Article by Shailja Kapur
New Moon is a great day to start healing for any purpose and doing commitments.
I would like to share a very simple technique which is inspired from Ho’oponopono, a technique brought by Madam Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
In this technique we will consciously bring divine love and light to ourselves while self healing and fill each cell of our body with it in a loving and pampered way. I tried it on myself and it works great.
I prefer to start it on the day of New Moon as it is a special day to start implementing the habits which we really admire to invite in our lives. Here is my way of doing it:
- Do Aura brushing.
- Purify the room by drawing Reiki symbols.
- Call your Guides and feel their loving presence.
- Do Reiki prayers.
- Draw all the symbols you are attuned to on your palm chakras. Start the Reiki flow.
- First purify all the self healing positions with Power symbol.
- Draw the Emotional Healing symbol over all of them.
- Do Chakra Balancing.
- Now start self healing.
Image by sciencefreak
Now while doing self healing at every self healing position say it in the mind or in a soft voice by calling the name of the position: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, I thank you and the name of the position. For example- the self healing position for eyes: Just say my eyes:
- I am sorry my eyes. Please forgive me.
- I Love you my eyes. I thank you my eyes.
- Fill it with divine love and light.
Keep on repeating till you are ready to move to the next position. Before moving to the next position, fill the present position with divine love and light.
Then move to the next position – Call it by name – for example: Just say my ears:
- I am sorry my ears. Please forgive me.
- I Love you my ears. I thank you my ears.
- Fill it with divine love and light.
- Just carry on in the same way with the rest of the positions.
After self healing, visualise the divine white light filling the Aura expanding from your Physical Body to the Etheric Body and onto the Spiritual Body. Fill the whole Aura with divine love and light.
Now, intent and feel all your body cells, organs, organ system and body as a whole is perfectly aligned and completely balanced.
Close the session the way you prefer and draw the Power Symbol and Master Symbol (if attuned) in front of you and visualise it revolving around you.
Seal and protect the session with the Power Symbol and Master Symbol (if attuned).
Do a prayer of thanks in the Gassho position to your Guides.
Thank You Reiki! Thank You Reiki! Thank You Reiki!
I believe self forgiveness along with healing and filling yourself with white divine light not only helps to overcome any addictions or unwanted habits but also gives an instant boost to positivity. It helps in bringing balance to your body, mind and soul.
Always appreciate your effort of bringing healing to your life. I have noticed while doing self-healing if we have any issues in mind we find the approach towards it.
You can do this way of self healing from New Moon to Full Moon and give some quiet time and start again on New Moon or if you prefer you can start this procedure anytime you feel like. It should be your own belief and attitude. Therefore just follow your instinct.
Do try it and see the amazing difference in your vibrations after the session.
Always give infinite Gratitude to Reiki and just surrender yourself to the loving Universal Life Force Energy – you will notice the difference.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I Love you, I Thank You Madam Morrnah Simeona.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I Love you, I Thank You Dr. Hew Len.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I Love you, I Thank You my readers.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I Love you, I Thank You my Gurus.
Thanks to Madam Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Hew Len for bringing Ho’oponopono to the world.
Thanks to all my Gurus for their divine guidance and blessings.
Love and Light!
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
Thank u dear for sharing this w’ful info. God bless you wit more n more positivity. Luv u dear
Infinite thanks and Gratitude! Love & Light!
Me and Guler
we are addicted to your writings
waiting for your book
god bless
Infinite thanks and Gratitude to both of you! Love & Light!