Reiki helps to stir and arouse the reservoir of consciousness exiting the Crown chakra. Practices and experiments of spirituality stimulate the rousing of these latent centres of consciousness which can bestow supernatural faculties; if one seeks deeper insight and thoroughly links one’s thought process with the eminence of truth and purity of knowledge, one might acquire something, the honored status of a revered erudite. Because root of inspiration is contained in the Crown chakra for seekers who wish to cut through the dross, to find deeper level of meaning, beauty and a quality of life.
During a Reiki session you behold vision and experience of divine perception; you get inspiration and insight as well as nature unfolding its secrets to you; cosmic impress can be retrieved as spiritualist adepts all are found in the cosmic records.
When the mind gets highly purified, devotion become intense and profound the mind raises to Crown chakra. A Reiki session culturing your behaviour, your attitude and your ability to perceive things better have to be improved.
Crown Chakra Meditation
This is a very powerful meditation which brings about physical relaxation, mental relaxation including improved ability to visualize and clairvoyance. It is best done in the morning as this energises and sets oneself up for the day. Avoid doing this meditation in the evening as you may find you cannot sleep after due to being so energized.

Image by hansbenn
- Sit comfortably in a quiet place with your hands on your lap upward direction. Close your eyes and take ten slow deep breaths. Imagine you breathe in a white light through the nose and out through the mouth, let your unhealthy bonds out in to the air.
- Draw Cho Ku Rei (power symbol) on your Crown chakra and let it down on your spinal centers; then Sei He Ki on the same way, after that Hon Sha Ze Sho Non, finally Dai Ko Myo.
- Visualize one by one. You feel vibration of Reiki in different parts inside your body, electric-like current flow up and down the nerves or spinal centers, know that you are on right path.
- Now you visualize Harth on your Crown. Harth is an appropriate symbol for Crown chakra.
- Sit with this mediation for at least 10 minutes.
Maintaining daily practice of this helps to increase concentration, focus, instinct and clairvoyance. As well as boosting mental health and spiritual balance. This leads to inner peace, happiness and the path to enlightenment, which is the true Nirvana.
Article by Jaswinder Bhalla
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Jaswinder Bhalla
Jaswinder is a full time teacher running his own Coaching Institute. He holds Masters degrees in Commerce, Arts(English), Economics. His passion for learning more and more took him to learn other languages like Russian, French, Spanish, and German. When not teaching at his Institute, Jaswinder Bhalla is a Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher. He’s practicing Reiki for more than 14 years. Grand Master in Traditional and Modern Usui Reiki, he’s well versed with Karuna® Reiki, Magnified Reiki, Runic Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and different form of Meditation. Jaswinder offers courses in Reiki, Sahaj Yoga and Meditation as well as distance healing services. Born in the lap of Himalayas – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, he now lives in Punjab, India.
Very nice sir g
Very nice thanks for all material.
Very useful meditation for realizing true potential of spiritual gifts and living every day filled with energy enthusiasm of healthy mind and vibrating positive vibes all around for better world,Definitely Reiko is very precious gift of spirituality .Thanks for this beautiful meditation
Very useful information.
thanks a lot for explaining step by step points for Crown chakra meditation… this artical really is very useful to people like me… and beginer too.. hope in future we get more knowledge from you sir… very nice informative.. knowledgable article. . thanks a lot…
Thnks alot sir for this wonderful article
Nyc explanation
I again want to join the reiki classes andbwant learn more from you
Thanks a lot
Very nice article sir. Crown chakra is the most important energy center to connect the divine. I’m a proud student of an amazing teacher like you. Thanks for being there on my path. Many blessings!!!!
very nice artikel regarding reiki power of brain , and distance healing is good , saving the time. bravo !bravo ! I wish much success.
Fast TDs
Nicely explain