As various mainstream media from Vanity Fair to Newsweek has covered holistic healing, many have wondered if distance Reiki healing is effective.
As each individual’s body and needs are different, the physical responses to a distance Reiki session ranges from feelings of deep relaxation lasting for several days to not feeling any shifts at all. When it comes to applying a holistic approach to get to the root of stress, anxiety, and imbalances, Reiki energy helps to resolve issues at the energetic level of the intuitive, higher self.
Years ago, I went through a series of personal and professional life crises. Though most would describe me as an upbeat and down-to-earth gal, deep down, I was miserable. I tried everything but kept feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and hopeless. In the midst of anxiety and bouts of depression, I kept changing jobs, moving locations…yet nothing seemed to work.
Here’s what happened at one of my lowest points…
Broke up with a guy that I was set on marrying… couldn’t stand my office job and cried myself to sleep on Friday nights because I dreaded Mondays…had a falling out with my best friend…and a meltdown in front of a manager…unfortunately, the list goes on.
When it rains, it pours right?! Life was chaotic but that didn’t mean I had to stay at rock bottom. While everything was falling apart, I was able to manifest milestone breakthroughs like crazy.
For months, I worked with various energy healers and yoga mentors to clear blocks holding me back from tapping into my intuition. The clarity and insight I gained felt drastic once I faced my mental and emotional fears.

I ended my work contract overseas and got on an airplane to move back to the US. Within 24 hours of landing, I bought my condo and car.
Yes…from the airport to the hotel, then to my realtor’s office, into the realtor’s car, viewed the condo, and 20-minutes later, put down the offer. The next morning, I bought the Prius! Oh yeah, after getting unstuck, I met the man of my dreams less than a month later.
That was almost 3 years ago and I still have no buyers remorse on the car, condo, and am still madly in love with my Mr. Right! How did I make such large purchases in such a short amount of time with so much confidence and clarity? And so quickly?
Most times we manifest breakthroughs by tackling our challenges on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Rarely do we look at how to take on life challenges on the energetic level.
Don’t get me wrong, I stand by meditations, visualizations, journaling, and exercising as effective healing techniques that can feed the soul. In my experience, Reiki energy healing greatly complements all these helpful holistic practices.
Based on the law of attraction, when we raise our energetic vibrations, we are able to attract who and what we want into our lives.
Reiki energy works with the law of attraction to clear blocks and enhance your energetic health. Being consistent in incorporating energy work into your daily routine is key to boosting your vibrations.
Why? The key to getting to where you want to go in your personal and professional life is to be in alignment with the vibrational frequency of where you want to be.
With the support of Reiki, by raising your energetic vibrations to match the frequency of where you want be, you’ll be able to see and feel shifts happening a lot faster in your daily life.
As an energy healer can help to balance your chakras, here are three ways I learned to increase the effectiveness of an energy healing session as the more powerful healing after an energy healing session comes from:
1. Actually feeling your feelings without judgment. In order to release yourself from the past to move forward in life, you must face it. If thoughts and emotions surface, allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment.
If you need to cry it out, have at it. Whether you release your emotions by crying, sweating, or journaling it out, the key is to do so without judgment.
2. Taking small steps towards a better way of being. A lot of times, when we want to achieve our goals, we have a surge of initial excitement. Who doesn’t want to see results sooner rather than later?
However, at times, this burst of inspiration can crash and burn when we try to take leaps rather than small steps. If you want to have a lasting high vibrational lifestyle, the key is to start small…say 1-minute of meditation or 1 less gossip…and then work your way up from there!
3. Consistently incorporating your own energy healing practice into your routine. What activities recharge your soul? Activities that replenish your energy can range from nature walks, meditation, to journaling.
Remember, one Reiki session is not a “magic pill” or “one-time fix” so taking small but consistent steps in incorporating energy healing into your daily routine can make all the difference.
May you start feeling more peace and balance each day forward!
Article by Eve Sengkeo
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Eve Sengkeo loves helping others achieve mind, body and spiritual wellness. As a Reiki Master, she inspires people through writing about her setbacks, comebacks, and all the lessons learned in between.
Dear Eve Sengkeo,
I can’t thank you more than this….I felt that you have written this article just for me. You have beautifully explained the significance of having reiki healing sessions, yes it is not overnight magic but it starts cleansing the deep rooted layers from our subconscious mind…which I am experiencing. May God bless you…I am also a Reiki practitioner of Level 1 and 2 and the learning to handle my crisis with the help of Reiki and other supportive theraphies like EFT and Angels. I have made remarkable progress….though I know I have a long way to go. Excellent article…thanks dear.
Hi Harini, thank you for your kind words. So glad to hear that my story and explanations resonated with you. Wishing you all the best on your personal journey!
Feeling your feelings without judgement can be a challenge. Some advice I was given was to feel the emotion and then let it ripple away like a pebble in a pond until the water becomes still.
What a wonderful analogy! Thank you for sharing.
wonderful article Eve thanks so much for this. i wonder that when i motivate myself to do these sessions, am i not being selfish just doing it for my sake for my upliftment so motivated to just improve my life . i get this feeling sometimes. I remember reiki when i want something for myself.
Hi Eve,
I can connect to your journey and evolution momentum in life .
Happy to hear that you are beaming and radiating the light of the universe .
Currently I am into research of Rekhi healing through sound energy combined with divine blessings from my master Meher Baba / Shiv and Sai and blessings of many many more + chanelling a lot of my gifts , practiced since my childhood and coming down geneticly from my parents and my ansestors .
The energy transmitted during the sessions are beyond my human understanding , so sharing this message for a helping hand.
I also fortunately have all your 5 master symbols tattooed on my arms since years , and this the 2019 👌😊Right time and right space for everything divine .
I am currently in Mumbai , India
Mob 9870770880
And Meherpoonan 9987894488
Who is also working with me spriritualy .
You can go through some of our testimonies on our website for a better understanding of what we do.
With you awareness and skills I am sure ul be able to guide us better in the research of sound and healing energies from another source or dimension.
Jai Baba 👌
Do read about Avatar Meher Baba and his real life work on Google.