Christmas is just around the corner and so I thought I would write an article about how to use Reiki at this busy, stressful and sometimes, downright horrible time. Yes it’s meant to be fun, and joyous and an amazing time for people, and yet at times it’s not – some people have no family, no friends, and sometimes as in the case of my family, we lost Grandma from an unexpected heart attack on Christmas Eve 1979. Christmas is not joyous for everyone all the time.
Reiki can help.
What I do every Christmas is to send Reiki healing energy out across the world to anyone whom needs the energy…. If people don’t wish to accept this energy, the Reiki goes to those that do or to animals and nature, as set by my intention.
I invoke Reiki:
“To my dear Angels above, in love and light, I ask to channel Reiki healing energy. I ask for this energy to reach all those people in need during this time of year. Please fill the hearts of people who are stressed, frazzled, frantic, grieving, or to those who just need a boost. I ask the Reiki go to those who need it and or animals and nature. Thank you”
I draw the distance symbol to open up the gateway, and then I place my hands over a globe of the world or a picture of the world. I feel the energy flowing and surging through my hands into the globe/picture and slowly, slowly I move my hands right around the world until every country has received a good dose of healing energy.

Image by jill111
During this exercise, I mentally send other Reiki symbols and will usually have my crystals in a grid at the base of the globe or surrounding the picture. I will also use the Reiki Chakra Cards (as described in this article ). The cards give another perspective and hold healing energy of non-traditional Reiki symbols. These are also laid out in a circular pattern around the base of the globe, or around the picture. I sometimes get the urge to pull more cards and place these over certain countries.
The Reiki energy does what it needs as our intent is what matters. My intent is always to help or assist anyone who requires the energy. Of course, as we know, permission is so important with Reiki and so spirit knows who allows such energy to enter their auric field and who does not, thus nature and animals will also be receiving Reiki during this process.
I close the session by doing the master symbol and thanking Reiki, my Reiki guides and angels.
I do this as my way of giving each festive season. It’s something I can do and I trust Reiki to help those that need it.
What I did for my own family to assist with the residual grief of Grandma passing over – albeit many years ago now, was send Reiki back into the past, on that ill-fated Christmas eve, and gave Reiki to Grandma as she passed over, I gave Reiki to my family including myself. Everyone was surrounded in this glorious energy, and although it can’t change the facts, we cope with Christmas so much better than we once did.
Please remember that Reiki is a powerful and yet gentle healing energy, that can be used on so many levels other than the physical, and please remember it can be sent back to the past to help heal.
I witness this time after time and Christmas after Christmas. Every person on the planet deserves to feel some “lightness” and “brightness” at Christmas.
I trust this article helps you this festive season.
With love light and harmony.
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Lovely article
Hi Vidyaa, I’m so glad you enjoyed the article xx
Such a lovely article to read. I’m excited to try this practice out xx
Hi Mandy, I am so glad you enjoyed reading the article. I do hope you enjoy doing what i’ve suggested. Big hugs and Merry Christmas. Tammy xxx
Thank you for all the wonderful instructions on how to use Reiki.
I feel grateful to each of you who are Reiki articles
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I wish you a blessed Christmas season as well
Have a wonderful year 2024