The energy of the colour is very important in our lives because it has an effect on all our bodies: the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual. It has been used to improve or modify our emotional states and our health.
I am going to explain the different properties of the colours mixing with the archangels. This first part is going to be about the warm colours (red, orange and yellow) and green and in the second part I will write about cold colours (blue, indigo, purple) and others as pink, gold, white and black. And I will show you a meditation on colours and archangels.
It´s the colour with the longer wavelength and less vibratory frequency. It shows passion, heat, willpower, vitality, independence, eroticism, enthusiasm and will to live. It is related to the circulatory system, especially the heart, stimulating the metabolism, the skin, and the sexual organs.
Call upon Archangel Uriel and meditate with the red colour to deal with the reluctance, the boredom, the lack of energy, the anemia and any disorders related to the blood. When you feel stuck and want to push your life, giving strength to make changes, to start new projects, to leave back your past and all that is related to addictions, obsessions.
Be careful because an excess of red can increase your blood pressure, can make you be more irritated, annoyed, impatience, aggressive and even violent. Don´t meditate with red at night as it can produce insomnia, hyperactivity and even don´t allow you to sleep. You can balance with blue.
If you need to feed with red, you can take red fruits. You can use crystals like Ruby, Garnet and Red Jasper in your meditations.

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It´s associated with warm, abundance, joy, sexuality, sensuality and overall creativity. It´s a combination of red and yellow so that it has properties of both colours. Its energy is stimulating and encouraging. It produces vitality and stimulates the appetite.
Call upon Archangel Gabriel and meditate with the orange colour when you want to feel renewed, when you need inspiration, inventiveness, creativity, to manifest your dreams. It is an excellent colour to translate any art, to work with fertility, difficulties with kidneys, bowels, spleen, menstrual problems and depression.
Feed with orange fruit and vegetables like mango, clementine, grapefruit, peach, papaya, orange, carrots and pumpkins. The crystals to meditate are Fire Opal and Cornelian.
Be careful because an excess of orange can make you feel nervous and uneasy.
Yellow brings energy, personal power, hope, intelligence, discipline, wisdom, and trust. It is related to the digestive system, nervous and hormonal system.
Call upon Archangel Jofiel and meditate with yellow to increase your being qualities, increase self-esteem and concentration. Also to clear your mind, to get brilliant ideas, to get more in your studies or work, to feel happy, joyful, empowered and organized.
A lot of yellow can make you disorientated and stunned. Also an unbalance with yellow can make people bossy, controlling, and manipulative.
You can eat fruit like bananas, pineapples, lime. For crystals, you can use Citrine, Amber and Tiger Eye.
It´s the healers’ colour and the most abundant in nature. Also, it is neutral, because it´s a mixture of yellow (warm colour) and blue (cold colour). It brings fresh, balance, youth. It stimulates the physical body and it calms down our nerves.
Call upon Archangel Raphael, meditate with green and it will bring calm to you, it will soothe any pain, it will balance your body and make you accept things as it happens.
Associated crystals are Aventurine, Jade, Peridot, Malachite and Emerald. An unbalance with green can bring jealousy and envy.
Love and Light!
Article by Cristina Barcenilla
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Cristina Barcenilla is a naturopath and biodecoder in Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona) Spain. She became Reiki Master in 2013. She has a strong connection with Angels and Archangels. Also as she has dedicated all her life to teaching it is for her very easy to connect to people. Cristina is certified in Usui Reiki Master, DLA Master, Angelical Healing Master, DNA Strand Activation, Karmic Reiki, Karuna® Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelical Akashic Registers, Angelical Attunements, AA Gabriel Master Symbols, Dolphin Trilogy Healing, Acureiki, Chakra Flush, Meridian Flush, Aura Flush, Subconscious Flush, Happiness Flush, Shaman Power Reiki ...… Reach Cristina at, on Facebook and her blog:
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