Article by Saummitta A Mazumdar
Ever since the Saturn transited the Gandanta junction point of zodiac sign Scorpio in Jayestha Nakshatra (one of the eighteenth lunar mansion) in its last pada/amsa (foot) most of us had seen a great upheaval in all spheres of life.
Gand means a knot. Anta means the end. Gandanta means the knot at the end. A well-tied knot is that it is very difficult to unravel. The more you try to untie the knot, the tighter it becomes. Gandanta represents a knot within ourselves, a deep issue, which we are trying to reconcile with.
The exact degrees of Gandanta are 2 ghati i.e 48′ from the edge of the sign. So the closer the planet is at the edge of the Rashi, the more it is tied in a spiritual knot and harder it is to unravel the knot. Gandanta happens when a planet transit from water sign to fire sign and vice versa. The reason of Gandanta being the toughest transit position among the transits in general due to its elemental nature of being one transiting from water to fire sign and vice versa. The water starts boiling when kept on fire and fire hiss once water poured in.
Pieces (water sign) to Aries (fire sign)
Cancer (water sign) to Leo (fire sign)
Scorpio (water sign) to Sagittarius (fire sign)
Among all the transits of Saturn the hardest transit of Saturn has occurred in 2017. The Gandanta of Saturn in 2017 falls around the dates given below:
- In water sign Scorpio from 26 December 2016 to 25 January 2017
- In fire sign Sagittarius 26 January 2017 to 16 March 2017
- Again in water sign Scorpio in its retrograde position 20 June 2017 to 25 October 2017
- It will be Direct in Fire sign on 26 October 2017 to 27 November 2017
Transit from these signs to another in its last degree of water signs to first degree of fire signs is Gandanta position of a planet, since Rahu-Ketu, the lunar nodes are permanently in retrograde motion always moving backwards through the zodiac i.e. from Aries to Pisces and so on. Hense when its transit the zodiac signs, Aries to Pieces Cancer to Leo and Scorpio to Sagittarius Gandanta occurs.
Recently Rahu-Ketu went into Gandanta, the date (approx.) are as follows:
- Rahu (Leo) 5 July 2017 to 7 September 2017 – Rahu (Cancer) 8 September to 2 Nov 2017
- Ketu in (Aquarius) 5 July to 7 September 2017 – Ketu (Capricorn) 8 September to 2 Nov 2017
Image by kenny0079
There is an ancient legend relating to the origin of Rahu and Ketu goes something like this:
A celestial demon known as Swarbhanu undertook a severe penance invoking Lord Brahma, the creator among the trinity. When finally Brahma did appear before him he asked for a boon, which involved conferring on him the status of a planet. Brahma granted the boon as a fruit of his penance and disappeared. In a later time, the gods and demons were involved in a collective churning of the Kshirsagar the celestial ocean. Vasuki, the serpent king was used as a cord to churn the mountain known as Mandara, which in turn was resting upon the KurmaVatara (tortoise incarnation) of Lord Vishnu.
As a result of churning, all the impurities of the ocean manifested themselves a deadly poison called Halahala. At the request of the gods Shiva, the destroyer among the trinity, drank the poison. After this plants, animals and other useful things came out. Shree the goddess of prosperity, also emerged and chose Vishnu, the preserver among the trinity, as her husband. Finally Dhanvantri, the celestial physician, came out with a pot containing Amrit or the divine nectar. Since there was a pact that everything will be distributed equally among the gods and demons the demons wanted their share of the nectar known to confer immortality. They immediately grabbed the pot and because of their demonic nature soon forgot about the pact. The gods requested Lord Vishnu for help. Vishnu himself did not want the demons to partake the divine nectar, as that would mean that evil forces would gain permanence, leaving little chance for goodness to thrive in the world. To achieve its end, Vishnu took the form of an enchantress who took the responsibility of distributing the nectar to the gods and demons. She made them sit in two different lines and started distributing the nectar to the line of gods.
The plan was to finish the nectar before the turn of the demons came. The demons captivated by the beauty of the celestial maiden were not able to notice the trick, but one of them Swarbhanu, saw through the trick and stealthily infiltrating the ranks of the gods, managed to drink the nectar. Vishnu knowingly overlooked his presence, as he was aware of the boon given by Brahma to him. Two of the gods, Sun and Moon discovered his presence and asked Vishnu to destroy him. Vishnu severed Swarbhanu’s head with Sudarshan Chakra( celestial disc), but this did not kill him as he had already partaken the nectar. The severed head was joined with a Serpents tail and conferred by Brahma the status of a planet known as Rahu, while the remaining body was attached to the head of a serpent and given planetary status with the name Ketu. Due to this incident Swarbhanu, now divided in two.
During Gandanta a jolt of emotion comes into play once we reach Gandanta reveals our true nature. The challenges we confront during this time period helps us to untie the knot within us hence the inner turmoil helps us to abandon the superficiality and move towards our true purpose or goal. As we ascend higher our Sanchit Karmas starts balancing Reiki ease the process to lead us on the path of our true potential. Similarly, Saturn being the planet of karma teaches us hard lessons to shed the old that does not serve the higher purpose to incorporate new ways in life to attain success.
Our chakra system has great resonance with our astronomical birth chart since the 12 zodiac signs divide into lunar and solar zodiac signs, Ida and Pingla they lie within these two nadis respectively Shushumuna is the point (energy center /chakra) of intersection. Since the chakras are ruled by the planets in our planetary cabinet, the planets ruling our chakras system are as follows:
- Earth star chakra ruled by Ketu the south node
- Root chakra ruled by Saturn
- Sacral chakra ruled by Jupiter
- Solar Plexus ruled by Mars
- Heart chakra ruled by Venus
- Throat chakra ruled by Mercury
- Third eye Chakra ruled by Sun and Moon
- Crown chakra ruled by Moon
- Soul Star chakra ruled by Rahu the north nodes
Rahu and Ketu do not exist as planets hence their ruling chakras Soul and Earth Star chakras respectively lie out from our physical body.
Sushumna Nadi is where our Rahu – Ketu axis lies in the horoscope
Once our Kundalini accelerates from the base or Root chakra it then aligns and connects the root to earth star chakra hence its also known as super root and open the doors up to the Crown chakra to establish the connection with the soul star chakra “the seat of the soul”. These two chakras lying outside the body are two connection point for “Awakening” hence they come within the seven major chakra system.
Planets in Gandanta helps to accelerate the energy hence helps in releasing our spiritual knot the energy once reaches to our Sacral chakra it unveils our dormant energy of our creative abilities.
When it reaches up to Solar Plexus chakra it unleashes our personal power while reaching up to the Heart chakra it emanates unconditional love for all. The Throat chakra is the center of purification hence it purifies our conscience to attain our Godliness. Once we attain our god consciousness we can express ourselves freely (speaking our truth) while reaching the Ajna or Third Eye center where it unties the knot of psychic abilities. Finally it proceeds to his last destination (Crown chakra/Sahasrara chakra) open up the door for divine knowledge.
Gandanta does allow us to realize the true meaning of life. It is the unification of male and female energy hence we experience deep connection with our twin flames. This understanding of being united makes our life meaningful. Keeping our chakra unblock and clean helps the divine energy to flow uninterrupted hence spiritual practices that help during this period are :
- Ground yourself by spending more time in nature.
- Give up your habits like drinking and smoking
- Be authentic, do things and say what you really mean to be.
- Be more responsible, take your share of responsibility and follow more disciplined life.
- Expectation from others should be genuine.
- Work Hard to attain your desired goal.
All the above Spiritual practices resonate with the five principals of Reiki taught by Dr.Mikao Usui
- Just for today, do not be angry
- Just for today, do not worry
- Just for today, be grateful
- Just for today, work hard
- Just for today, be kind to others
Other Spiritual Practices for release are:
Mandala gazing/drawing/or just colour by taking a print of a mandala. Anyone can surf and get a print of mandala.
There are several mantras yet one can chant “Om Mani Padme Hum” its simple translation is The Jewel is in the lotus.
“Thiru Neela kantam” it diffuses the karma quite fast.
Chanting Rahu and Ketu Mool Mantra during Brahammurtha (just after sun rise) and just after sun set are the best time for chanting Mantra. Anyone can go online to check Rahu – Ketu’s correct pronunciation.
Rahu moola mantra with beeja syllables
Om Bhraam Bhriim Bhraum Sah Raahave Namaha
Ketu moola mantra with beeja syllables
Om Shram Shriim Sharum Sah Ketave Namaha
Even chanting OM mantra is enough the correct pronunciation for chanting is: “AAEEIIOOUUMM”
The letters are vowels hence the sound of the OM should be as given.
Taiost meditation like Neiguan (inner observation), Zuanqi (breathing technique) and emptiness meditation are helpful.
Those who are attuned to Karuna® Reiki can also heal themselves with the symbols.
Additionally one can heal all the nine planets daily for 5 mins thrice in a day with the help of Reiki.
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Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can contact Saummitta via her website or follow on Facebook at and
The two nadis ida and pingla lies on the either side of the shushmuna Nadi, Ida belongs lunar and pingla to the solar zodiac signs where these two Nadi intersect that point is where our energy center lies.
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