6 weeks of travelling around South America, is a long time in most people’s opinion, and I would have to agree! In September/October 2016 my husband and I were fortunate enough to do this just this, however Reiki was very much required for most of the journey.
We live in the Northern part of Australia and so to arrive in Lima, Peru, it took 30 hours from when we left home, to reach our destination. This also included four separate flights. Imagine all those flights with all the different people, some could have been sick and some would have been healthy. Either way 30 hours of travelling before reaching a comfortable bed, put us at risk.
I sent Reiki to the planes and to the people for safety and health, and also Reiki’d both my husband and myself, and thankfully we arrived healthy and happy, but extremely tired (nothing that a good sleep didn’t fix).

Image by Cleverpix
During our 6 weeks we travelled on 23 different flights! It was huge as we wanted to see as much of South America as we could because of the distance it is for us to reach, we were going to make the most of our time there. Each and every one of those flights received a dose of Reiki both for health and for security.
I even sent Reiki to the Amazon, cities, towns and jungles we visited.
At one point when in Brazil, Alex, my husband began to feel unwell and fluey and so it was a full Reiki session for him, and nothing ever developed, he was feeling healthy in no time.
As for me, I did unfortunately come down with a cold in the last two weeks of our journey, however I am convinced the Reiki I did on myself, prevented me from becoming so sick I couldn’t fly. I was still able to function and complete our journey and experience the amazement of South America.
I am grateful that Reiki assisted us during our massive big holiday and all the flights and kept us safe and secure. I really recommend everyone do Reiki when travelling, regardless if the travel is enormous like ours was to South America, or if the travel is small in comparison.
Reiki Reiki Reiki – it will help on so many levels.
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