother Earth.
Mother Kwan Yin attributed the following benefits to the relationship and energy exchange between the healer and the healee.
1. Quicker Desire Manifestation – When we give healing to our Mother Earth, the vibration frequency of Mother Earth is raised. She, therefore, expresses gratitude by expediting our desire manifestation process.
2. Protection from psychic attacks – When we heal the Mother Earth, the bond is established between us and her. The roots from our soles are deeply rooted to Her, which prevents the leakage of energy from our biomagnetic fields around us. Hence we are protected from psychic vampires attacks or any other attachments.
3. Awakening of Psychic abilities – Healing Mother Earth enhances tough grounding, which enables us to be in tune with spiritual beings with ease. This further forms a strong foundation to our heightened intuitions as Guides and Angels can’t hit the moving target.
4. Karma Cleansing Intensified – When we do karma cleansing of Mother Earth via violet flame shower bath, simultaneously our karmas across all the incarnations on planet Earth are also healed in a massive way.

Image by subhamshome28
5. Positive Effects on Auras and Chakras – I have realised that healing Mother Earth has widened, balance and aligned all my chakras. I could also sense a strong auric field around me i.e all the dense and negative objects are flushed to Mother Earth leading to expansion of aura.
6. Impetus to Self Development– I gained this insight through my children. They love playing with mud, enjoying the fragrances of flowers and leaves, climbing and hugging trees etc, and today they are more stable, happy, self-controlled individuals. When we send out healing to Mother Earth, it pushes button to uncoiling and rising of Kundalini energy and our deeply embedded creative abilities like painting, writing, dancing etc are activated.
Some Healing Treatments for Mother Earth:-
1. During Self Reiki Treatments – It’s all the intention that counts. When we Reiki ourselves, be it hand positions, chakra balancing, cord cutting, or karma cleansing, just add a line “Heal Mother Earth also”.
2. Chi Ball – In spare time, we can send 5 minutes of Reiki or any other Chi Ball Modality to Mother Earth.
3. Group Reiki – We conducted a group Reiki for Mother Earth. Our country faced severe drought problems and I along with other Reiki healers gave healing for rains in our country. We all danced with joys when our prayers were answered. There were rains within three days.
4. Nature activities – You can also engage in nature activities like tree plantation, reduction in the use of non – biodegradable items like plastics etc.
My Personal Experience
Since 2 months, I have incorporated healing to Mother Earth in my daily meditation practice. I also learned Faery Realm Reiki just for healing Mother Earth. Today, I feel I am more balanced, self – contented individual. I feel safe and secured that all my wishes and desires will be taken care of by our Mother Earth – just like a mother knows of her child’s wishes, desires, and dreams. There has been a recent surprise in our life – purchasing our dream car. Thank You Mother Earth! Showers of blessings indeed 🙂
Article by Charisma Phatak
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Charisma Phatak is an engineering graduate and a MBA from nationally acclaimed institutions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, with a long standing Reiki experience of 13 years. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, Wagle Reiki, Celtic Reiki, DNA Reiki, Magnified Healing, Imara Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, and Divine Light Ascension (DLA).
She, along with her sister Jhilmil Bhalwar is the co-owner of “Supreme Reiki Centre” at Pune, India. Her life with Reiki has been like unlocking the door to unlimited happiness!! Find Charisma at
Oh wow. Nice Article Di. Thanks for Sharing.