Article by Dawn Fleming
Eye issues and diseases can develop because the energy that feeds the optic nerves and all other parts of the eyes have been compromised, blocked or fragmented in some way. Energy is the foundation of what feeds our physical body and energy is found in every cell of our body. When the energy that is supposed to support eyesight is not flowing in the eyes, eyesight is lost or skewed in some way.
So when I do Reiki on the eyes, either in my office with a client or from a distance (you are home and I am at my office), I look at what is and is not happening regarding the energy dynamics that support the eyes. There are many Reiki tools that will remove the blocks, restore energy pathways, and boost the energy in areas that have not been receiving energy for a long period of time. Where energy flows, healing happens.
In 2016 when I had my appointment with the eye doctor, he said that the pressure was way too high. He explained that in some people it was normal, but in others, it was a sign of glaucoma. The doctor set up another appointment for me to be tested for glaucoma. I had eight weeks to do Reiki on my eyes to bring down the pressure. The pressures were 24 and 26 at the first appointment. I did Reiki on my eyes every day with the intention to lower the pressure and to remove any energy blocks in the areas. When I went back for the glaucoma testing, I did not have glaucoma and my pressures were down to 16 and 18.
The whole reason that I got into energy work to begin with is that my daughter had a cataract in one eye when she was 5 years old in 1987. This is very unusual for a child. After surgery, her eyesight in that eye was 20/400. The approach this healing this was to patch her good eye to make the muscles work in her other eye to restore her vision. The eye doctor said that it would heal quickly. Every two months we went to the doctor to test her eye sight. There were no improvements after six months. It did not heal until Reiki and Chakra Balancing were introduced. After several months of waiting for her eye muscles to engage in healing, friends of mine that did Reiki and Chakra Balancing were looking for someone to work on. They began working on her in person and from a distance. Her next eye appointment two months later showed a 40 point improvement. I immediately became a student. As her eyesight continued to improve with lots of Reiki, the eye doctor told me that it would never be better than 20/100. By the time she was 9 years old her eye sight was 20/50. Seeing continued results made me continue my training to become a Reiki Master so that I could help others with the similar issues. Overtime, my daughter became a Reiki Master as well and she has continued to keep her eyesight between 20/50 and 20/70.
When I work on eye issues, I am not just putting my hands on the Reiki hand placement for the eyes. I am working directly with the areas that are the issue. I.e., optic nerves, retina, macular, etc. I find the more specific that I can be with sending the Reiki to where it is needed, the better the results. I also work to boost the areas that have been repaired to help restore their function and to bring them back online.
Many people ask how long it will take to correct an issue. In most cases, the eye issue took a long time to develop and a lot of parts have broken down in that process. Each person is different so there is not one set formula for this. With regard to genetic eye conditions, particularly in children, Reiki can help repair affected pathways.
A lot of the treatments that the medical world offers for eyes do not offer guarantees and some can cause further issues. Reiki does not offer guarantees either, but it offers the restoration of energy pathways that impact eyesight. Reiki offers a calming energy that helps to reduce stress. Stress is a major factor in creating energy imbalances. And many Reiki recipients enjoy the extra energy throughout their whole body and the feeling of deep peace in their being.
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Dawn Fleming is a renowned Energy Expert, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and Marconics Practitioner. She has been working in the field of Reiki/Energy modalities since 1989. Dawn quit her government job in 2001 to grow her part-time Reiki practice to full time. Dawn helps clients to unravel the mystery of why they are not getting the results that they want, physically, emotionally and spiritual. She specializes in energy challenges that include: COVID-19, fertility issues, cancer, eye issues, brain trauma, and digestive issues. Dawn has clients world-wide. She is the author of many books on Reiki and Chakras. Her website is
This is a great article Dawn, thanks for sharing!
IT IS VERY INSPIRING. can you send healing for my eyes? I shall try to make prayers for your daughter.
It is a very informative article, I’m sure that it will help many of the reiki practitioners who are with us on this platform.
Very interesting and inspiring article! Thank you so much for sharing. 😊
I needed this article thank you
In much appreciation for your healing shares
Much loving energy
Yes, it’s true even I tried this on my son last year. I went to the Dr. for regular checkup done for my son as he checked he called me the week next, he has to check again as his power has increased. I gave Reiki to my son for a week n when we went next week he checked 2-3 times coz he didn’t understood what happened coz his power was reduced.
Hello, please can you help my Husband. He has a problem with his right eye. He had a eye retina detachment surgery done in July, it’s nearly Two months now and his vision is not clear in the right eye. Can you send him reiki his got his next appointment in October. Thanks 🙏
I have a eye floaters after my c section delivery before 11 months ago. I am not able to enjoy my motherhood completely. Can u pls send the reiki for me.? Pls help
Hi! How can you help me? Where can I see you or talk to you? I had a vitrectomy with macular hole repair March 28, hole closed then reopened first week of June. Hole closed but didn’t heal enough to recover the vision I had before. The gas bubbles created a cataract and I have that surgery on October 29. I should see 80% by now but it’s not even close. I see super blurry with little holes even with my contact on. I have high myopia and the eye was supposed to normalize it’s pressure too but it’s been high. Finally it’s controlled by drops but I’m afraid high pressure did some optic nerve damage. Can you please help me? I’m very sad and nervous. I’m 54 years old and work as a 2nd grade teacher this year in Houston, Texas. If my eye has optic nerve damage there is no repair through traditional medicine.
It is strange but perhaps not as I am about to start treatment for macular degeneration in my left eye. I am a reiki master and am now giving reiki to both my eyes daily.
Thank you for your article it has encouraged me..
Please send reiki if you have time to me.
Hello Dawn,
Thank you so much for sharing *
Reiki Master Teacher
I have a cataract, how would I do reiki on my eye? Would it be direct sending by sending reiki to my eye or would it be better to do distance reiki on myself and my eye? In addition to cataracts, I also have spider/bubbles in my eye as well.
I have the same issue. Physical damage on left eye due to a beating I took from a boyfriend. Now I have a bad cataract on that eye. My eye doctor wants to see me again soon. I’m a Usui Master Practitioner….every but the teaching. The sooner I find out how to help myself, I’ll proceed. Asap and thanks. How did you do?
I have a short-sighted eyes at 4-6 dp. I want to recover them to the normal state, maybe 1-2 dp is fine.
Can you guide me, Master?
Great article with helpful information. I’m inspired! Thank you.
My eyes were never looked at as a child in care my left eye is much weeker my pupil is not round as my right eye. Leading to me seeing with no proper focus l have to wear glasses which cost a fortune.
Reading your article is amazing. I will now start Reiki on my left eye
Thank you so much
Would you be able to fix my eyes for me please. I have glaucoma and cataracts in both eyes.
May your upward path be smooth sure and steady.
This is a very inspiring article. It would be very helpful if you would share exactly what you did for reiki Tx…you mentioned you specifically treated optic nerve, retina, etc…..but how? which positions di dyou use for this ??? Please share.