Much of my time as a marriage coach and member of the clergy is devoted to helping couples heal from feelings of betrayal and mistrust. Quite often couples seek professional help because there has been infidelity within the relationship. There are many day to day issues that must be addressed first on the healing journey. As the couple deals with practical areas in their lives and adjusts them to support their relationship, they will quite often find that there is a gaping hole in their mutual spiritual life, and they need to connect with each other spiritually if they ever hope to stay together. This is where Reiki comes in.
Reiki is a powerful tool to use in couple’s coaching. Because it is a spiritual system, and not a religious system with the attached dogma, many modern couples find it much more easy to grasp and to work with in their healing journey.
My preferred approach using Reiki to help couples heal from infidelity is to consult with them a few times to deal with practical life issues that need to be adjusted, and then I usually suggest that they get couple’s Reiki certification and attunements. Once a couple begins to work together learning Reiki, doing their daily self Reiki and practicing Reiki on each other, some miraculous things start to happen in their relationship to strengthen it.
The first thing that usually happens when I do a couple’s Reiki attunements together is that the couple will suddenly be much more on the same wavelength, and many seem to develop a psychic connection that they didn’t have before. The Reiki attunements work to strengthen the couple’s spiritual connection as well, and because the beautiful Reiki energy channels the same way for both partners, they will be led to work together in a more harmonious and supportive way.
The second benefit to couple’s Reiki is the way that practising the Reiki hand positions and treatments with each other causes an improvement in the quality time that the couple has together. As we learn the Reiki hand positions and use them on our beloved, we connect in a completely loving, non-judgemental way. As we spend time together within the healing energy of the Universal Life Force, our old grudges and hurt feelings will slowly fade away and be replaced with an atmosphere of love and trust.
Finally, once the couple is attuned to Reiki Level 2 and begins to learn the Reiki symbols, there are many effective ways to heal their energy from the hurt of infidelity. Using the Reiki symbols by distance, sending Reiki to the past situations of infidelity and cheating, and cutting the etheric cords to past inappropriate behavior are all possible once the couple has their Level 2 attunements and training. As the couple works together to heal these hurts and betrayals from the past, they will find their present and future to be a new territory of love, trust, and compassion.
I encourage couples who are suffering from the wounds of infidelity to learn Reiki. The increased spiritual connection and the feeling of peace when we work together as Reiki practitioners is a sacred and rare bond, and one that will help us heal from the mistakes of the past and welcome the future in a positive and loving way, for the highest good of all concerned.
Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see or connect with her on Facebook at
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