As a member of the clergy who performs many weddings, I have witnessed firsthand the mystical energy of Reiki and its ability to heal future events for a perfect result. The bride and groom who are attuned to Reiki Level 2 have a wonderful ability to be able to send distance healing to their future wedding day. Learning how to do this is a powerful tool in allowing their big day to manifest as it should, for the highest good of all concerned.
A wedding day is one of the most exciting and fulfilling days of our lives. It can also be one of the most stressful, depending on the friends and family members involved. I have seen grown women reduced to tears when an overbearing family member tries to take over, or make the ceremony all about them. This is an all too common situation, especially if the family dynamic is unhealthy. This is where Reiki can come to the rescue!
Sending distance Reiki to the future can be done by any Reiki practitioner who has their level 2 attunements. I recommend to any of my couples that are to be married that if they learn Reiki and get their couples attunement, their soul mate connection will be strengthened. This sacred connection will also be very valuable to them as they move forward in life, because instead of worrying about the future, Reiki training gives them the ability to do something about the future. What a wonderful blessing!

Image by Albatros67
Here is a simple process to send Reiki to your future wedding day, or any future event that you would like to positively influence. This process should not be rushed. Just relax and let Reiki do the work.
- Sit in a comfortable position, hands in prayer position over your Heart chakra, eyes closed.
- Take three deep breaths, each time envisioning the healing light of Reiki filling your body up and surrounding your body with healing and protection.
- Ask the Reiki to flow to your wedding day, or any future event that you are wanting to heal and influence positively.
- Lift your prayer hands up to your third eye area and envision your wedding day in your mind’s eye. At the same time, ask Reiki to send distance healing to this sacred ceremony, for the highest good of all concerned.
- You may now put your hands down in a comfortable position and begin to beam the Reiki symbols to the future event, in whatever way feels right for you. This will work for all Reiki traditions, no matter what symbols are used.
- When you intuitively feel that you are finished, once again place your hands in prayer position and thank Reiki for the healing.
- Open your eyes.
I find that once my couples begin to think constructively about their wedding in this way, their fears and stresses begin to fade. Difficult friends and family members begin to act more appropriately. Things begin to fall into place, and the wedding day turns out perfectly, for the highest good of all concerned. Once we allow Reiki into our lives and use it to send healing to our future events, a whole new world of magic and enjoyment opens up for us. Sending Reiki to future events also allows us to “think on our feet” if any challenges do arise on our wedding day. Instead of being stressed out and upset, we can do whatever it takes to deal with the situation in a positive and constructive manner. Just because challenges arise on our wedding day does not mean that we cannot enjoy every single moment. Reiki gives us the spiritual energy to meet those challenges and focus on the importance of the day, and the sacredness of joining with our soul mate. What a wonderful spiritual blessing! I invite you to try it for yourself, and experience the magic of Reiki to heal and influence future events.
Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see or connect with her on Facebook at
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