Article by Ranjini Rao
As human beings all of us have our innate qualities. We as human beings are also bound to self-belief systems that have shaped our behavior, attitude, experiences, created by our own self, influenced by our family, friends, relatives, teachers and society.
We are so conditioned throughout our lives that we come to a point in life, wherein we are stuck because we do not know our own latent potential true self. It is only when we have an awareness or a soul calling towards a higher life purpose, is when we are inspired or coaxed from within to explore our true selves. Such was my journey too.
Reiki’s Role in My Life Transformation
When I embarked in a journey into learning Reiki way back in 2008, I never knew where the life-force energy stream was going to lead me. Though I had the belief that something big is in store for me, I did not know how unfathomable and how major the transformation was going to be. I was filled with positivity and optimism after undergoing attunements. Life was all ok and great until 2009.

Source: Own painting expression on Life transformation
The IT industry was undergoing its own turmoils and turbulence due to the US market crash and it was time to explore other arenas or alternative careers than depend too much for a living on an industry that was transforming itself. I was introduced timely to the movie –“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It really did stir me up within.
I knew that I had to change jobs and I knew that it was coming soon….I had to either sail with my existing company that was going through its own self transformation in a very big way. Did I have the patience to just wait for that big wave to lead me carefully through that turbulent weather? I had no clue how to react until I was jolted by a wave of uncertainty.
The Series of Transformation
I had been practicing Reiki on a regular basis, and started practicing on helping family and friends through distant healing and Reiki intentions, I decided I wanted to BE a Life transformation coach and Be the catalyst of change to transform others lives …I didn’t know how that was going to manifest. I was using Sei Hei Ki, Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Zhe Sho Nen as three friendly symbols to lead me to that very transformation I yearned for 🙂
In the coaching practice system, the entire transformation journey or gaining mastery in any area / field, was termed as moving from ‘unconscious competence’ to ‘conscious competence’ quadrant. Each quartile represents a phase in life.
In the true essence, I had already unconsciously commenced on a journey of building and developing my life skills by incorporating the Universal Life Force Energy techniques i.e. Reiki.
Magic Keys
On this path, I discovered that it was a very very strong sign from Reiki and Universal energy to have the two magic keys ‘Faith’ and ‘Patience’ on God or Higher self and have compassion on self and with others during this journey.
I kept forcing myself and continued channeling the energies to sustain in the job that I was not motivated, I was doing something that did not utilize my full potential.
Personal Development and Growth
Time passed by very quickly amidst the confusion and my family and I moved to Bangalore from Mumbai in March 2010 and it was a new beginning and I thought this was it! (Maybe this was the transformation that I needed to be aware of and ready.)
I undertook Law of attraction course from a UK based coach who taught me LOA techniques and EFT practices. In 2012, I had to take a short 2 months break for undergoing a few medical treatments due to an internal health condition that had manifested and it was indeed tough phase to accept the medication. I applied Reiki self healing techniques, combined it with imagination and visualization techniques, positive affirmations, Emotional Freedom Techniques and expected to emerge healthy and healed.
But with a lot of steroids and injections infused into my system, definitely there was an impact to my emotional balance and physical health condition. I used to feel sad and low on energy and low on confidence despite of all techniques available to me at my disposal. I definitely faced a lot of turbulences and challenges at my workplace – emotional support and empathy was missing amongst colleagues and seniors.
I used to question myself on why? What could be the reason for this? What caused this?
I was then prompted to pursue and complete my mastership in Reiki and that’s when I learnt Karuna® Reiki, Core Abundance through Reiki and completed my Mastership in 2013. Logically and sequentially, now putting these pieces of puzzle together I was on a mission to gain mastery over understanding my life force energy system.
Post which I started taking up courses on Angelic Connection, Angel Therapy, Chakra Practitioner courses, and becoming aware of the several aspects of Universal Divine consciousness. I also took the courage to take a sabbatical in 2014 -one of the boldest moves in 19 years of my IT career. I had been on a serious self awareness and self discovery and self exploration mode with an intention to understand my life purpose and building on my life skills and become independent.
This phase gave me a sense of realization that many of us do not know what we are good at and the outcome of the sabbatical lead me to quit my job in March 2016. Today I am painting pebbles with Inspirational messages and with integrated color and transformational energy-an instrument of transformation. This phase also gave me a solid understanding of how to integrate whatever I had learnt so far and apply the know-how techniques into Coaching.
Recommended Guided Practices by Soul Guides
- Chanting: I was guided to chant the 1000 names of “Lord Vishnu” and it is usually chanted in form of Vishnu Sahasranama – He who is the creator and sustainer of all living beings of the Universe and protector from all evil and dark energies. Also I incorporated various chakra chants and Mudras along with my practice.
- Mental and Physical Cleansing process: I was guided to do mental house cleaning by meditation, pranayama breathing and Yoga techniques for the mind and soul.
- Spiritual connect: I was guided to read the ‘Sai Satcharita’ to learn about Shirdi Sai’s qualities and his key message to everyone was “Shraddha” (Faith) and “Saburi” (Patience).
- Dharana: Painting for practicing mindfulness and concentration purpose.
- Mudras: I practiced mudras and acupressure techniques to release toxins and help accelerate the overall self-healing practice.
Reiki truly did do a fabulous job on awakening my true self and sending all the required teachers, mentors, beautiful people on my path to teach me valuable lessons and this is why I feel Knowing Reiki and Doing Reiki itself is the skill and applying it in all aspects of life is a Life Skill.
By sharing my journey, I hope to instill the faith in many of you who are reading this post and searching for their true calling -to be patient with yourself and have the faith.
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Ranjini Rao
Ranjini Rao is an independent wellness counselor, who imparts Reiki knowledge and other self-empowerment techniques to individuals looking for serving their life’s purpose and to unlock the potential of their mind. She coaches on mindfulness practices through NLP, meditation, and mandala art painting. Prior to this, she was serving as a Marketing strategy Consultant @ IBM Interactive Experience & Mobile, Global Delivery Services. She has served in several roles within IBM India over 15 years and has over 20+ years of Industry experience and her specialization is Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy coaching and consulting. Her personal experiences around Reiki have been life-changing and transformational in nature.
She has been a pious person and spiritually inclined soul since a young age. She was an intuitive channel since 1995 even before she realized it. She has been associated with various philanthropy community activities and developed her interests in holistic healing since 2008. She is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Certified Master, Certified Holistic Well-being Counsellor, TA101 Certified by ITAA, Angel therapy practitioner, Certified NLP practitioner, self-taught artist, and Silva Method Practitioner.
You can reach her at and on Twitter @iampositive2k, Facebook page Srishti Vataa Healing & Art Studio and by email to
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