Many times we are so caught up in trying to manifest material things and situations which may not be for our highest good. And the best thing about Reiki is that it gives you those things which will serve you better in the longer run. However, our limited mind fails to understand these dynamics and we get disheartened if something we desperately desire does not manifest. But believe Reiki to give you the best you deserve. This is what I learned in the past two years while trying to manifest an ideal job.
For past few years, I was going through a bad phase professionally. Though I loved my work and job immensely, due to politicking and insecurity of others I was having a tough time at the office. I often thought of quitting but being a number 8 born, giving up is never an option for me. So I continued with the hope and healing that this too shall pass. However, long years of mental harassment made me cave in and I decided to find something where I could build a life I wanted to live.
One such job offer came with perks and a five day week which was too tempting. But due to health reasons, I was unable to take it up. I was on a long 10-month medical leave and enjoyed my stay at home away from the negative work environment. Now I wanted a job which gave me two weekly offs, flexibility and a decent pay. I was ready to compromise my fantastic salary for these comforts.

Image by Pictures of Money
During my leave, I learned Money Reiki and started healing my negative money blockages and karmas. I started visualizing the kind of work and life I wanted. Also I learned purple prosperity Reiki and started healing self to manifest a five-day week, work from home job. Immediately I started getting interview calls and job offers. While they did offer two weekly offs and flexibility, the salary was almost 50 to 60% less than what I earned. The work hours were also long. Deep down I knew that if I took these offers I would be very unhappy and frustrated.
My leave ended and with a dreary heart, I joined work. I had prepared myself to resign if I was harassed further. But to my delight, I had a new boss who was quite understanding and compassionate. Now we have a five day week and flexibility to work from home. This was like a dream come true. Reiki truly manifested for me an ideal work situation without compromising my finances. I am grateful to Money Reiki and my awesome teacher Pinky Punjabi who taught me this wonderful healing method.
Article by Naveeta Singh
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Naveeta Singh is a former journalist from India, based in Kalyan near Mumbai. She is a Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki practitioner who loves to experiment with Reiki and various healing arts since 2009. She believes that everything and everyone in this world deserves to be happy and can attain this through Reiki. She is also into Magnified Healing, Money Reiki, Abundance Healing, Tiger Reiki, Navgraha Healing, etc. Though she loves to learn various healing modalities it is Reiki where she finds perfect solace.
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