Article by Ranjini Rao
While conducting a 42-day Money, Prosperity and Abundance Consciousness through Reiki course and practicing it along with my clients, these were some of the miracles that had happened that left me awe struck.
1. One of my clients attracted a reduction in her Home loan tenure from 236 to 232 months. The bank sent her a letter stating that she had over paid and hence they were reducing the tenure and adjusting the payment. Really unheard of!
2. Another client attracted a refund credit from Amazon because their refilled printer cartridge was not working at all and she had complained about it.
3. I was on my way back home from an errand while I was also carrying my Cannon camera for repair. I was prompted to call Yellow pages and check their service center locations. The Cannon service center tracked me through the Yellow Pages call and called me to know the reason. When I mentioned that my camera was out of warranty they mentioned that they don’t come all the way but I could go to their service centers located in Bangalore and what a miracle! the service center was on the same route, so I dropped the camera for repair at the nearest center and went back home. Personally, for me, a ride to the main Cannon camera service center would have cost me few bucks more. The universe saved time and money for me.
4. I realised when I was back home that I had dropped the camera memory card in the shop keepers location. Hoping that I don’t need to spend again to buy a new one I used the Switchword– “CREATE-WOLF-Magic-NOW”. Within a few hours, I called the service centre to state I lost it and parallelly they were trying to reach me to inform that it’s safe with them apparently some Samaritan picked it and gave it to them.
A miraculous journey had indeed, begun. Abundance begins from a state of consciousness. It is also a journey from awareness to actualization and using the Magic of Reiki energy is a life skill or competency that you need to develop if you want to attract infinite abundance and prosperity in your life. If you are looking for ways to attract money abundance in your life too, here are some tips that you can follow:
1. Gratitude List: – As per the 5 principles of Reiki, Dr. Usui certainly valued the aspect of being able to tap into the Universal energy and experience its magic. So it all starts with having an “Attitude of Gratitude”. The secret to abundance is to count your blessings. I used to write my gratitude list for 100 things I am grateful for at least for a fortnight. Believe me, the list used to be never ending and we never know what part of our unconscious we are unlocking, if we are grateful for even small things (like the miracles I have shared above are not big accomplishments they are moments of awareness).
2. Magic Water: – Water has healing properties. Several years ago, I had practised the course, “The Magic” from Rhonda Byrne’s book. She says water is a symbol of abundance and source of pure life-force energy and signifies money flowing into your life. Every time you open the tap – Thank the Universe for the free flowing and clean drinking water available in the comfort of your home. I started placing hand painted Reiki chakra mandala coasters under the water that could charge the water and send the corresponding chakras’ energy to the water to help fill my body with those qualities.
3. Positive Affirmations for Thoughts, Cells and Body: – When I went to the place where I grew up since childhood, I saw the water and the pipes being connected to a power storage and was reminded that our overall well-being symbolizes the life-force within -in form of chakra energy from the roots can be associated by the Root chakra, Electricity in the form of water in our body and cells in the blood stream that generates the flow throughout and brain is the power house of circuit. When we fill our cells, thoughts and body with gratitude, then they flow within our cells, filling them with abundance.
4. Reiki Prosperity Box: -As we all know in Reiki course we are taught to create a prosperity box for attracting wealth, prosperity and money into our lives. I created a box that could contain coincidences like thank you notes, business cards of those who could help me, things that I wished for, or desired to have, a few feathers, symbols or signs of prosperity like Reiki Midas card, coins, and small pieces of articles that symbolised abundance for me.
5. Angel cards of Abundance: Taking a reading from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Card Deck or any other Card Deck can guide you towards what you want to get as a clear message or sign from the Universe. Before taking a reading, ensure that your mind is clear, the space is de cluttered since your energy vibes pick the message on the actions you need to take for attracting abundance in your life. Start the reading with a prayer or intention using Reiki symbols and then spread the cards and pick one for a sign, 2nd card for re-confirmation and 3rd card for taking action.
6. Connecting to nature: Connecting to nature also is a good way to attract mother Earth’s abundance in your consciousness and open to prosperity consciousness. Current Environment plays an important role in shaping our vibrational energy, our moods of a place and our emotions.
7. Chakra Abundance Meditation: – The sole purpose of meditation is to channel and focus the mental energy and thoughts and let go of all the disempowering beliefs, clutter and excess activity going on within. To experience the world as it is and not to escape from reality and create illusions. Meditating on each of our chakras especially Root chakra (Mooladhara) and Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) help in balancing the energy flow through the body and connect us to the abundance within. Similarly, each chakra has associated characteristics of thoughts, feelings and abundance that can be experienced with practice and perseverance and faith.
8. Crystals and other sources: – Crystal healing techniques are ideal to help solve long standing difficulties and barriers to success in our lives. Regular practice for five or ten minutes once or twice a week will begin to bring about positive change without having to revisit, and perhaps open old wounds. In a situation where there is a loss of personal power, taking the initiative to help yourself is very important. Once the personal power of the Solar Plexus chakra is balanced and restored, abundance flows into your life.
9. Visualization and Imagination: – Visualisation is a mental process of forming images of what we really want from our lives. It is a common method recommended to clearly making your dreams and visions a reality. It starts with self-awareness and understanding yourself. Having compassion for yourself by practising patience, releasing limiting beliefs, blocked patterns and stuck emotions and thoughts that are blocking one’s abundance. To make dreams a reality, habits and practices will need to be dealt with, by using the power of imagination one can dissolve them and move ahead in life and attract money abundance and prosperity. These techniques are practised through meditation with eyes open or closed.
10. Art Forms and Creative expressions: The ultimate objective or aim is to realise your dream or abundance in a shape or form and experience it fully. Expression is a feeling or emotion expressed through an art form – dance, singing, music, drama, painting, drawing, arts and crafts, writing a book or designing a sculpture. Creativity channelled through art forms leads to abundance when you use your God given innate power and energy to co – create with the Creator. Wealth creation begins from this point. Strategies that lead to multiple sources of income and professional pursuits opens the door to infinite abundance.
All of you want to eventually lead this life of hassle-free, debt free and a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. Hopefully, some of these tips/ideas help you achieve your goals and attract abundance in your lives.
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Ranjini Rao is an independent wellness counselor, who imparts Reiki knowledge and other self-empowerment techniques to individuals looking for serving their life’s purpose and to unlock the potential of their mind. She coaches on mindfulness practices through NLP, meditation, and mandala art painting. Prior to this, she was serving as a Marketing strategy Consultant @ IBM Interactive Experience & Mobile, Global Delivery Services. She has served in several roles within IBM India over 15 years and has over 20+ years of Industry experience and her specialization is Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy coaching and consulting. Her personal experiences around Reiki have been life-changing and transformational in nature.
She has been a pious person and spiritually inclined soul since a young age. She was an intuitive channel since 1995 even before she realized it. She has been associated with various philanthropy community activities and developed her interests in holistic healing since 2008. She is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Certified Master, Certified Holistic Well-being Counsellor, TA101 Certified by ITAA, Angel therapy practitioner, Certified NLP practitioner, self-taught artist, and Silva Method Practitioner.
You can reach her at and on Twitter @iampositive2k, Facebook page Srishti Vataa Healing & Art Studio and by email to
Thank you for an inspiring set of Abundance tips Ranjini Rao,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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Thank you for jotting down so many things in one article… Feeling of abundance…