Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
The current time period is very important for the Earth. The level of consciousness on the planet is rising. The widely used term for this process is “Ascension.” Many systems are changing for the better, albeit slowly. Many people are inclined to adopting a holistic and heart centered way of life. Patterns of thinking and living are undergoing a positive shift. And these changes are not limited to our family life alone. They are creeping into other areas as well – health, education, environment- to name a few. In the simplest of terms, this means that the energy of love is attempting to infiltrate every nook and corner of Earth. Light is on the way to the places engulfed in darker and denser energies.
This transformation will not happen overnight. It is a gradual process, which unfolds one person at a time. When one person heals and awakens, it leads to a ripple effect. The energy of this awakened person then goes on to help many others heal and awaken. There are many ways in which these changes come about and everyone has a different path. Not everyone is going to awaken at the same time either. It depends on every soul’s life path.
Many on the Reiki path are lightworkers who are assisting Earth’s transformation through the light of Reiki. When many of us first heard of Reiki, we probably did not think of Reiki in terms of healing the planet or anything else for that matter. Our main objective was to work with Reiki to address our own concerns. That’s perfectly alright. However, as we journeyed up the path, we discovered that Reiki has a much larger scope than what we attributed to it.
When we heal ourselves with Reiki, our own process of ascension is accelerated, though many of us are not aware of this when we first get attuned. As we grow through the levels of Reiki, our life undergoes numerous shifts and takes multiple twists and turns. Reiki practice brings us many blessings and blessings in disguise (in the form of challenges). All of this pushes us out of the limited cocoon of our apparently physical existence. We begin to embrace our multidimensional self, the self that goes beyond just the physical body. We may finally reach a point where we awaken and have access to an inner knowing that we came to Earth with a specific purpose. The purpose of bringing in more light, in varied ways of course. Light work is any kind of work that helps usher in the energies of love and light. Often, it is not even about doing any physical work, but about just being in a state of love and light.
If you feel inclined to light work, take it as a positive sign. You may not know what exactly you are supposed to be doing. That is ok. You will be guided if you make a commitment and go forward fearlessly.
The most important thing is that you are a Reiki channel. Just the fact that you are a Reiki channel indicates that you are helping bring more Reiki into the planet. And Reiki is synonymous with love and light. Every time you become aware of a self limiting pattern and you work on healing yourself, you transform a layer of darkness and act as a channel of light. Every time you choose love and compassion over lower emotional energies such as unforgiveness or resentment, you act as a channel of light in the world. Every time you offer Reiki to someone- a human being, plant, animal or the planet itself- you act as a channel of light.
Does this mean the lives of Reiki channels are picture perfect? Not one bit! All lightworkers have their fair share of challenges. They also deal with all the pain and suffering that is part of being human. However, underneath all of this drama, they are also tuned in to a small voice that reminds them of their commitment to the path of light work.
Do not despair if your challenges seem too much to handle at times. That is part of the plan and part of the healing process. Just stick with your Reiki practice. It does not matter even if it takes longer than anticipated to heal certain issues. What matters is that we continue to do what must be done, with the awareness that everything that comes up for us is part of our plan for being here.
The good news is that we have the privilege of seeking out the assistance of higher beings such as Angels, Archangels, Guides and Masters. Sometimes, the only thing we can do when nothing else seems to work is turn to the Higher Beings. We never need feel alone or stuck.
Also, bear in mind that one need not have his or her life all sorted out before doing light work on a larger scale. As you work on your own self, you can also work on expanding your light work to include others. We often experience deeper healing when we share our healing skills with the world. Sharing the joy of Reiki with others, teaching about healing, inspiring others to become a beacon of light on the planet, becoming more of who we are meant to be- all of this goes a long way towards fulfilling our mission of light work. Each of us has unique gifts and a unique personality. What is the perfect path for one person is not necessarily the right path for another. So, heed your own calling. Stay committed to Reiki. Allow the light to guide you and do what you came here to do!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Beautiful! I really love your articles, they have been well thought out and have a sense of depth.
The biggest benefit that came with practicing Reiki is that we are never ever alone and are always guided positively, this also gives us security from depressing thoughts which arise out of confusion and doubt.
Thank you so much for sharing this article.
Great article