All of us are blessed abundantly in some way or another. If we want to create an abundant life in all areas like having good job, meaningful friendships, best of health, manifest our life’s goals; we can do so with the help of Reiki. The best way to achieve all these is by committing ourselves to do self healing for 21 day circle. In these 21 days, we can combine the Reiki modalities we know. Today, I am going to provide a method combining the traditional Reiki, Karmic Reiki and Karuna® Reiki to clear the blockages and to lead us towards abundant life.
To start with, I would like to share with you all, a very simple 51 day ritual, which will help in first removing immediate blockages followed by karmic clearing, grounding and manifestation. One thing to remember with Karmic clearing is that, in any life, one cannot be Karma free, in the sense; one cannot be completely karmic clean. But we can at least take one step at a time, or take small steps towards clearing our karma by some way or the other.
- Step 1:
For the first 21 days, start with cleansing yourself using traditional Reiki. When we say traditional Reiki, we apply, CKR and SHK on ourselves every day. When you do this self treatment, place your hands on your crown and send the symbols inside your body. While doing so, visualize your goals- goals can be anything from finding a new job to earning more money, or being healthier, more materialistic life or for a loving partner. As energy flows inside you through your hands, you will imagine the treatment on the issue that needs to be sorted out. Do this self healing treatment everyday for 5 minutes – 15 minutes. End the session by giving thanks to Reiki masters and the Divine for allowing you to go through this self healing and helping you in manifesting the life you want. After you do this for 21 days, you are towards the next door that will open your life towards abundance.Image by Didgeman
- Step 2:
For the next 21 days, concentrate on any issue which you want to get resolved or one wish that needs to be fulfilled. Say for instance, if you want to be healthy, do healing with the intention of becoming healthy and leading a healthy life by combining Karmic Reiki symbols along with Karuna® Reiki symbols. Combine Karmic Reiki cleansing symbols along with Karuna® Reiki Symbols – Zonar, Halu and Harth. Do self healing everyday for 15 minutes for 21 days. Imagine that all the obstacles are removed and you are moving one step forward towards the manifestation of your wish. If the healing is for good health, then imagine yourself becoming healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger, fitter and fitter. This way, we make ourselves move closer towards what we want to manifest in life. - Step 3:
In the last 9 days towards making this a complete cycle of goal manifestation, we will release all the negative energies. We will release all our energies which are dumped inside us as blockages and send it to Mother Earth. Releasing the excess energy to the Mother Earth means, keeping ourselves grounded and sending away the excess energy which is blocking the path towards manifestation, to the Mother Earth. For this, we will connect to Mother Earth with traditional Reiki symbol- HSZSN, cleanse ourselves and send the excessive energy to Mother Earth. At the same time we will as well give ourselves traditional Reiki and Karuna® Reiki symbols which will make us more grounded and more energized. It will also cleanse and balance our chakras and will take us deeper to what we want to manifest.
This is one of the ways of doing self healing treatment to create a lovely abundant life or to achieve what we want, be it good health, friendship, love or joy. Perform this 51 days cycle treatment for yourself once in 6 months, to lead a life of abundance. Alternatively, take one goal at a time, practice this and once the goal is achieved, start working towards the next goal.
Article by Pinky Punjabi
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Pinky Punjabi is a Reiki Usui Grand Master. She practices also Karmic Reiki, Money Reiki, Imaara Reiki, Amadeus healing, Celtic Reiki, Magic Reiki, Soulmate Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Lavender flame Reiki, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Tarot Card, Angel Card, Angel Healing, Iching, Runes, Shamanic Reiki, and many more forms of Reiki. She conducts workshops thru skype, whatsapp and in various cities for various Reiki modalities and Color Therapy, Candle Magick and Tarot Reading.
Pinky can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at
Nice article….