Article by Dhwani Parikh
Reiki is the universal divine energy which can cure anything and everything you want. Before in my article “Reiki and Habit Making”, I have explained how to create any new habit by simply replacing the bad ones. It is like: what you sow, you reap in the future. If you sow mango tree, you won’t reap banana tree.
Today, we are going to add some new healing techniques in the same way for money. However, before we see how to cure bad money habits, let’s do one small exercise.
Do You Have Bad Money Habits?
Give a mental count for each of the following you have done recently in last 3 months. And we need to get the total number at the end of the exercise. You can also use pen and paper.
• How much money do you have in your saving account? Is it enough for at least a couple of years if you don’t work at all?
• Do you regularly spend 90% or more than what you earn?
• Do you need to say lie about your financials very often to your spouse or near ones?
• Do you borrow frequently from friends or near ones for your routine spending?
• Do you buy lottery or gamble often in hope to pay everything off?
• Do you neglect necessary things because of insufficient funds?
• Have you been turned down for credit?
• Are you holding more than one credit cards because you don’t have insufficient funds and you use them and lag always paying them off full?
• You or any near ones of yours is in always tension because of your spending habits?
• Have you bought something big recently just for fun which you can’t afford and bought on credit or loan?
If you have scored 0, then you are great at money and you don’t need to really work out.
If you have scored 5 or less, you actually need to reduce your debt and heal your financials for better future.
If you have scored more than 5, you better wake up as you are a financial disaster.

image by Pictures of Money
Before we start meditation with Reiki for this, you need to find out the debt you have, amount of paycheck you get every month and your average spending each month.
Write them down on a piece of paper.
Now divide your pay check by 3 and the amount you get should be your monthly spending. So, manage your monthly spending in a way that it is equal to this amount.
If you don’t want to decrease your spending amount, find out a way to increase monthly income by multiplying spending with 3 and find out new ways to increase your income.
So, when you divide your monthly income into 3 parts, one should be spending, one should be your investment or if you are in too much debt, it should go to pay off the debt and last part should be for charity or helping others once you are stable in your life. Whatever you give away for the good cause, the universe will multiply it and gives you back.
Now, after doing this, write on a new paper, what is the income you desire every month, what is your charity or good things you are going to do after spending the necessity.
Draw the power symbol on the four sides of the paper. Draw emotional symbol in between them and fold the paper and draw a big master symbol and distance healing symbol on that. You can use green color paper to be more specific for money energy. Now, either you can put this in Reiki box and give regular healing for 10 minutes every day or you can just keep it near the spiritual energy in your house and give healing.
So, before you hold that paper, close your eyes and visualize you are doing far better. Start the Reiki flow with symbols and visualize the following in the Third Eye.
“All the numbers are coming easily into your mind and you can now afford everything at ease. You know where to find new opportunities to earn better and also the right way to spend your income. You have everything enough so, now you have started donating to those who don’t have enough. You have paid off all bad debts and whatever is left is either helping you to save on taxes or better investment with that money or using in a business to get a better return. You are financially sound and confident.”
After this, thank the Reiki energy and believe that the universe will bring better energy. Every single time, you open your purse to spend, the universe will remind you what is right and wrong and listen to that voice. Also, when you have money in terms of cash or card, treat them in a good way, arrange them in a good way in your purse and feel the gratitude.
Lots of love and light,
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Founder & CEO of Race is Not Over, Astrologer, motivational speaker, counselor, pharmacist & Reiki Master Dhwani Parikh is the founder of "Race is Not Over" and a pharmacist by profession, attuned to master level Reiki. She has started her journey with Reiki nearly 14 years ago. She has given at least 4-6 Reiki healing sessions per week globally from these many years. She is an astrologer and gives remedies based on planetary positions combined with Reiki healing. She has an in-depth understanding of chakras, natural healing, energy healing, effect of planetary position on Reiki energy and healing. She has travelled across 18 countries. She is voracious reader and university topper in her studies. She has reduced 14+kgs of weight using Reiki and natural remedies. Also, consulted for weight management and healthy living successfully. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
You can reach Dhwani on [email protected] and on Facebook at
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