Forgiveness Angel helps us to forgive and let go of the past. He can help us to honour ourselves when we forgive others, to live the present when forgiving the past, to create an intimate space when we forgive ourselves.
Forgiveness Angel makes us considerate the injuries and past resentments under a new light. We can earn our respect and wisdom when we are able to let go the past and forgive to those who have hurt us. So that we won’t make the belief to become victims, without any possibility to change our lives.
Forgiving doesn’t mean to condone a bad behavior or that people who hurt us must like us, it means that we give up our anger and resentment. When we forgive we liberate our spirit, and we feel good about ourselves.
Forgiveness liberates us and helps us to open a deeper channel in our relationships. Forgiveness Angel gives us the grace to find sweetness in our hearts, and the value of asking for help when the task is so big.
Forgiveness Angel liberates us from the guilty feeling, it gives us the freedom to be ourselves, and it can dissolve the karma and the guilt.

Image by Muffet
Meditation of forgiveness
- Sit or lay in a place where you feel comfortable and without distractions, start breathing in and out deeply to reach a calm state. Ask for protection and shields as usual.
- When you are ready visualize yourself wrapped in a gold oval that will seal your aura, allowing to let go all you don’t want inside you, physically or emotionally, and blocking anything from outside come in. Visualize your roots anchoring in the centre of the Mother Earth.
- Invoke the Forgiveness Angel by calling three times and ask him to guide you to accept the forgiveness as a part of your existence. To help you to free from the chains that you carry with pain and resentment.
- Imagine yourself in a place which induces you peace, in which you feel calm, create a landscape with the suitable elements to feel in harmony. With the four elements surrounding you. Live it and feel you completely calm.
- In this landscape, there are two chairs, one in front of the other, the Forgiveness Angel is behind you, caring you, so you don’t have to be afraid, ask for the presence of whom you are annoyed, of whom you haven’t been able to speak face to face. Wait for that person.
- As you see it walking towards you, you can experiment different sensations, accept them, process them and release them. Ask him/her to sit in front of you and let him/her talk. It’s important to listen, to observe and once he/she has told you everything is your turn, tell everything you weren’t able to say in person.
- Once done, take his/her hand and say: “I am in peace with you, I wish you the peace and love that life can give you” and visualize how you feel released.
- Observe as the person goes and keep in your mind that landscape that produces calm, you can return whenever you need.
- Breathe deeply three times.
You can do this exercise as many times as you need until you feel you are completely in peace.
Love and light!
Article by Cristina Barcenilla
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Cristina Barcenilla is a naturopath and biodecoder in Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona) Spain. She became Reiki Master in 2013. She has a strong connection with Angels and Archangels. Also as she has dedicated all her life to teaching it is for her very easy to connect to people. Cristina is certified in Usui Reiki Master, DLA Master, Angelical Healing Master, DNA Strand Activation, Karmic Reiki, Karuna® Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelical Akashic Registers, Angelical Attunements, AA Gabriel Master Symbols, Dolphin Trilogy Healing, Acureiki, Chakra Flush, Meridian Flush, Aura Flush, Subconscious Flush, Happiness Flush, Shaman Power Reiki ...… Reach Cristina at, on Facebook and her blog:
Wow it’s awesome Cris Di. Thanks for sharing.
Very enlightening article di 🙂