Article by Darshan.S
Being able to love yourself is one of the most important milestones of spiritual evolution.
Self-love is reflected in all areas of our lives from our relationships, finance, career, health and wellbeing, even in our ability to manifest and attract.
For us to be able to help others we need to have our own cups full. We cannot share with the world what we lack in ourselves.
The Chakra determining the energy of love is the Heart chakra. Here is a simple exercise that will help you to receive and give more love.
The technique
- Sit in a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed.
- Take a few deep breaths and relax.
- Shield and Ground yourself and invoke the flow of Reiki.
- Once you feel the Reiki flow, use symbol #3 HSZSN and connect to the energy of love. If you find that difficult to do just imagine a person, place or object that invokes the feeling of love in you and place your attention on it.
- Now let the feeling of love flood your heart, and when that happens do keep repeating to yourself. “I love, I love, I love. I am open to receiving the energy of more and more love.”
- Keep doing this for 15 minutes. Once your heart is filled with love let it expand from you to your surroundings, your city, your country, the planet and the whole universe.
- Once you feel the love expand, ground yourself and end the session with gratitude.
Image by maxlkt
Here are a few more ways to allow the flow of love into your heart and life:
- Spend time with yourself, knowing and understanding your needs and desires.
- Learning to say NO when appropriate. There are a lot of moments in life where we say yes to things and people that we know will cause us to feel bad. Being able to say NO when required is a trait of a person who values themselves as much as they value others.
- Stop comparing yourself to others and refuse to judge yourself or anyone else. Just allowing things to be, puts us in a state of peace and calm.
- Allow yourself sufficient time to rest and relax.
- Be aware of your personal skills, strengths, and abilities and use them more consciously. If possible, make a list of them and keeping adding more to your list. You can look at it whenever you need to prep yourself up.
- Learn to reward yourself.
- Be honest to self and other people.
- Forgive yourself and other people for their mistakes. Holding on to the past only slows down our spiritual journey.
- Practice gratitude every day in every way.
- Make fun a priority in your life. It’s important to have FUN.
- Make a list of all your successes in life.
Love and Light!
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Darshan is a Reiki healer & teacher, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Professional Dowser. He owns a Metaphysical Store called “Crystal Alchemy” through which he helps spread awareness about Crystals and other Healing Modalities. You can reach Darshan at,
How do we connect to love energy with hszsn