Have you ever wondered how beneficial Black Tourmaline is? Healing with crystals has several beneficial effects except one when it comes to cleansing.
Black Tourmaline is an amazing crystal among all; the best part is that it transmutes negative vibes.
A couple of months ago I was facing issues getting sound sleep at night. I had an idea to keep a big raw Black Tourmaline with me. After few days of keeping the crystal, I experienced a major shift in my sleep pattern. Whenever I slip into my bed I fall asleep in no time.
Here are a few simple methods of healing insomnia.
1. Take one raw Black Tourmaline 200 gm – 250 gm and draw Cho Ku Rei over it through visualizing.
2. Cover the crystal with your free hand and channel Reiki while channeling, set an Intention to heal your sleeping disorder.
3. Keep the crystal close to the bed or under the pillow/mattress.
It also heals a child’s bed-wetting issue.
- Take one raw Black Tourmaline in your hand around 200 gm and draw the symbols CKR – SHK – CKR over crystal through visualization.
- Cover the Black Tourmaline with your free hand and channel Reiki. While channeling, set the intention that your child is completely healed from the issue.
- After charging with Reiki keep it at the bedside or under the pillow or under the mattress.
Raw Black Tourmaline is best to use for this purpose yet one can choose a semi-polished Black Tourmaline tumbler too.

Image by Mauro Cateb
Why Raw Black Tourmaline:
Black Tourmaline is primarily a grounding crystal, it resonates with our Root chakra. The Root chakra is our primal force for sustainability. The raw form is more effective as it maintains most of its base mineral composition. Hence, it acts as a protective shield for its quality to transmute negative into positive.
This healing technique can successfully heal sleeping disorder even in the case of chronic patients.
Make sure that Black Tourmaline should be equal to the weight mentioned above, less weight may not work as effectively.
Tip for powerful grounding during Meditation:
- Put an Anthakarana under your mat.
- Sit on the mat.
- Place a Black Tourmaline in your lap not less than 200gm to 250 gm.
Article by Saummitta A Mazumdar
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Saummitta Mazumdar
Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can follow Saummitta on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Saumaaz-Holistic-Healing and https://www.facebook.com/saumaazholistichealing/
I love black tourmaline I have a piece of both both entrances to my home and my car as well as a piece to wear as a necklace. It is one of the only protective stones that is known to repel negative energy instead of a desorbing it and having to be cleaned all the time.