Article by Cristina Barcenilla
There are some angels which are called “The Angels of The Elements” and they are related to the fourth elements: air, water, earth, and fire. Each group of angels has different skills which will help us in our healing.
Angels of the Air
- These light beings carry musical instruments.
- They like perfumes and coloured lights.
- They wear yellow clothes and help us to change our mood and to express in a more fluently way.
- They make that silence vanishes immediately.
- They are the angels of happiness, intelligence, movement, and lightness.
- They clear the mind, clarify, liberate, renew us and awake to a new life.
It´s good to invoke them to calm the winds and hurricanes. And they act on our respiratory system.
The archangel who runs them is Archangel Gabriel.
Angels of the Water
- They carry pitchers full of liquid that miraculously never get empty.
- They wear blue clothes and by staring at them you get calm immediately.
- It´s convenient to call upon them when there are problems between the members of a family, when you want to completely renew a relationship with someone or with oneself.
- They transmit happiness and joy at homes which are passing a hard situation (economic, health…).
- They can talk the dreams language and bring vital fountains where you can immerse and rebirth.
- They are the angels of calm, peace, protection, and nourishment.
- They take care of couple relationships and marriages.
- They transmit intensity to each of the feelings we experiment.
They are invoked to heal the water of our body, of our planet, seas, rives… They act on our urinary system.
The Archangel who runs them is Raphael.
Angels of the Sun or of the Fire
- They have long hair and in their hands, they carry torches and oil candles.
- They wear orange robes and the infuse heat to the earth.
- It´s convenient to invoke them when there is a lot of pain or fever.
- Praying with an orange object or a candle will make the prayer more powerful.
- They are the carrier of the fire, of the action, they stimulate, light, give shine, a special push, and vital energy.
- They concentrate on health and give heat and energy to illness to be able to heal.
They are invoked in electric storms, volcanos. They act on our digestive system.
The Archangel who runs them is Michael.
Angels of the Earth
- Their colour is green.
- They stimulate labor, initiatives, make increase prosperity.
- They give strength to scientist to make progress which improves the life quality of mankind.
- They can be called when you are searching stability and discipline.
- They give patience, toughness, and work capability.
- The earth angels fertilize, give shape, solidity and make your dreams real.
- They are the angels of materialization, realization, practicality, and support.
- They help us to materialize our ideas.
- They like the intellectual challenges and the new technology.
They act on our bones, muscles, and organs. They heal the planet and we can invoke with earthquakes and tsunamis.
The Archangel who runs them is Uriel.
Sending an angel: with the conscious thought, we can send an angel to a person or a situation. We simply decree “I invoke the ….. angel ( element angel) and I ask to descend over …. (Name of the person or situation)”
We visualize the angel beside the person or the situation. We call him three times. We have to ask permission to the higher self of the person, as the person has the free will to accept or not. If the person accepts him, he will help him/her.
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Cristina Barcenilla is a naturopath and biodecoder in Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona) Spain. She became Reiki Master in 2013. She has a strong connection with Angels and Archangels. Also as she has dedicated all her life to teaching it is for her very easy to connect to people. Cristina is certified in Usui Reiki Master, DLA Master, Angelical Healing Master, DNA Strand Activation, Karmic Reiki, Karuna® Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelical Akashic Registers, Angelical Attunements, AA Gabriel Master Symbols, Dolphin Trilogy Healing, Acureiki, Chakra Flush, Meridian Flush, Aura Flush, Subconscious Flush, Happiness Flush, Shaman Power Reiki ...… Reach Cristina at, on Facebook and her blog:
Wowww such a beautiful informative article. Thank u for sharing and enlightening us 🙂