Parenting has become more challenging nowadays specially with strict academic rules, crime against children, psychological issues due to bullying, low self esteem etc. I meet many anxious parents in workshops, tarot consultations. First thing that I always tell parents is to stop worrying about their kids, I know it’s easy to say. However we can’t deny that when you worry about your children you are focusing on problems and as we all are aware that what we focus on always multiplies. A simple but proven rule of Law of Attraction.
Let’s focus on solutions. Children are beautiful gifts from divine so how about using divine energy of Reiki and Angels to raise them?
So here are few methods
1. Protecting your child
Archangel Michael is an Archangel who protects. In the morning draw Reiki symbol of Cho Ku Rei, the power symbol on your palms and keep it on your child’s head and say, “Dear God,Goddess and Archangel Michael please protect my child from all kinds of negativity, lower energies, psychic attacks, any kind of danger or harm in all directions of time, this or better, thank you”.
If your child is physically away from you then you can make a Chi Ball and visualize Reiki symbol of Cho Ku Rei in the Chi Ball and say the prayer and send it to your child.
2. Reiki for education
Once your child goes to school, take his or her picture and draw all the 3 symbols ie the Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) on the picture. Call upon Archangel Uriel, an archangel who is associated with wisdom and Archangel Zadkiel, an archangel who helps to recall information and say “Dear God, Goddess, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Zadkiel help my child to enjoy and wisely absorb all that is taught regarding academics today in school/college this or better, thank you”.

Image by karigamb08
3. Reiki for sensitive children
Archangel Metatron and Archangel Gabriel help in taking care of sensitive children. Draw the 3 symbols ie Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) on your palm and place your hand on your child’s heart and say, “Divine Archangel Metatron and Archangel Gabriel help my child to handle every situation with courage and maturity, please help my child to effectively communicate with himself/herself and others, this or better, thank you”.
If your child is physically away from you then you can make a Chi Ball and say the prayer visualize Reiki symbols into the ball and send it to your child.
4. Reiki for conflicts
Archangel Raguel helps in resolving conflicts and making good friends. If your child is having conflicts with others then draw Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) on your palms and place your palms on your child or their picture and say, “Dear Archangel Raguel please be with my child and help him/her to have amicable relationships with everyone around and resolve the conflict between my child and _______(mention the name) so that the day ahead is smooth and happy for him/her”.
5. Reiki for good sleep
If your child has nightmares or has difficulty sleeping then draw the 3 symbols ie Power symbol (Cho Ku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) on your child’s heart and say “Dear God, Goddess, Archangels protect and heal my child. Please help my child to sleep peacefully, this or better, thank you”. Give Reiki for 5 mins.
Article by Sheetal Sapan Mhatre
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Sheetal Sapan Mhatre is a Reiki Usui Master. She is also a Certified Angel Intuitive from Doreen Virtue, MBA in human resources and Masters in Commerce. She is a certified Train the Trainer. She takes workshops on Angel Guidance, Prosperity, Tarot, Goddess Lakshmi and Angel Magick. She is also an Angel and Tarot card reader. Sheetal can be reached on Facebook page at Spiritual Retreat by Sheetal Sapan Mhatre.
Wonderful!!! Loved this article… All aspects covered..
Thanks Rinku
So much helpful and great article, with this awesome article our childrens can grow spritualy and physically . Thanks for sharing wonderful Angel Healing for childrens with Reiki.
Thanks in millions
This article is so relevant in today’s times. Children have so much competition to deal with. Plus so many subjects; such vast syllabus and chained with never ending homeworks. Reiki will give them so much power and inner strength to go on.
And someone like me who has faced bullying will greatly benefit from Reiki.
Thanks Abhishek
Please help me!
My daughter is 6 years old and she just dsnt eat . It may sound like a regular complaint if a typical mother but she actually dsnt eat anything . Please guide how can I help her body to ask fr food.
Thank you