When Reiki came into my life I didn’t really like myself and certainly the idea of loving myself was out of the question! But I found Reiki to be patient and when and only when I was ready and receptive did Reiki gently move my thoughts into a new place – one where I could take an honest look at myself and ask why I used such harsh and unforgiving language when I talked to or about myself. It was painful to revisit old wounds, talk about old hurts and examine the baggage I still carried from childhood, but I can now understand it was a healing process.
Self-love in my opinion, is being happy with yourself, for yourself and then for others. It’s about liking yourself without the expectation of others to like you – or not!

Image by Photography-S!
Self-love isn’t selfish it’s just a way of loving yourself in order that you can love others even more. I have discovered this the hard way in my life through unsuccessful relationships that always followed the same pattern one where I expected another person to make me happy by giving me all the love I needed when in fact the love I craved was always there inside of me and had been for all these years! Reiki showed me this new way to live – peaceful at last, happy and contentedly with myself.
So how can Reiki make such powerful changes when I think of it as gentle? My wise Reiki Master always tells his students that ‘Reiki has only the power to heal yourself’. This was my light bulb moment – a revelation! When you can wake up each day able to look at yourself in the mirror and love and like the person smiling back at you, when you are able to give self-praise to the amazing and individual person you are – warts and all – then gratitude and self-love will flow and you will understand you are enough just as you are.
Article by Carole King
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Carole King
Carole is studying Reiki under the guidance of Philip Hawkins a well known and well respected Reiki Master. Over the last 12 months, Reiki has changed how she feels about not only herself but others and the life she leads. It’s powerful stuff!
Carole lives alone in Sedgefield UK, works part-time with adults with learning difficulties and mental health issues. She enjoys a wide range of hobbies and spends most of her spare time with family and friends.
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