Article by Shailja Kapur
Distress is a simple word with in-depth meaning. Occasionally we face unpleasant situations and suffer from pain, agony, anxiety, ache, fear, sorrow or dejection. Sometimes we are just upset when the events did not turn out the way we expected.
Everything starts manifesting at the auric level before it reaches the physical body. When we are distressed our energy field gets misaligned. Distress can be for any reason but a quick Reiki approach to resolving it is always beneficial. Whilst Reiki nourishes us to bring the energy field in alignment to ourselves which not only assists us in raising our vibrations but also makes ourselves whole and complete.
In all these horrid circumstances our body responds differently. From my observation, the most common natural body instinct is that one of our hands goes towards the Heart Chakra and the other may go towards either the Solar Plexus or Sacral Chakra. We may start feeling uneasiness in one place or another; being the neck and shoulder the most prominent ones.
When we are emotional the Heart Chakra, where love and compassion reside, gets most affected as it processes all the emotions. Therefore transmitting Reiki to that area will bring relief. Channelling the Universal Life Force Energy to the other chakras, neck, and shoulders will give added benefit.
When we suffer from distress our water element of the body gets imbalanced. This is because the major constituent of the human body is water. I have noticed on several occasions if water is given to the distressed person they feel a bit calmer and composed.
The other approach is at the fingertips. The fingers represent the five elements of the body through which run the body meridians. The little finger represents the water element in the body and is connected with the heart meridian. Channeling Reiki to the little finger in the event of distress brings enormous healing.
The additional technique is a Sei He Ki shower. SHK, the mental and emotional healing symbol can come to the rescue in the event of distress. Visualise SHK is showering over you and taking away all your distress.
But above all whenever the distress triggers, the first and foremost, always acknowledge it. We should always accept when we are emotional or distressed. There is no point in hiding it.
Once distress is acknowledged then release it. To let it go is the trickiest part and for that Reiki is the best savior, especially “Letting Go” Reiki hand position. It is the top outer portion of the chest under the shoulders. If you are in the public place and cannot do that just Reiki the wrist from the thumb side. Believe it, it works.
In the event of distress, always invoke Reiki. Make a big Power Symbol in the air to purify the space then draw Sei He Ki, the emotional healing symbol in front of you. For instantaneous approach channel Reiki to certain hand positions. While channeling Reiki continuously chant the Chakra Beej mantras OM LAM VAM RAM YAM HAM OM in this sequence. Chanting the Chakra Beej mantras not only clears blockages from the chakras but also balances and energizes them.
In summary, my top instant hand positions which bring healing and instantly boost the energy field in the event of distress are the following:
- Channel Reiki by keeping one hand on the Heart Chakra and the other on Sacral Chakra.
- While still keeping one hand on the Heart Chakra, move the other hand from Sacral to Solar Plexus Chakra.
- Reiki the Little Finger.
- Reiki the back of shoulders near the shoulder blades.
- Reiki the outer portion of the chest under the shoulders. The position of Letting Go acu-point is somewhere in that area but I call it as “Letting Go” Reiki hand position. This position works miraculously.
- Reiki the wrist from the thumb side.
This practice helps those who are in need and especially those who are in a public facing role (frontline) or customer experience jobs, come across abrupt or any unreasonable people. Unfortunately, the worse scenario is when the abuser pretends to be a victim and at times it could be challenging to prove innocence.
All these scenarios create blockages in the energy field, which should be removed to live in harmony with ourselves.
Nothing can take over daily self-healing of all the points but by channeling Reiki to the above hand positions in distress significantly helps us in bringing alignment to ourselves.
When we cannot control anyone’s actions at that time at least we can control our own reactions. When Reiki is with you, there is no need to worry; as Reiki works for the Highest and Greatest good.
From this moment whenever you are distressed; Invoke Reiki, apply to the above hand positions as an instant approach and heal. Always surrender to the loving Universal Life Force Energy and let the peace and harmony flow through you.
Thanks to all my Gurus for their Divine guidance and blessings.
Thanks to all readers.
Love & Light!
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Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address [email protected]. You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
Thank you. I am reading this article when I need it the most. Lots of love and light