Have several break ups in the same way? Or do you lose job for no reason? Or do you feel money is not meant for you? Or simply you don’t understand how the same health problems come back to you over and again?
I have come across many people who have been going through repeat patterns including myself! Some face it in their relationship, some face it in their job and finance, and some face it for health.
Today I would like to share with Reiki Rays a method which I have received through a channel messaged from the Universe. The message was repetitive and I was sure of the message when the same day my master told me he too had seen similar element in his dreams and he saw me too in his dream!
Un-Knot the Way to Love!
The visuals I have received were of a web with complex knots. Each knot representing each issue, person or situation in your life. This may be a lengthy and time consuming process. I am sharing the way I have received the message.
Why Love? Because if you want to break the repeat pattern first we need to understand and recognize the pattern and then heal it with love. Holding anger and grudge won’t really help us breaking the pattern.

Image by condesign
Breaking Down the Process in Steps
- Clear your space where you are going to do the process. If you are attuned to the symbols then draw a big CKR or Rama across the space. If you are not attuned, just smudge or burn incense sticks. I usually burn a camphor and draw symbols.
- Light a white candle if you have one. If you don’t have, it’s ok. Alternatively you can light a pink or green candle as well.
- Invoke your angels, spirit guides, your masters, or God and Goddess.
- It’s important to ground yourself and shield yourself before you start the process.
- Take a few deep breaths slowly (4-6 deep breaths will do).
- Close your eyes and with your mental eye draw the Master symbol (if you are attuned to) on your Crown chakra, Heart chakra. Draw Cho Ku Rei at your feet.
- Call in your guides mentally to show you the knots which have been created through karma beyond time and space.
- While I was doing this step, I could see thick black web – just like spider’s web. Let your mind’s eye see what is there for you. It might be totally different from what I have seen.
- When you see the web and the knot / knots, call upon the guide you work with or the Archangel or the Ascended master to help you un-knot it.
- I called upon Archangel Michael and Mother Kwan Yin to help me un-knot.
- Each knot may remind you of a person who knowingly or unknowingly hurt you and created a situation where you could not forgive and move on. It can be known faces or even unknown faces. It’s ok if you do not know the person. Don’t stress on remembering the person. See yourself gently un-knot the bond with the person or the situation with the help of your guide.
- Once you see that you have done that, say “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you” It’s the Ho’oponopono prayer. Thank your guides who helped you to release the situation.
- You may feel extremely emotional at that moment as some past wound may come to the surface. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to express that you are hurt. If you want, just write down whatever comes in your mind. However, it’s better to keep your eyes closed and see the emotions as a movie and just let it pass! Even if you write it down, read it once and burn the paper.
- You can untie one knot a day or as you are guided. However as it’s a bit lengthy process and may be emotional for some, would request not go fast in the process and try to untie multiple knots!
- You can also call upon Archangel Raphael to heal the wounds, if any! Or sill the spaces with his healing light. Similarly call upon Archangel Chamuel to surround you with love throughout the day and night!
- Once you are done with the process, conclude this with gratitude.
What may happen once you are practicing the process?
- You may have lucid dreams. Pay attention to the dreams. They may carry some message or symbols for you.
- You may come across repeat signs and symbols. Again pay attention!
- You may come across your old friends or ex or people whom you have lost touch with. So be careful whom you continue having a relation and whom you release for your highest good.
- You have get headache post the process.
What you should do if you are practicing the process?
- Keep yourself hydrated with water.
- Have salt bath if possible.
- If you are a Reiki practitioner, heal yourself on a regular basis.
- Be open for the guidance that you get.
- If you feel any negativity around, cut your cords immediately.
- Having vegetables and fruits are good way to stay connected with mother earth and also to detox. You can increase your intake of vegetables and fruits.
- And it’s always good to have attitude of gratitude. During this entire process, you may come up with people and situation which reminds you of an unpleasant phase – forgive and move on. If you are stuck with the person or situation, it will be difficult to break the pattern.
Last but not the least, have patience.
Since I am sharing this process for the first time with Reiki Rays, I would really love to hear from you all about your experiences. Feel free to share your experiences with me at my page. Hope this helps to heal the repeat pattern issues.
Thank you!
Article by Reiki Master Moumita Rudra
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Moumita is a Reiki Master Teacher, a spiritual healer who practices Usui Reiki, Magnified Healing, Soul Mate Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and some more. She is also a tarot and oracle card reader. She offers in online/distance tarot consultation healing, as well in-person consultation. She also communicates with angels and believes that the angels are always around us looking forward to guide anyone who needs it.
Her journey into healing has been magical where she was chosen by Reiki over various situations and gradually revealed beautiful insights of life, spirituality and healing.
She is now a fulltime mother, raising her daughter with love, kindness and compassion with a dream to pass on the beauty of healing to her offspring.
She quit her 12 years long corporate job recently to spend more time with her daughter and doing things that she really loves and enjoys doing. Healing is one of them.
She created her Facebook page The Healing Space by Moumita in 2015 with a dream of spreading more joy, love and awareness. She believes that we all come to this earth to spread love and spiritual awareness can help to spread love.
Excellent concept to remove knots and grudges
Thnxs for sharing Mou. Beautiful article.. Will surely try. !!
Thank you Vivek and Jhil. Surely would wait eagerly for your feedback.
Hi Mou. Thanks to you dear for sharing this beautiful channelized message. It’s really a lovely article. I will try it and let you know dear. God bless you dear.
Thank you Vidyaa. Would love to hear your experience on this 🙂
I had a question – wouldn’t you use HZSHN to travel time and space?
Thank you! I’ve been doing this also.. Almost every night. It works well with my emotional burden.. But.. Not un-knotting.. Cutting cords ?