Article by Phillip Hawkins
If you think of doing Reiki you have missed the point. Reiki is not something you do; it’s not a tool to be taken out of a box when something or someone needs fixing. When we think of doing Reiki, or even giving Reiki to another we perceive it as something external to be used as and when required. Even the concept of channelling creates the illusion of the channel being separate from that which flows through it.
Reiki is none of these things. Even the name Reiki is crude and misleading; the name is nothing more than a label, a title, a product name. Once we attach a label to anything we restrict, define and measure it. We put it in a box; what is inside the box becomes Reiki, what is outside is not. We look at historical facts, personalities, hand positions and symbols, procedures and rituals and say “this is Reiki”, it’s not and never can be. These are nothing more than mans attempt to reduce the infinite to an easy to understand concept, small enough to get your head around.
This misconception begins with the belief a Reiki Master has the power to connect you to this “universal power”, unfortunately this is not the case. A Reiki Master no matter how clever can connect what is already connected. We are because the universe is. Re-enforced at the moment of conception, and then again at birth, a spiritual being; as an expression of a spiritual universe. The duty of a Master is not to empower as a form of connection, but to empower through knowledge and understanding. To make the student aware of the connection that has always existed, not some tenuous link that must be plugged into the student like some esoteric USB cable. The connection is expressed in a moment of awareness; the realisation of the students true spiritual identity.
The Masters role is not to prove how clever and enlightened they are, but to provide the knowledge and understanding, the opportunity for the student to prove to how powerful they are. In the moment the student can recognise their true spiritual identity their lives will begin to be transformed. This is Reiki in action. We do not do Reiki, we are Reiki and the role of the Reiki practitioner, no matter what level or degree attained, is to live life as an expression of that universal spiritual energy.
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A Reiki practitioner since 1999, Phillip started teaching Reiki in 2000 and using those skills and abilities he has spent the majority of the last seventeen years working with a wide range of social and educational needs including Autism and ADHD. Working with addicts dependent on alcohol and drugs, people whose lives were extremely violent and abusive, and others who had to deal with severe mental health issues. This has enabled him to work extensively in the private sector, schools, colleges, education and care in the community, the prison service and psychiatric units.
In 2016, Phillip decided to semi-retire from full-time employment to concentrate on developing his career as a published author and the setting up of his Reiki personal development programme at the Chilton Community College.
Very informative article. we do not do reiki.. we are reiki… thank you
Very beautiful and insightful article about Reiki. Thanks for sharing with us.
It is always nice when a wisdom teacher leaves his knowledge behind for others to learn from. I am very much into personal development programs, such as the one mentioned in the article. Very much enjoy published authors who have good spiritual healing ability. Thank you.
Thank you for your enlightening post… May “All” awaken! Namaste…
Hmm, I quite like the expression/concept of “being Reiki” it resonates well. thank you for sharing.
Hey Philip,
I am a huge fan of yours and appreciate your different take on Reiki.
Nice article and particularly like the concept of Being Reiki, but I think it is an ongoing process of becoming Reiki.
Little confused though when you state that no Master can connect us to the Universal Power, what is the role of attunements in Reiki?
I am under impression that attunements help us to connect with this Divine healing energy Reiki.
I agree. Otherwise why attune.
I was wondering the same thing Shubhaangi, does this mean that the attunements are a misconception ?
Well said!
Couldn’t agree more, well put. Thanks for sharing:)
Phil, you nailed it. BUT, I wonder if some clients may need some of the “traditional” trappings of a Reiki healing session. Just wondering. Norm
I agree totally with you. I have known this for many years. Not knowing the “Reiki” name the world puts on the universal energys. Always looked to the universe for the awakening ability to aide and become a conduit to the energies.
Great article and message
Thanks for having the courage to express what I have long believed. I have been expressing Reiki since 1998 and personally believe it is a path of personal growth first and foremost. The term’Master’ has always felt unfortunate as it suggests more links to ego which for me, is something I need to be aware of and constantly be challenging. We are all ‘Reiki’. It is inherent within us, and all my ‘path’ is, is to empower people through guidance to reconnect to that which is already there. Regrettably, new gimmicks are what people seem to savour in this time, rather than the integrity of one of the principles, “for today I will do my work honestly”. We all have the essence of unconditional love that I believe is Reiki, and it needs no gimmicks only the inherent trust that this resides within us if we only turn to embrace it.
The best description and explanation
How Reiki work’s, I’ve read.
Thank you for posting.
I received Reiki at a cancer charity centre (2003)
Together with meditation and relaxation technics, it changed my life.
The staff at the famous Manchester Christie hospital couldn’t believe how fast I was healing.
I went on to do my training and returned as a volunteer therapist (3 year’s )
The science is now catching up!!
Love and Reiki to any one who reads this post ☺
thanks a lot….really Its too good and this is the real meaning to get aware of our powers available to everyone and the role of teacher in it….No ego and feeling of something special…….part of universal energy and exploring……..
I liked the New Look of the page. All the articles are really useful.
Thank you for writing what I already knew. We cannot give someone what they inherently have—we can only show them the way to it. This is love.
It’s possible to accept the truth of this for, if your connection to reokii can only ever be mediated by a master and no other way, who gave Dr Usui the very first atunements when he was alone meditating on the mountain?