Article by Justine Melton
Since I was a child I have always been in awe of full moons. There is something so special about them. They radiate so much light and love. You can feel the energy beaming off of them just by looking at them. You see them in movies, on t.v., in art and even written about in history books. There is just something so universally special about them!
One of my favorite things about full moons is their ability to bring light to any dark situation that you might be having trouble with. During the Full Moon period, you are able to release whatever is troubling you and allow healing energy to come in to fix it. How do you do this? It is very simple and of course my favorite way involves Reiki.

Image by Tom Bech
How To Release Any Problem During A Full Moon:
- Get out a sheet of paper and make a large power sign over it.
- Write down whatever problems you have that you are ready to release and would like fixed. Next to each problem write an affirmation for it. For example, if you are wanting to improve your romantic relationship you could simply write, “Fix my relationship with my partner.” The affirmation you write next to it could be, “I am happy that my partner and I grow closer by the day in all areas. I am happy that we are the perfect match for each other.”
- After you have completed your list make another power symbol over it and beam Reiki to it for 5 min.
- Place it in a window seal where the Full Moon can hit it or place it outside under the moonlight.
- In the morning toss it into the trash. That’s it!
This method is so simple and yet can bring so much healing into your life. Allow the natural healing powers of the Full Moon to work wonders in your life with Reiki.
Keep a journal for a few months of any Full Moon changes that you may notice. Then, share this method with others to bring even more people healing and peace.
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
Thanks for this interesting ritual. I have only one doubt: Is good toss to trash a piece of paper with Reiki symbols? I will do tomorrow (Dec.15, 2024) but I think that will burn it to transmutate. I feel safer in this way. Perhaps my doubt will become a suggestion. Reiki adecuates all. Blessing!