Each Reiki practitioner has their own way of doing things, they create their atmosphere and physical surroundings according to their own taste, style, experience, and personality. So although Reiki is always Reiki, we can each deliver a unique experience for our recipients.
The recipient’s experience of the Reiki treatment is not all down to the practitioner, they will be affected by things such as their own state of mind, ability to relax and willingness to be open to receive. However, it is important as Reiki Practitioners to be our authentic selves, expressing ourselves through speaking our truth, through our demeanour, appearance and in creating our treatment space, and style so that we can deliver a Reiki experience unique to our authentic self.
Providing a treatment that reflects you does not diminish the purity and power of Reiki itself but can attract the recipients that enjoy what you offer, understand where you are coming from, ‘get you’, are on the same wavelength; creating a meaningful connection and making this an uplifting experience and one you will both benefit from.
Not everyone will feel that connection with you and may choose to go elsewhere for a treatment and that is fine, it’s not a personal slur. Just as we don’t all enjoy the same artists or music, our own uniqueness will not appeal to everyone and that’s great because it means that the right people are drawn to us and there are Reiki practitioners out there to suit everyone.

Image by jamie_nakamura
Ways to create a treatment unique to your authentic self:
Get to know yourself. This is an obvious one and as a Reiki channel you probably do these things anyway but it’s good to be reminded sometimes and check in to see how you’re doing and notice any changes. Be mindful, meditate. Knowing yourself is the first step to being true to yourself.
Find ways to express your true self. Through speaking your truth with love (Self healing to the throat chakra can help with this), but also in your manner and demeanour, appearance, how you prepare your treatment space and the atmosphere that you create.
If art or decorative pieces in your treatment space are there for their meaning and how they make you feel rather than just to fill a space they will help you to create a space that reflects your true essence.
Choose any ‘extras’ that you use in your treatments, like crystals, music or incense carefully with thought and good intention. Don’t just use something because other people do, use it because it means something to you, you find some value in it and enjoy working with it.
Find a way to prepare for giving treatments that works for you, so that you are in the right state of mind and open to be a clear channel; giving the best Reiki experience that you can to your recipient.
Ground and Protect yourself before the treatment. This will enable you to be open and giving of yourself without being depleted or drained afterwards.
We often develop ‘rituals’ that form part of our treatments; repeated actions that our recipients will come to recognise as unique to us, such as the words we use to relax our recipient or the order we employ hand positions. Be mindful of these; even little touches like the way you settle the recipient before and rouse them after the treatment or the way you offer them a drink can feel like part of the treatment and add to the experience. If these actions come from the heart, and are authentic to our true selves then they will be natural and done with confidence, enhancing the experience for the both you and the recipient.
Apart from establishing your unique style of Reiki treatment, being your authentic self makes others relaxed and able to trust you. It also inspires others to be authentic, open and honest too. As long as you are working for the highest good you being your beautiful, unique self will not hurt the Reiki process. Reiki is a beautiful thing to be a part of and with your good intentions it will get through and work where and how it is needed.
Article by Stephanie Drane
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Stephanie Drane is a Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist and Spiritual Artist in Suffolk, England. Stephanie’s mission is to provide her clients with a calm and serene space away from their busy lifestyles, where she encourages them to take control of their own wellbeing and to value and nurture themselves to bring about inner peace, balance, and happiness. As a Reiki Master Stephanie is thrilled to be able to teach and empower others: “It is so rewarding to watch people discover the positive power of Reiki and experience the benefits for themselves.” When Stephanie is not giving Reiki and other holistic treatments or enjoying time with her family and friends she recharges herself by swimming in rivers, walking barefoot outdoors and eating good food. Check out Stephanie’s blog for her insights and wisdom on how to enjoy inner peace and a calmer life over at angelichands444.wordpress.com.
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