Article by Shailja Kapur
We all have our personal life experiences and commitment and some days are much better than others. Slowly, steadily and silently we are in the process of accumulating different unwanted energies that start affecting our lifestyle, in general.
These unwanted behavioral patterns; whether related to procrastination, frustration, guilt, anger, worry, anxiety, aggressiveness or anything else get deep seated in our Aura which creates blockages in our life or towards goal achievement.
Universe has blessed us with a wonderful day of a full moon to channel its energies along with Reiki to shed this emotional baggage and move forward in life. We have to shift our consciousness to raise our frequency for the better future. We have to take conscious decision to bring peace, love, and joy to our own lives and reach our goals and manifest our dreams.
As on full moon, the gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth is very powerful and emotions come to the saturation point; it is considered as one of the best days to channel the moon energies with awareness to bring positive changes in our life. It is a perfect time to bathe in the moon energy and let go of the undesired emotions or habits.
I would like to share a process of energetic cleansing. This technique requires visualization but for those who find it difficult in visualizing can just intent.
In this technique, we will clean our aura, chakras, and body as a whole with the divine full moon energies along with Reiki symbols.
We will use millions of SHKs, the Mental and Emotional healing symbol along with other symbols you are guided to. Let us call it as the “Full Moon – Reiki Shower”. Try to do it in open space under the moonlit sky, if possible.

Image by ™ Pacheco
The First step will be the cleansing of the auric field layer by layer with the Full Moon -Reiki Shower; starting from Higher self to the physical body.
The Second step will be the Chakra Cleansing.
The Third step will be channeling Reiki with SHK to the forehead and the back of the neck where the skull meets the spine. SHK, which is the symbol of balance and harmony, significantly helps in releasing emotions.
The Technique:
- Set an intention “I begin an energetic cleansing NOW”.
- Invoke Reiki.
- Purify the space with the Power symbol.
- Call your guides. Do a prayer.
- Grounding: Draw the Distant symbol on the ground to connect with Mother Earth. Visualize you are a tree. Your roots are going deep into the core of the Mother Earth and you are firmly grounded.
- Connect with the Moon energy or Archangel Haniel with the distant symbol. Invite the divine energies in your space.
- Express your Gratitude to all the divine energies in the Gassho position.
Step 1: Aura Cleansing
Visualize the beams of the Full moon’s moonlight – Reiki shower is falling over and connecting with your energy field.
The first auric layer of the moon energy that comes in contact is the spiritual field, the Higher Self.
Visualize the Full Moon – Reiki Shower is clearing out all blockages from your spiritual field and giving you strength to accept yourself totally and love unconditionally.
Visualize the ray of moonlight along with the Reiki shower with millions of SHKs entering your mental field and washing away all the negative thought patterns, dreadful memories, bad experiences, and psychic attacks. Once it is cleansed, you are soaked with the positive energy filled with a can-do approach towards life.
Now the beams of moonlight are entering into your emotional body. The Full Moon -Reiki Shower is clearing away all the energies related to procrastination, frustration, guilt, anger, worry, anxiety, aggressiveness. Imagine yourself filled with divine love and light as these energies are washed away.
Visualize the Full Moon – Reiki Shower entering your physical auric body and the physical body itself.
Visualize all impurities going away from the body as you immerse yourself in the divine Full Moon – Reiki Shower.
Visualize yourself totally soaked in Full Moon – Reiki Shower.
Step 2: Chakra cleansing
Visualize the Full Moon – Reiki Shower is entering from your Crown chakra and filling your entire body while passing through all the other chakras.
All the unwanted energies from all the chakras and the entire body are released. These energies are transmuted by Mother Earth.
Visualize all your chakras are cleansed and they are radiating with their corresponding divine colors. They are balanced and are in perfect alignment.
Step 3: Channelling Reiki in Full Moon – Reiki Shower
While the Full Moon – Reiki Shower is still falling over you draw the CKR and SHK on your forehead and the back of the neck where the skull meets the spine.
Channel Reiki by keeping one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the neck where the skull meets the spine. Use SHK as a switch word while channeling Reiki. Do it for a few minutes or as long as you are comfortable.
This technique gives healing to undesired habits.
Believe all your cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and body as a whole are immersed in the Universal Life Force Energy.
Now you are completely impregnated in the divine moon energies with the Reiki symbols.
Thank the moon, Archangel Haniel, Mother Earth and all your guides for their loving presence.
Give your love and gratitude to all the divine energies for energizing you and filling you with Love and Light.
Seal and protect the session with the Power symbol and Master symbol (if attuned).
For closing the session draw your roots up and bring your awareness to the present by closing your palms into a fist.
Feel yourself blessed and empowered. Drink water or even better Reiki water after the session.
I always feel very transformative after performing such rituals. When we do such sort of rituals, healing begins within us as a matter of thought.
You can make Reiki Water and charge it with the Moon energy and consume it the following day and even mix it in the bath.
Energetic Cleansing should be the commitment to ourselves that make the healing journey more pleasurable and enjoyable. We all have the potential towards self-purification. The only thing is to realize it and live in harmony with ourselves.
Thank the Universe for helping you to implement self-purification journey towards inner peace. You can do this ritual on the day of full moon and can even start two days before and continue up to two days after the full moon to get rid of unwanted energies which you may have accumulated in the whole month.
When we set aside our ego and heal ourselves we get a better understanding of our True-self; which also helps us to accept our self totally and unconditionally and grow spiritually.
Do try it and feel the difference from now on. Please share your experiences.
We all desire and deserve a wonderful life. Consider an “Energetic Cleansing” a way forward.
Stay Blessed! Love and Light!
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
I will definitely try … Thank you
Shalija. You have written a very profound and complicated article. As a Reiki Master I feel that your instructions to “Just have Intent if you cant visualize ” is erroneous. With Reiki Intent is always a priority! Anyone through ” Intent ” and the use of their Reiki symbols are achieving cleansing. They do not need the full moon. When we do Reiki on ourselves the aura and chakras are healed and balanced as Reiki goes where it is needed. If we set an intent to cleanse a specific list of emotional failings then the self reiki session removes those imbalances. There should not be a need for drawing symbols on our heads or necks or twisting ourselves into knots trying to draw symbols anywhere. Symbols can be drawn on the roof of the mouth or in our minds as we relax and enjoy the flush of divine energy go thru us. Symbols should never be drawn externally.
The moon does not have power, it affects water in all cells and emotions, and charges not cleanses crystals. You can do a self cleanse anytime, focus intent and release all that does not serve you down and through you into mother earth. CKR, SHK, CKR. Thank and ground and surround your aura in protective light. This won’t work If there are deep seated issues that may need full Reiki sessions. If you are overly energized due to having worked alot with Reiki or crystals or channeling, do this same release. Do not use symbols, as you are trying to quieten your vibrations and ground and surround yourself with Light. If you are under psychic attack learn to close yourself off from the Realm, or carry selenite or black tourmaline or turquoise. 071818 LivingwithLightJoulesHealing
Dear Jan E.
Being Reiki healer I followed the technique stated in the article this full moon and felt very energetic and pure after the session. Yes visualisation played very vital role because putting intention is important and if you visualise it happenning, gives you more benefit and let you feel more blissed.
In fact, While making intention slip or sending intention ball when I visualise it happenning I feel it gives more impact and I believe in law of attraction. More you visualise more chances of intention to happen.
Also when I draw the symbols on chakras which are in straight line I did not have to twist my body to knot or something what you mentioned in your comment.
I did find that your comment was unnecessary or it has been resulted from probably you are overly energized due to having worked alot with Reiki or crystals or channeling. I feel you should try once the technique mentioned in the article.
I feel that experimenting Reiki and sharing the experience to the world and writing article is very courageous and we should encourage such authors. Writing comment is very easy and it results only from one’s state of mind at particular situation. We should try to discourage it.
The article is written in very straight forward instructions and I did not find it forcing anyone to obey or follow ut complelely. You either do not follow if you do not agree or may do it with some variation. All are correct in Reiki.
Sending you a lots of love and light!
Thanks Shailja for sharing it in form of article and many thanks to Reiki Rays to publish it to reach to us!